DC Control systems and polarity

In summary, The polarity arrangement in control and protection electrical circuits follows the modern convention of having the positive polarity at the top of the page and the negative polarity at the bottom. This is mainly to prevent confusion and is also related to the way equipment is installed in the field. In some cases, such as split supplies, ground may be located near the middle of the page. It is also a convention for inputs to come in on the left side and outputs to go out on the right side of the page. The use of this convention can also be seen in recruitment questions, where the voltage at the base of a transistor with biasing resistors and +/-10V supplies is often asked.
  • #1
Control and protection electrical circuits are one of the important portions of electrical systems designed and shown by standard symbols.
Usually the circuit is supplied by positive and negative polarity of one battery. In almost electrical circuit diagram sheets we can see a positive line of DC polarity in top of sheet and negative line in bottom of sheet that is purposed to supply electrical equipment of circuit.

How can you explain that polarity arrangement? Why the negative polarity is usually located in bottom and positive polarity in top of sheets?
Is it habit activity in drawing circuits or not? If all used electrical equipments, for example auxiliary relays, open and close coil of power circuit breakers and so on could be activated by inverse polarity, would we change that mentioned norm, and use negative in top of sheets and positive polarity in bottom, without any circuit configuration changing.


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  • #2
i'm not aware of any standard maybe guidelines?

you can draw anyway you want. i think most of the time people associate the bottom as gnd or return path. if you feel more comfortable with negative on top then sure, but others may be confused and so would you if you get used to that while 99.9% of everyone else does the other way
  • #3
Mainly it's just the modern convention. There are some older circuit configurations where there would be some nodes that had ground near the top, but those are confusing to decipher, now that the convention you mention is the norm. Usually, the more positive supplies are near the top, and more negative supplies are at the bottom of the circuit and page. If there are split supplies (like +/-12V), and some symmetry in the circuit, ground will be near the middle of the page. It is also generally a convention that inputs come in the left side of the page, and go out the right side of the page, although this is not always possible with all circuit diagrams.
  • #4
Generally electrical equipment that used in auxiliary control systems shown in bottom of pages. Therefore equipment (relay etc.) that usually installed in field area is directly connected to one of two polarity continuously, and other polarity connected to the other terminal of equipment via auxiliary contact of controller devices that shown on top of pages transitionally.
Continuous connection must be negative, to prevent corrosion of equipment due to electrolytic action, because they usually installed in outdoor and corrosive area.
Of course this recommendation related to battery system grounding way.


Creative thinking is enjoyable,Then think about your surrounding things and other thought products. http://electrical-riddles.com
  • #5
berkeman said:
If there are split supplies (like +/-12V), and some symmetry in the circuit, ground will be near the middle of the page.

I use this ask an introductory recruiting question. I draw a transistor with biasing resistors with the same value and Vcc = 10V and Vee = -10V and I ask them what the voltage is at the base.

So far only one person has been able to tell me by just inspection.

FAQ: DC Control systems and polarity

What is a DC control system?

A DC control system is a type of electrical system that uses direct current (DC) to control the movement or operation of various components, such as motors, switches, and lights. It typically involves the use of a power source, such as a battery or power supply, and a control circuit to regulate the flow of current.

What is the difference between DC and AC control systems?

The main difference between DC and AC control systems is the type of current used. DC control systems use direct current, which flows in one direction, while AC control systems use alternating current, which constantly changes direction. DC control systems are typically simpler and more efficient, but AC control systems are better suited for long-distance power transmission.

What is polarity in a DC control system?

Polarity refers to the direction of the electrical current in a DC control system. In a DC circuit, current flows from the positive terminal to the negative terminal. Polarity is important in DC control systems because it determines the direction in which motors and other components will operate.

How do you determine the polarity of a DC circuit?

The polarity of a DC circuit can be determined by using a multimeter or voltmeter to measure the voltage at different points in the circuit. The positive terminal of the voltmeter should be connected to the positive terminal of the power source, and the negative terminal of the voltmeter should be connected to the negative terminal of the power source. The direction of the voltage reading will indicate the polarity of the circuit.

Why is it important to maintain proper polarity in a DC control system?

Maintaining proper polarity in a DC control system is important because it ensures that the components in the circuit operate as intended. If the polarity is reversed, motors may spin in the wrong direction, switches may not function properly, and other components may be damaged. It is also important for safety, as reversing polarity can cause electrical shocks or fires.

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