Dark Matter effect in Lattice Space

In summary: Wheeler said that quantum information will be next higher step after the physics of fields. Shannon used the classical thermodynamics in the science of information. Unruh equation calculate the acceleration of particle during the absorption of the information from the vacuum.I see. But it's not clear to me how this would connect to the vacuum being 'density-dependent'. Is there a connection between the vacuum being 'density-dependent' and the curvature of spacetime? Are you saying that the curvature of spacetime is caused by the density of the vacuum? If so, I'm not sure I understand how that would work.
  • #1
There are not found the WIMPs until now. Ma be the effect of Dark Matter is because of a defect in topology otherwise than time dilation in General Relativity.

The lattice gauge theory formulated on a grid or lattice of points in space and time is successfully used in the quantum chromodynamics. The problem is, I think, that such a space is not continuous and smooth as in GR but just a set of information creating the mathematical topology. Currently there is no formulation of lattice QCD that allows us to simulate real-time dynamics of quark-gluon system such as quark-gluon plasma.

The idea of this lattice space is that the density of the vacuum depends on the matter distribution and distance from the center of the mass. The vacuum is created of the virtual mathematical particles-antiparticles which are the quantum events in the spacetime. The particle doesn't move but jumps from one quantum event to the another. On galactic scale the jumps are longer with a distance from the center. Therefore the relative rotation of the stars are faster in such a less dense vacuum.
What do you think abou such a lattice space ?
I did collect some links on my blog – vacuum.bloog.pl
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
czes said:
The lattice gauge theory formulated on a grid or lattice of points in space and time is successfully used in the quantum chromodynamics.

czes said:
The idea of this lattice space is that the density of the vacuum depends on the matter distribution and distance from the center of the mass...

Can you give references? This is an advanced topic.
  • #3
In the Standard Model the Vacuum is just a quantum space with virtual particles-antiparticles. Does the density of the vacuum change ? The change of the vacuum density has to change a relative velocity of a material object, isn't it ? It is my assumption but it may explain the additional acceleration in the rotation of the galaxy. There is also a curvature of the space between the galaxies and between the galaxy clusters. The miraculous WIMPs are not necessary then
  • #4
Scale relativity hypothesizes that quantum behavior comes from the fractal nature of spacetime, vacuum. The curvature of the space is caused by the "density" of the vacuum. Inside the galaxy in the Solar System scale it is a tiny time dilation observed by GPS clocks. Galaxies create the largest informatic filament in the Universe. Its structure is completely different than this local gravitational field inside the Solar System. Therefore on the Cosmic Scale the velocity of the material object in the less dense vacuum is much faster than in our local denser space. This idea is developed since 20 years by Laurent Nottale and others.
  • #5
czes said:
In the Standard Model the Vacuum is just a quantum space with virtual particles-antiparticles. Does the density of the vacuum change ?

In the Standard Model, no, it doesn't. More precisely, it hasn't since the end of inflation, when the universe underwent a phase transition from "false vacuum" to "true vacuum".
  • #6
czes said:
Scale relativity

I'm not familiar enough with this theory to comment.
  • #7
My idea is based on the different density of the vacuum. The vacuum is a set of the quantum events (virtual particles-antiparticles) which appear due to a probability. The probability is inverse proportional to the distance from the massive object. It causes the curvature of the spacetime.
In Standard Model there is no connection of the Quantum Mechanics and General Relativity , I think because the lack of the quantum gravity and geometry. Archibald Wheeler said that quantum information will be next higher step after the physics of fields. Shannon used the classical thermodynamics in the science of information. Unruh equation calculate the acceleration of particle during the absorption of the information from the vacuum.
Why it is not possible to join vacuum with the curvature of the spacetime ?
  • #8
czes said:
My idea is based on the different density of the vacuum.

As I said, I'm not familiar enough with this theory to comment. Your description isn't really helping me. For example, this...

czes said:
The vacuum is a set of the quantum events (virtual particles-antiparticles) which appear due to a probability.

...makes no sense to me. In standard QM, the vacuum is the particular quantum state which as minimum energy. I can't see any relationship between that and what you say here. So I don't understand what you're talking about and can't give any useful feedback.
  • #9
czes said:
My idea is based on the different density of the vacuum. The vacuum is a set of the quantum events (virtual particles-antiparticles) which appear due to a probability. The probability is inverse proportional to the distance from the massive object. It causes the curvature of the spacetime.
In Standard Model there is no connection of the Quantum Mechanics and General Relativity , I think because the lack of the quantum gravity and geometry. Archibald Wheeler said that quantum information will be next higher step after the physics of fields. Shannon used the classical thermodynamics in the science of information. Unruh equation calculate the acceleration of particle during the absorption of the information from the vacuum.
Why it is not possible to join vacuum with the curvature of the spacetime ?

