Dark matter highlights extra dimensions

In summary: So, in a sense, all matter is energy. Check out Self Creation Cosmology - An Alternative Gravitational Theory for a more in depth discussion.
  • #36
SimonA said:
Who are you ? What is your comment and how is it in any way relevant to this thread ? Donkeys have more honesty and dilligence than you. Cats are more dignified than you.

But most of all, I find monkeys to be interesting creatures, far more so than anything you manage to come up with in your seemingly nerdy little world. If you have an interesting view on technical IT related subjects then post them and then people may be interested in your opinion on things. But posting that link as your comment was clearly a sign of immaturity. I'm surprised a place like this has let your comment stand for so long - the people I have been discussing things with here are real people with a determination to understand things. Where do you fit into that ?

Alright, now I think you're crazy.
Astronomy news on Phys.org
  • #37
setAI said:
um simon- it was just a little illuminating and interesting [to me] joke [ a natural idea based on the ideas in my sticky thread ]

Appologies SetAI - I didn't get your joke at all. Still don't actually but there was no need for me to reply as I did.

Looking over that sticky thread I do find this interesting -> http://www.arxiv.org/PS_cache/gr-qc/pdf/0503/0503073.pdf
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  • #38
SpaceTiger said:
Alright, now I think you're crazy.

I agree completely :smile:
  • #39
And not a snit about the solid evidence that blows SimonA's ramblings out of the water? e.g., Supernova SNe Ia light curves? CMBR blackbody profile? Standard Candles? Primordial elemental abundance? Lyman Alpha Forest? Gunn-Peterson Trough? Large scale structure? ... and I'm only addressing the observational evidence. Cripes.