Data from a delayed choice quantum eraser experiment

In summary, the conversation suggests that the individual is looking for raw data from a delayed choice quantum eraser experiment. They are wondering if anyone has data from all the detectors, not just coincidence counts. They also ask if there is a data repository for quantum physics experiments. The recommended approach is to find papers on delayed choice experiments and contact the authors to request the data. In the long term, the individual can support the open science movement in advocating for data publication alongside papers.
  • #1
Hello! Does anyone here have raw data from a delayed choice quantum eraser experiment that you wouldn't mind sharing? Ideally, data from all the detectors, not just coincidence counts that the analysis usually focuses on? Or, are you aware of any data repository where data from quantum physics experiments could be downloaded from? Thanks!
Physics news on
  • #2
My uninformed guess is that your best bet is probably to find papers on delayed choice experiments (e.g.), contact the authors, and ask nicely for the data.

More long term, you can support the open science movement in pushing for ubiquitous data publication alongside papers.

FAQ: Data from a delayed choice quantum eraser experiment

1. What is a delayed choice quantum eraser experiment?

A delayed choice quantum eraser experiment is a type of quantum physics experiment that tests the concept of wave-particle duality. It involves sending a beam of entangled photons through a series of detectors and using a delayed choice to determine if the photons behave as waves or particles.

2. How does a delayed choice quantum eraser experiment work?

In a delayed choice quantum eraser experiment, a beam of entangled photons is split into two paths and sent through a series of detectors. These detectors determine if the photons behave as waves or particles. The choice of which detectors to use is made after the photons have already passed through the first set of detectors, hence the term "delayed choice."

3. What is the significance of a delayed choice quantum eraser experiment?

A delayed choice quantum eraser experiment challenges our understanding of the nature of reality and the role of observation in quantum physics. It suggests that the behavior of particles is influenced by the observer's choice of how to measure them, even after the particles have already acted as waves or particles.

4. What are the potential applications of delayed choice quantum eraser experiments?

Delayed choice quantum eraser experiments have potential applications in quantum cryptography, quantum computing, and quantum communication. They could also provide insights into the fundamental principles of quantum mechanics and help us develop a deeper understanding of the nature of our universe.

5. What are the possible limitations of delayed choice quantum eraser experiments?

One limitation of delayed choice quantum eraser experiments is that they are difficult to perform and require highly specialized equipment. Additionally, the results of these experiments can be open to interpretation and there is still much debate and research being done to fully understand their implications.