If, as you suggest, the volumetric density of energy between two stars (sources of matter) is not constant then just apply the Einstein's equations (GTR) to connect (what you describe as) "vacuum" with the curvature. I must say that I don't really understand what you are asking for. What someone is thinking about the lattice theories is meaningless. The important point is: "Do these theories work (= correctly describe the experimental reality)?" My opinion is that if you want more feedback here, certainly you have to formulate a more precize question because your opening thread is mixing very important topics together: GTR, lattice theories, QCD, dark matter and so and.
  • #10
"Vacuum" is as empty as we can get, and there are no particular "atoms" or other particles.
The relativistic theory says about space-time that interactions like gravitation bend the vacuum (empty space). If vacuum is an empty space then we can't bend it, because we can't bend something nonexistent. In other words: we can't bend 'nothing'. Another possibility is that space is unknown kind of energy, but this is contradiction in modern physics! In Quantum Theory there is the concept of the "Vacuum State" which is a little different: it is the lowest possible energy state of a given quantum system. Some calculations show that this combined "Curved Space Vacuum" is rather different from the vacua of the two component theories: General Relativity and Quantum Mechanics.
General relativity implies that the only "information" that the vacuum carries at each point is the so-called "metric tensor" - a set of numbers that allow one to calculate the distance between any two nearby points. This is enough for the vacuum to be able to bend - much like any material.

"Information" itself may be loosely defined as "that which can distinguish one thing from another". What is more striking is that this entire procedure is based on the quantification of order underlying our descriptions of physical reality—not necessarily physical reality itself. The consequence is that the physical laws we obtain are constraints on quantification imposed by our descriptions. This is where we arrive at Information Physics. - Kevin .H. Knuth. http://arxiv.org/pdf/1009.5161v1.pdf
Is there possible that an order of immaterial information creates a material Universe ?
  • #11
czes said:
The relativistic theory says about space-time that interactions like gravitation bend the vacuum (empty space).

No, it doesn't. It says that spacetime is curved, not "the vacuum (empty space)". Do you understand what spacetime is, and what spacetime curvature means?

czes said:
Another possibility is that space is unknown kind of energy

Do you have a reference for this? I don't understand what you mean.

czes said:
Some calculations show that this combined "Curved Space Vacuum" is rather different from the vacua of the two component theories: General Relativity and Quantum Mechanics.

This doesn't make sense; GR is not a quantum theory, so it doesn't have a "vacuum state" in the sense you are using the term here. It's true that, at least according to our current understanding of quantum field theory in curved spacetime, the vacuum state in curved spacetime may be different from the vacuum state in flat spacetime. But both of these states are quantum vacuum states; GR alone says nothing about them since it's not a quantum theory.

czes said:
General relativity implies that the only "information" that the vacuum carries at each point is the so-called "metric tensor" - a set of numbers that allow one to calculate the distance between any two nearby points. This is enough for the vacuum to be able to bend - much like any material.

But I thought you said that empty space in the GR sense couldn't bend; now you say it can. Make up your mind.

czes said:
Is there possible that an order of immaterial information creates a material Universe ?

I don't see much point in trying to comment on your alternative theory when it seems like you don't understand the standard theories that you're proposing an alternative to.
  • #12
Perhaps it is of the interest of the author of this thread the works of Alexander Deur:



A correlation between the amount of dark matter in elliptical galaxies and their shape
Alexandre Deur
(Submitted on 28 Jul 2014)
We discuss the correlation between the dark matter content of elliptical galaxies and their ellipticities. We then explore a mechanism for which the correlation would emerge naturally. Such mechanism leads to identifying the dark matter particles to gravitons. A similar mechanism is known in Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD) and is essential to our understanding of the mass and structure of baryonic matter.
  • #13
General Relativity and Quantum Mechanics has different foundation. Therefore we look for Quantum Gravity. There are many proposition under veryfication. In General Relativity is an empty space corrected by time dilation. The massive and not luminous particle do not exist so General Relativity fails on intergalactic scale. Therefore better solution is the lattice space similar to QCD lattice. The Dark Matter depends on the mass distribution an relation between them. It is different than MOND and other modification of the Newton's law.
The lattice model of the space suggests the greater Dark Matter effect in less dense cosmic voids like arms of spiral galaxy, object in galactic halo, space between galaxies and galactic clusters. On the other hand less Dark Matter effect would be in the relative dense spaces of Globular Clusters, dense Eliptical Galaxies, Galaxy Bulge.
You may verife it.
  • #14
czes said:
The massive and not luminous particle do not exist so General Relativity fails on intergalactic scale.

This is your personal theory. PF has rules about personal theories. Please review them. This thread is closed.

Related to Dark Matter effect in Lattice Space

What is dark matter?

Dark matter is a type of matter that cannot be seen or detected through electromagnetic radiation. It is believed to make up about 85% of the total matter in the universe and is thought to be responsible for the gravitational effects observed in galaxies.

How does dark matter affect lattice space?

Dark matter has a gravitational effect on the surrounding space, causing it to curve and warp. This can lead to distortions in the lattice structure of space, which can be observed through the way that light bends around massive objects.

What evidence do we have for dark matter in lattice space?

The most compelling evidence for dark matter in lattice space comes from observations of gravitational lensing. This is when the light from distant galaxies is bent and distorted by the gravitational pull of dark matter in the foreground, revealing its presence.

What implications does dark matter have for our understanding of the universe?

Dark matter plays a crucial role in the formation and evolution of galaxies, as it provides the necessary gravitational force to hold them together. Its presence also helps to explain the large-scale structure of the universe and the observed motions of galaxies.

How are scientists studying dark matter in lattice space?

Scientists use a variety of techniques to study dark matter in lattice space, including gravitational lensing, observations of galaxy rotation curves, and simulations of the universe. They also use particle accelerators to try and detect dark matter particles directly.

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