Dashpots and the Work - Kinetic Energy Theorem

In summary, the conversation discusses the need to include a dashpot in a work-kinetic energy analysis method. The method takes into account the work done by various forces, such as gravity, tension, and friction, on a box being dragged up a ramp. The conversation also touches upon the work terms for the dashpot and the possibility of integrating them with limited knowledge of displacement and velocity boundary conditions. The conversation concludes that the best approach would be to write out and solve the general equation of motion to determine the work done on the dashpot.
  • #1
Taulant Sholla

Homework Statement

I need to accommodate a dashpot in an intentionally simple work-kinetic energy analysis method. For example, for a box being dragged up a ramp via a rope while attached to a spring, I can deal with the work done by gravity, rope tension, spring force, and friction via the following method, along with enough known constants and sufficient displacement and velocity boundary conditions?

Homework Equations

... where A is the position of the box at the bottom of the ramp, and B is the position of the box at the top of the ramp.

The Attempt at a Solution

For gravity, friction, spring, and tension this becomes...
KA + ∫(mg)ds + ∫Tds + ∫(ks)ds + ∫μkFNds = KB

The work terms for the dashpot are:
∫bvds = ∫b(ds/dt)ds = ∫b(ds/dt)(ds/dt)dt = ∫bv2dt

Are any of these terms integrate-able if I'm limited to, again, only knowing displacement and/or velocity boundary conditions?
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  • #2
Taulant Sholla said:
Are any of these terms integrate-able if I'm limited to, again, only knowing displacement and/or velocity boundary conditions?
The only way I can see is if you can write out and solve the general equation of motion. Observations of the boundary conditions should then allow you to deduce the velocity as a functionof time. That's not entirely satisfactory because it depends on theory, not pure observation.
  • #3
Taulant Sholla said:
∫bvds = ∫b(ds/dt)ds = ∫b(ds/dt)(ds/dt)dt = ∫bv2dt
If your question is whether the work done on the dashpot is a function of some system variable, e.g. v, what does your first integral above tell you?
(Related: why is it a dumb idea to drive your car fast instead of slowly over a given distance in order to save gas?)

Related to Dashpots and the Work - Kinetic Energy Theorem

1. What is a dashpot?

A dashpot is a mechanical device used to dampen or absorb shock or vibration. It consists of a piston moving through a fluid, such as air or oil, which creates resistance and slows down the movement of the piston.

2. How does a dashpot work?

When a force is applied to the piston, it moves through the fluid, creating resistance and dissipating the energy. The amount of resistance depends on the viscosity of the fluid and the speed of the piston's movement.

3. What is the Work-Kinetic Energy Theorem?

The Work-Kinetic Energy Theorem states that the work done on an object is equal to the change in its kinetic energy. This means that the work done by a force is equal to the change in the object's speed.

4. How is the Work-Kinetic Energy Theorem related to dashpots?

In the case of a dashpot, the work done by the force applied to the piston is equal to the change in the kinetic energy of the piston. This means that the energy is dissipated by the dashpot and the object's speed is reduced.

5. What are the practical applications of dashpots and the Work-Kinetic Energy Theorem?

Dashpots and the Work-Kinetic Energy Theorem have various applications in engineering, such as in shock absorbers, door closers, and earthquake-resistant building designs. They are also used in mechanical testing to measure the energy absorbed by a material when subjected to impact or vibration.
