Dark matter and dark energy as a relativistic mass?

In summary, according to the theory of relativity, the expansion of the universe is not limited to the speed of light and is an expansion of space, not objects moving in space. There is no center or place of the big bang, and the big bang itself is a misnomer as it refers to the universe being smaller, hotter, and denser in the past. This expansion should not be confused with the motion of bound structures through space. The increase in mass or energy due to relativistic speed is not a valid concept in this context.
  • #1
According to the theory of relativity, the universe should expand from the center (place of Big Bang) with a maximum possible radial speed close to the speed of light c. So, the galaxies and intergalactic matter moves with a radial speed close to the speed of light too. For instance, this allows to introduce an interesting new idea for the interpretation of the missing mass, dark matter, and dark energy. The current assumption is that the universe contains 4.9% of baryonic matter, 26.8% of dark matter, and 68.2% of dark energy. However, if galaxies and intergalactic matter are moving with the speeds close to c, we should take into account the increase of the mass or energy due to this relativistic speed. The mass which we are observing is related to rest mass m0 and the energy corresponds to peculiar velocities. However, in the models to calculate, for instance, critical density, we should take into account mass increase due to the motion of the baryonic matter mrel = m0/√1/(1-v2/c2). To account for the 95.1% of the missing density, galaxies and intergalactic matter should have speed approximately equal to 99.9% of the speed of light.
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  • #2
There is no "center" or "place of big bang".

The expansion of the universe is not limited to the speed of light - it is an expansion of space, not objects moving in space.
For instance, this allows to introduce an interesting new idea for the interpretation of the missing mass, dark matter, and dark energy.
No it does not.
we should take into account the increase of the mass or energy due to this relativistic speed.
That does not work.
  • #3
There are a couple of incorrect statements in your post. First, the universe is not expanding from a centre, or a point of the big bang. In fact, there is no centre of the universe, and the "point" where the big bang occurred is, in fact, everywhere in the universe.

Furthermore, the big bang is a bit of a misnomer, since it gives the impression that there was once nothing and then, with an explosion, the universe came into existence. This isn't correct. The correct, scientific definition of big bang cosmology is that the universe was once smaller, hotter and denser than it is today, and it has expanded and cooled from that initial state.

Now, this expansion should not be confused with the motion of, say, bound structures through space. It can be thought of as space(time) itself expanding, meaning that these bound structures appear to be moving away from us at some velocity. The further the galaxy (say) is away from us, the faster its recession velocity. Thus, there will be some point far away from us where the galaxies *appear* to be moving away from us at the speed of light, or faster. But they are not really moving at this velocity: that is, locally, there is no violation of special relativity.

There are some frequently asked questions in their own subforum of the cosmology forum that you might be interested in reading.
  • #4
Thanks :smile:
  • #5

I would like to first clarify that dark matter and dark energy are still hypothetical concepts and their exact nature is not fully understood. However, the theory of relativity does provide a possible explanation for their existence.

Based on the theory of relativity, the universe is expanding from the center (where the Big Bang occurred) with a maximum radial speed close to the speed of light. This means that galaxies and intergalactic matter are also moving with speeds close to the speed of light.

One interesting idea that can be derived from this is that the missing mass, known as dark matter, and the mysterious force driving the expansion of the universe, known as dark energy, may actually be a result of this relativistic speed.

According to the current assumptions, the universe contains 4.9% of baryonic matter, 26.8% of dark matter, and 68.2% of dark energy. However, if we take into account the increase in mass or energy due to the relativistic speed of galaxies and intergalactic matter, the missing mass and energy can be explained.

In order to calculate the critical density of the universe, we should take into account the increase in mass due to the motion of baryonic matter. This can be represented by the equation mrel = m0/√1/(1-v2/c2), where m0 is the rest mass and v is the speed of the object.

This means that in order to account for the missing density, galaxies and intergalactic matter should have speeds close to 99.9% of the speed of light. This is a significant speed, but it is not impossible in the vast expanse of the universe.

In conclusion, the theory of relativity does provide a possible explanation for the existence of dark matter and dark energy. However, further research and evidence are needed to fully understand these concepts and their role in the expansion of the universe.

Related to Dark matter and dark energy as a relativistic mass?

1. What is dark matter and dark energy?

Dark matter and dark energy are two hypothetical components of the universe that are believed to make up the majority of its mass and energy. Dark matter is thought to be a type of matter that does not interact with light and can only be detected through its gravitational effects. Dark energy is a mysterious force that is thought to be responsible for the accelerated expansion of the universe.

2. How do dark matter and dark energy relate to relativistic mass?

Relativistic mass is a concept in physics that describes the mass of an object as it moves at high speeds. Dark matter and dark energy are both thought to have relativistic mass because they are believed to have mass and energy that cannot be explained by traditional matter and energy. However, the exact nature of their relativistic mass is still unknown.

3. What is the evidence for the existence of dark matter and dark energy?

Scientists have observed several phenomena that cannot be explained by traditional matter and energy, leading them to hypothesize the existence of dark matter and dark energy. For example, the rotation speeds of galaxies, the bending of light around massive objects, and the structure of the universe all suggest the presence of these two components.

4. How does dark matter and dark energy impact our understanding of the universe?

The existence of dark matter and dark energy has significant implications for our understanding of the universe. They are thought to play a crucial role in the formation and evolution of galaxies and the large-scale structure of the universe. Additionally, the properties of dark matter and dark energy can help us determine the fate of the universe and its expansion.

5. How are scientists studying and trying to understand dark matter and dark energy?

Scientists are using various methods, such as observations from telescopes and particle accelerators, to study dark matter and dark energy. They are also developing new theories and models to explain their properties and behavior. Additionally, experiments are being conducted to try and directly detect dark matter particles and understand the nature of dark energy.

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