Data Transfer To Brain By Carrier Waves

In summary, the conversation discussed the possibility of transferring a 1,000 page textbook from a database to the human brain using light or a carrier wave. The potential side effects of this technology were also brought up. The conversation also mentioned a research topic about modeling between the brain and memory, and a person expressed interest in cooperating and discussing the topic. The conversation ended with a mention of a patent for subliminal acoustic manipulation of nervous systems, which could potentially be used as a non-lethal weapon. The patent described a method and apparatus for manipulating the nervous system using subliminal atmospheric acoustic pulses with a frequency less than 15 Hz.
  • #1
I was wandering what area this would be called under Physics, however,The question is this...

Considering that you have the ability to convert a text data or photo data into recognizable information to our brain, what would the possiblity be to transfer a 1,000 page textbook from a database by light (laser perhaps) or by a carrier wave? What would the side effects be?

If I need to reformat this question let me know!

Physics news on
  • #2
what do you mean by a carrier wave
  • #3
we have a research topic about modeling between brain & memory.
we have worked 4 years since 1999.
can anyone cooperate with us?
please contact me.
best regards!
  • #4
I am very much interested in this topic of data transfer to human brain . Kindly be in touch with me as I have to discuss a lot of things. I am a MBBS , Clinical biochemist MD from INDia email me at I am interested in memory research related to data transfer to human brain.
  • #5
Direct Information Transfer To Brain:


You are asking for top secret information which the U.S military does not want known at this time. You read the patent info., below, and follow this address if you really want to swallow that little red pill. Anyone outside of the military will not be aware of these technologies. It all depends on how much you are willing to risk to go beyond the status quo. Are you willing to take that little red pill my friend?

United States Patent 6,017,302
Loos January 25, 2000

Subliminal acoustic manipulation of nervous systems

In human subjects, sensory resonances can be excited by subliminal atmospheric acoustic pulses that are tuned to the resonance frequency. The 1/2 Hz sensory resonance affects the autonomic nervous system and may cause relaxation, drowsiness, or sexual excitement, depending on the precise acoustic frequency near 1/2 Hz used. The effects of the 2.5 Hz resonance include slowing of certain cortical processes, sleepiness, and disorientation. For these effects to occur, the acoustic intensity must lie in a certain deeply subliminal range. Suitable apparatus consists of a portable battery-powered source of weak subaudio acoustic radiation. The method and apparatus can be used by the general public as an aid to relaxation, sleep, or sexual arousal, and clinically for the control and perhaps treatment of insomnia, tremors, epileptic seizures, and anxiety disorders. There is further application as a nonlethal weapon that can be used in law enforcement standoff situations, for causing drowsiness and disorientation in targeted subjects. It is then preferable to use venting acoustic monopoles in the form of a device that inhales and exhales air with subaudio frequency.

Inventors: Loos; Hendricus G. (3019 Cresta Wy., Laguna Beach, CA 92651)
Appl. No.: 961907
Filed: October 31, 1997

Current U.S. Class: 600/28
Intern'l Class: A61B 005/00
Field of Search: 600/26-28 128/897,898

References Cited

U.S. Patent Documents

4124022 Nov., 1978 Gross.
4335710 Jun., 1982 Williamson 600/28.
4573449 Mar., 1986 Warnke.
5076281 Dec., 1991 Gavish 600/28.
5123899 Jun., 1992 Gall 600/28.
5309411 May., 1994 Huang et al. 367/140.
5733240 Mar., 1998 De Visser 600/9.

Primary Examiner: Gilbert; Samuel


I claim:

1. Apparatus for manipulating the nervous system of a subject, the subject having an ear, comprising: generator means for generating voltage pulses; induction means, connected to the generator means and responsive to the voltage pulses, for inducing at the ear subliminal atmospheric acoustic pulses with a pulse frequency less than 15 Hz.

2. The apparatus according to claim 1, further comprising means for automatically controlling the voltage pulses.

3. The apparatus according to claim 1, further comprising means for monitoring the voltage pulses.

4. The apparatus according to claim 1, for exciting in the subject a sensory resonance that occurs at a resonance frequency less than 15 Hz, the apparatus further comprising tuning means for enabling a user to tune the pulse frequency to the resonance frequency.

5. The apparatus according to claim 4, further including a casing for containing the generator means, the induction means and the tuning means.

6. The apparatus according to claim 1, wherein said induction means comprise: means for generating in the atmosphere a gas jet, the latter having a momentum flux; and modulation means, connected to the generator means and responsive to said voltage pulses, for pulsing the momentum flux with a frequency less than 15 Hz; whereby subaudio acoustic pulses are induced in the atmosphere.

7. Apparatus for manipulating the nervous system of a subject, the subject having an ear, comprising: generator means for generating voltage pulses; a source of gas at a pressure different from the ambient atmospheric pressure; a conduit having an orifice open to the atmosphere for passing a gaseous flux; valve means, connected to the source of gas and the conduit to control the gaseous flux; means, connected to the generator means and responsive to said voltage pulses, for operating the valve means to provide an oscillation of the gaseous flux with a frequency less than 15 Hz.

8. The apparatus according to claim 7, further comprising vessel means for smoothing fluctuations of the gaseous flux caused by fluctuations in the pressure of the source of gas.

9. A method for manipulating the nervous system of a subject, the subject having an ear, comprising the steps of: generating voltage pulses; and inducing, in a manner responsive to the voltage pulses, at the ear subliminal atmospheric acoustic pulses with a pulse frequency less than 15 Hz.

