Dark matter density calculation

In summary: But you're also right about the dark matter being outnumbered by the baryonic matter, even within the solar system. It's not until you look at the galaxy as a whole that you can see the larger percentage of dark matter.
  • #1

Homework Statement

We have been asked to calculate the density of dark matter in the solar system. I've used the following equation:

Homework Equations

rho= 3v^2/4gPir^2

The Attempt at a Solution

V = 2.2*10^5 speed of solar system orbit around the galaxy
G = 6.67*10^-11 gravitational constant
PI 3.145
R = 2.5*10^20 the radius of the suns distance to the galactic centre in meters
SO 3*2.2*10^5= 1.45*10^11
Divided by
Wen my lecturer gave us this equation he didnt specify what units the answer should be.
Assuming its kg/m^3
I then tried to work out the mass of the solar system , via assuming
mass = density*volume.
I assumed i should get a number about 5 times the mass of the sun as dark matter normally outweighs baryonic matter by about this ratio.
I got Density is equal to mass over volume
P = m/v
We know know
P = 2.77*10^21 kg/m^3
The volume of a sphere is 4/3Pir^3
We need to know the radius of the solar system, this is not an easy to number to determine as there is no definite edge to the soalr system. However 100 Au is usually quoted.
We have to covert this to meters. 1 Au is 1.49*10^11
100 times this is 1.49*10^13
= 1.4*10^40 m^3
No we can determine the mass of the solar system
Reaaranging the equation
P=m/v to solve for for m
We have
M= p*v
2.77*10^-212kg m^3*1.4*10^40
which is less than the mass of the sun! the mass of the sun is 2*10^30kg

Where have i gone wrong?
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
skydivephil said:

Homework Statement

We have been asked to calculate the density of dark matter in the solar system. I've used the following equation:

Homework Equations

rho= 3v^2/4gPir^2

The Attempt at a Solution

V = 2.2*10^5 speed of solar system orbit around the galaxy
G = 6.67*10^-11 gravitational constant
PI 3.145
R = 2.5*10^20 the radius of the suns distance to the galactic centre in meters
SO 3*2.2*10^5= 1.45*10^11
Divided by
Looks about right to me.
Wen my lecturer gave us this equation he didnt specify what units the answer should be.
Assuming its kg/m^3
I've pretty much seen two approaches students take to handling units. One is to simply plug in numbers, and assume the units work out to whatever they should be. But if you have doubts, you try the second method instead: put in whatever units you have for v, G, and r, and then see what the units come out to be for v2/(Gr2). Note that the 3/(4pi) do not contribute to the units.

I then tried to work out the mass of the solar system , via assuming
mass = density*volume.
Is this something you are doing for your own benefit, i.e. it was not given in the problem statement you wrote.
I assumed i should get a number about 5 times the mass of the sun as dark matter normally outweighs baryonic matter by about this ratio.
That's on average throughout the galaxy. Dark matter is not concentrated within solar systems, it is spread out between the stars as well. But it is good that you are thinking up front about what sort of answer to expect.
I got Density is equal to mass over volume
P = m/v
We know know
P = 2.77*10^21 kg/m^3
The volume of a sphere is 4/3Pir^3
We need to know the radius of the solar system, this is not an easy to number to determine as there is no definite edge to the soalr system. However 100 Au is usually quoted.
We have to covert this to meters. 1 Au is 1.49*10^11
100 times this is 1.49*10^13
= 1.4*10^40 m^3
No we can determine the mass of the solar system
Reaaranging the equation
P=m/v to solve for for m
We have
M= p*v
2.77*10^-212kg m^3*1.4*10^40
which is less than the mass of the sun! the mass of the sun is 2*10^30kg

Where have i gone wrong?
Since dark matter is spread out between stars, and not concentrated within the solar system, a better volume estimate would be a cube or sphere that takes into account the average spacing between stars in our neighborhood of the galaxy.

Also, remember that using just the mass of the sun and Newton's gravity formula gives a pretty accurate calculation for the orbits of the planets. The effects of dark matter were not noticed until people looked on a galactic, not solar system, scale.
  • #3
Redbelly98 said:
Looks about right to me.

Is this something you are doing for your own benefit, i.e. it was not given in the problem statement you wrote.

That's on average throughout the galaxy. Dark matter is not concentrated within solar systems, it is spread out between the stars as well. But it is good that you are thinking up front about what sort of answer to expect.

Since dark matter is spread out between stars, and not concentrated within the solar system, a better volume estimate would be a cube or sphere that takes into account the average spacing between stars in our neighborhood of the galaxy.

Also, remember that using just the mass of the sun and Newton's gravity formula gives a pretty accurate calculation for the orbits of the planets. The effects of dark matter were not noticed until people looked on a galactic, not solar system, scale.

Thanks a lot for you reply.

Yes thhe question also asked us to compare the the mass of dark
matter within the Solar System with the mass of normal matter?
If iVe applied everything correctly then the answer I got for

rho= 3v^2/4gPir^2
gave us a mass of =3.8*10^19 Kg
Given the suns mass is 2*10^30kg
This impleis baryonic matter outnumbers dark matter by 5.26*10^10.
I have to say I assumed I had to have done something wrong given dark matter outnumbers baryonic matter. But I take the point about it being undetectable in the solar system due to the ability of Kelpers laws to predict planetary motions. So you think these numbers look right?
  • #4
Yes, your numbers look reasonably given the 100 a.u. radius, which as you said is uncertain.
  • #5

I would first commend the effort put into trying to solve this problem and using the appropriate equations. However, it seems that there may be some errors in your calculations. It is important to double check your units and make sure they are consistent throughout the calculation. In this case, the units for density should be kg/m^3 and the units for volume should be m^3. Additionally, it is important to note that the equation you are using assumes a spherical distribution of dark matter, which may not be accurate for the solar system. It is also possible that the value for the radius of the solar system that you are using is not accurate, as there is no definite edge to the solar system. I would suggest consulting with your lecturer or a peer to double check your calculations and assumptions, and to possibly consider alternative methods for estimating the density of dark matter in the solar system.

FAQ: Dark matter density calculation

1. What is dark matter and why is it important to calculate its density?

Dark matter is a type of matter that is believed to make up about 85% of the total matter in the universe. It does not interact with light or other forms of electromagnetic radiation, making it invisible to telescopes. Calculating its density is important because it helps us understand the overall structure and evolution of the universe.

2. How is the density of dark matter calculated?

The density of dark matter is calculated by studying the rotation of galaxies and the way they interact with each other. Scientists also use observations from the cosmic microwave background radiation and the distribution of galaxies to estimate the amount of dark matter in the universe.

3. What units are used to measure the density of dark matter?

The density of dark matter is typically measured in units of grams per cubic centimeter (g/cm³) or kilograms per cubic meter (kg/m³). In some cases, scientists may also use units of solar masses per cubic kiloparsec (M☉/kpc³) to represent the density of dark matter in a specific region of the universe.

4. How does the density of dark matter vary in different parts of the universe?

The density of dark matter is not evenly distributed throughout the universe. It is believed to be more concentrated in the center of galaxies, while being less dense in the space between galaxies. The exact distribution of dark matter is still a topic of ongoing research and debate.

5. What are some potential implications of calculating the density of dark matter?

Calculating the density of dark matter can provide insights into the formation and evolution of galaxies and the overall structure of the universe. It can also help scientists better understand the role of dark matter in shaping the universe and its potential impact on the future of our universe.
