Damped Vibration, 1DOF, Worked example, Need help breaking it down.

In summary, the student is struggling to understand the equations used in the worked example. He asks for help from a fellow student and they suggest looking for an example online.
  • #1

Homework Statement


Homework Equations

In all honesty I am not sure?

The Attempt at a Solution

This question was used as a worked example in my first tutorial for Dynamics. The lecturer didn't break it down into logical steps or explain where he was getting all the formulae he used so I am left with pages of notes that don't make any sense!?

I can't pick out the formulae from the equations or pick out what it is he's done to find k, spring stiffness and C, damper coefficient and then the equation for displacement as a function of time with the few bits of info there are. One thing that puzzles me is the first line is 2Td=4, so Td=2 and I don't know what T or d stand for?

I guess this is asking a lot but if someone could write out the working out step by step so I can go through it a few times and try to learn it it'd be a life saver! Either that or point me in the direction of an example similar to this on the net? At the moment I am trying to find walkthroughs on the net but can't find anything that explains it. Kind of hard to teach yourself something you don't know :(

Thanks for any help!
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  • #3
thanks! That helps a bit but I can't find out what omega(d) is, or what Td is. I've found that T=period...but what's d?? :-/
  • #4
Nevermind, omega(d) is damped natural frequency. I am going to ask my lecturer if he can explain it to me next monday :(
  • #5

Dear student,

I can understand your confusion with this problem. Let me try to break it down for you.

Firstly, the problem is about damped vibration, which means that the motion of the system is being slowed down by a damping force. This is represented by the term "Cv" in the equation, where C is the damper coefficient and v is the velocity of the system.

The system in this problem is a 1 degree of freedom (1DOF) system, which means that it has only one independent variable that describes its motion. In this case, it is the displacement of the system, denoted by "x".

Now, let's look at the equations given in the problem. The first equation is the equation of motion for a damped system, which is given by:

m(d^2x/dt^2) + C(dx/dt) + kx = 0

where m is the mass of the system, C is the damper coefficient, and k is the spring stiffness.

The next equation is the solution to this equation of motion, which is given by:

x(t) = Ae^(-ζωn t)cos(ωdt + φ)

where A is the amplitude of the vibration, ζ is the damping ratio, ωn is the natural frequency of the system, ωd is the damped frequency, and φ is the phase angle.

Now, let's look at the given information in the problem. We are given the natural frequency of the system (ωn) as 1 rad/s, the damping ratio (ζ) as 0.2, and the amplitude (A) as 1 m. We are also given the information that the system goes through 4 complete cycles (2π radians) in 2 seconds (T).

Using this information, we can find the damped frequency (ωd) using the formula:

ωd = ωn√(1 - ζ^2)

Plugging in the values, we get ωd = 0.98 rad/s.

Next, we can find the phase angle (φ) using the formula:

tan φ = (2ζωn)/(ωd)

Plugging in the values, we get φ = 0.41 radians.

Now, we can use the given information that the system goes through 4 complete cycles in 2 seconds to find the period of the system (

FAQ: Damped Vibration, 1DOF, Worked example, Need help breaking it down.

1. What is damped vibration?

Damped vibration refers to the oscillatory motion of a system that decreases in amplitude over time due to the dissipation of energy through some form of damping mechanism, such as friction or air resistance.

2. What does 1DOF mean?

1DOF stands for "one degree of freedom" and refers to a system that has only one independent variable that affects its motion. In the context of damped vibration, this means that the system can only vibrate in one direction or along one axis.

3. Can you provide a worked example of damped vibration?

Yes, a common example of damped vibration is the motion of a simple pendulum. As the pendulum swings back and forth, it experiences damping from air resistance and friction, causing its amplitude to decrease over time.

4. Why is it important to understand damped vibration?

Understanding damped vibration is important in many fields of science and engineering, as it can affect the stability and performance of mechanical systems. It is also relevant in the study of natural phenomena, such as the oscillation of ocean waves or the vibrations of molecules.

5. Can you break down the concept of damped vibration into simpler terms?

Damped vibration can be thought of as the gradual loss of energy from a system that is moving back and forth or up and down. This loss of energy is caused by a damping mechanism, such as friction or air resistance, and results in a decrease in the amplitude of the system's motion over time.