10. The method according to claim 9, for exciting in the subject a sensory resonance that occurs at a resonance frequency less than 15 Hz, further comprising the step of tuning the pulse frequency to the resonance frequency.

11. The method according to claim 9, wherein said inducing comprises the steps of: generating in the atmosphere a gas jet, the latter having a momentum flux; and modulating the momentum flux in pulse-wise fashion in a manner responsive to the voltage pulses.

12. The method according to claim 11, further comprising the step of directing the gas jet at a material surface.

13. The method according to claim 9, wherein said inducing comprises the steps of: generating a gas flow through a conduit orifice that is open to the atmosphere; and modulating the gas flow to produce flow pulsations, in a manner responsive to the voltage pulses.

14. A method for remotely manipulating the nervous system of a subject in the course of law enforcement in a standoff situation, the subject having an ear, comprising the steps of: generating voltage pulses; generating, in a manner responsive to the voltage pulses, atmospheric acoustic signals at a plurality of locations remote from the subject for inducing at the ear subliminal atmospheric acoustic pulses with a pulse frequency less than 15 Hz, the signals having phase differences with respect to each other arranged to cause constructive acoustic wave interference at the subject.

15. A method for exciting in a subject a sensory resonance having a resonance frequency less than 15 Hz, the subject having an ear, comprising the steps of: generating voltage pulses; inducing, in a manner responsive to the voltage pulses, at the ear subliminal atmospheric acoustic pulses with a pulse frequency less than 15 Hz; tuning the pulse frequency to the resonance frequency; and also inducing audible audio-frequency atmospheric acoustic signals at the ear.

16. A method for controlling in a subject neurological disorders that involve pathological oscillatory activity of neural circuits, the subject having an ear, comprising the steps of: generating voltage pulses; inducing, in a manner responsive to the voltage pulses, at the ear subliminal atmospheric acoustic pulses with a pulse frequency less than 15 Hz; and arranging said pulse frequency to detune the pathological oscillatory activity.

17. A method for controlling in a subject epileptic seizures, the subject having an ear, comprising the steps of: generating voltage pulses; inducing in a manner responsive to the voltage pulses, at the ear subliminal atmospheric acoustic pulses with a pulse frequency less than 15 Hz; and initiating said inducing when a seizure precursor is felt by the subject.

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  • #6
This is something like Brain Computer Interface. It is really an interesting topic. Try getting the notes.
  • #7
This is a Mind vs. Body question

If you believe that all memory, personality, and 'spirituality' resides within the brain as I do, as opposed to 'floating around in space' like some quacks do, keep reading.

If memory is simply the storage of tiny electrical currents in small voltage-gated storage cells in the brain, like magnetic moments on old disk drives were used to store 1's & 0's, the idead of manipulating someone's brain is possible for sure. Since our memory is a product of INPUTS from our 5 senses, it goes to say that if you could intercept the neural pathways from 'senses' to the brain, you could surely create your own INPUTS or modulate existing sensory INPUTS in real-time.

For example, the reason you can see light with your eyes, is due to a molecule in your photoreceptors called cis-11-retinal, which, when struck with an incident photon, isomerizes (changes shape) into trans-11-retinal. This in turn, starts a complicated cascade of chemical changes within your photoreceptor cells that amounts to a final OUTPUT of current. Basically, a photon opens a gate and allows Chloride (a negative ion), Calcium 2+, Potassium, and Sodium (all positive ions) to travel from cell to cell (neurons) until they reach the brain. Just as a canal has gates that open to allow water to flow in and out of them.

The question is... once this current reaches the brain, how exactly does the brain store the current? I propose it does so by trapping some of the current in 'locks' by using voltage gates which operate by using voltage potentials to 'corral' this information into discrete sections.

So in a nutshell, if you can control the canal's 'locks' and if you can control the amount of current that wants to enter the canal, you can also control how the current is stored within the locks of the canal. This then is your answer, albeit an extremely difficult feat to achieve most assuredly.


FAQ: Data Transfer To Brain By Carrier Waves

1. How does data transfer to the brain by carrier waves work?

Data transfer to the brain by carrier waves is a method that uses electromagnetic waves to transmit information directly to the brain. These waves are typically in the microwave frequency range and are able to penetrate the skull and interact with brain tissue. The data is then decoded by the brain and interpreted as information.

2. Is data transfer to the brain by carrier waves safe?

There is currently no conclusive evidence that data transfer to the brain by carrier waves is safe or harmful. Some studies have shown potential negative effects on brain function, but more research is needed to fully understand the risks. As with any new technology, it is important to proceed with caution and further investigate potential health concerns.

3. What are the potential uses for data transfer to the brain by carrier waves?

Data transfer to the brain by carrier waves has the potential to revolutionize communication and information processing. It could be used for brain-computer interfaces, allowing individuals to control devices with their thoughts. It could also have medical applications, such as treating neurological disorders or delivering targeted medication to the brain.

4. How accurate is data transfer to the brain by carrier waves?

The accuracy of data transfer to the brain by carrier waves depends on a variety of factors, such as the strength and frequency of the waves, the quality of the decoding technology, and the individual's brain function. While it has shown promising results in experiments, further advancements and improvements are needed before it can be considered highly accurate.

5. Are there any ethical concerns with data transfer to the brain by carrier waves?

As with any new technology, there are ethical concerns that need to be addressed before data transfer to the brain by carrier waves can be widely implemented. These include issues of privacy, consent, and potential misuse of the technology. It is important for ethical guidelines to be established and followed in the development and use of this technology.

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