Darwinism: Where is the theory?

In summary, there was a debate between believers and non-believers in Darwinism, in which David Berlinski made some critiques of the theory. He argues that while things do change, the theory of Darwinism lacks a solid foundation beyond simply having a name. He also questions whether the theory can explain adaptations based on general principles. However, the thread was locked due to Berlinski's reputation as a crackpot and his dismissive attitude towards adding knowledge to the theory. The term "Darwinism" is seen as derogatory and the evidence for evolution is overwhelming and widely available. It is inappropriate to ask a question that requires a book-length answer on internet forums.
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I recently watched a debate between believers and non-believers in Darwinism, and David Berlinski made some pithy remarks for the non-believers in Darwinism. I am going to make some of his points and ask some of the questions he asked in this thread.

David Berlinski says that he agrees with Darwinists that things change, but he asks where is the theory of Darwinism beyong having a name? Berlinski says it's always easy to persuage yourself that you've understood something when you haven't understood a thing. The issue before us is not whether retroactively we can explain an adaptation, but whether we can draw that adaptation from general principles. This is what Darwinian theory cannot do, and this is the requirement of normal science.

So, I ask, where is the theory?
Biology news on Phys.org
  • #2
Thread locked for a number of reasons. David Berlinski is a crackpot who sees every bit of added evidence as doubling the amount we don't know. There's no winning a debate with someone who sees adding knowledge as adding ignorance. The Discovery Institute for which he works is crackpot central. The term Darwinism is derogatory, implying that biologists pray at the idol of Darwin. "Where is the theory"? Everywhere. The evidence is overwhelming and fills multiple books, multiple journals. This final point breaks last straw. On any internet forum, it is inappropriate to ask a question that requires us to write a book (or in this case, a huge chunk of a library) as an answer.
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FAQ: Darwinism: Where is the theory?

What is Darwinism?

Darwinism is a scientific theory proposed by Charles Darwin in the 19th century to explain the diversity of life on Earth. It suggests that all living organisms have evolved from a common ancestor through the process of natural selection.

How does natural selection work?

Natural selection is the process by which certain traits become more or less common in a population over time. It occurs when certain individuals within a population possess advantageous traits that allow them to survive and reproduce more successfully than others.

Is Darwinism still relevant today?

Yes, Darwinism is still a widely accepted theory in the scientific community and is supported by a vast amount of evidence. However, it has been revised and expanded upon over time as new discoveries have been made.

Why is Darwinism controversial?

Darwinism is controversial because it challenges traditional beliefs about the origin of life and the role of a higher power in the creation of species. It also raises ethical concerns about the application of evolutionary principles to human societies.

How does Darwinism impact our understanding of evolution?

Darwinism is a foundational theory in the field of evolution and has greatly influenced our understanding of how species change over time. It continues to be a major framework for studying and explaining the diversity of life on Earth.
