De Broglie theory and relativity

In summary, the De Broglie theory states that particles, such as electrons, can exhibit wave-like behavior and have a wavelength associated with them. This concept was later incorporated into Einstein's theory of relativity, showing that the energy and mass of a particle are related to its wavelength. This theory has greatly influenced our understanding of the microscopic world and has been confirmed through numerous experiments.
  • #1
After suitable study I'd have to say that it is a misnomer to state that de Broglie's theory is not relativistic. But it does express relativity in such a unique way that it becomes a replacement for Newtonian mechanics within any chosen single inertial frame.

The most basic expression is covered on page 40 of "An Introduction To The Study Of Wave Mechanics". For the Lorentz group:

[itex]x = \frac{x_0 + vt_0}{\sqrt{1 - \beta^2}} \ \ \ \ \ t = \frac{t_0 + \frac{\beta}{c}x_0}{\sqrt{1 - \beta^2}} \ \ \ \ \ [/itex] and [itex]\ \ \ \ \ x_0 = \frac{x - vt}{\sqrt{1 - \beta^2}} \ \ \ \ \ t_0 = \frac{t - \frac{\beta}{c}x}{\sqrt{1 - \beta^2}}[/itex]

An EM or energy wave for system with reference to [itex]x_0, y_0, z_0, t_0[/itex] depends on time only through a factor [itex]cos 2\pi f_0(t_0 - \tau_0)[/itex]

Switching to system [itex]x, y, z, t[/itex] with [itex]\tau_0 = 0[/itex] the factor becomes [itex]cos 2\pi f_0(\frac{t - \frac{\beta}{c}x}{\sqrt{1 - \beta^2}})[/itex]

Since [itex]f = \frac{f_0}{\sqrt{1 - \beta^2}}[/itex] and [itex]v_{phase} = \frac{c^2}{v} = \frac{c}{\beta}[/itex]

[itex]\beta = \frac{c}{v_{phase}}[/itex] so that the phase factor is [itex]cos 2\pi f(t - \frac{x}{v_{phase}})[/itex]

What de Broglie has done is to account for all relativistic effects on waves, and subsequently particles, within that single chosen inertial reference. There becomes no further need to consider something in a separate inertial frame. The bulk of his thesis is developed in phase space using mathematical ideas of Hamilton and Jacobi, but he carefully relates the variables in the phase space to variables in Euclidean physical space and time. The concept of a secondary inertial frame is not even especially valid then as his theory applies even to accelerating particles.

Thoughts? criticisms? comments?
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  • #2
PhilDSP said:
Thoughts? criticisms? comments?

Jump to a frame where the particle is at rest. What's the wavelength there? What's the group velocity?

  • #3
In addition the naive interpretation of "wave functions" in the sense of a single-particle description is flawed for relativistic wave equations. The reason is simply that for relativistic energies it is always possible that in reactions particles get created and destroyed. That's why relativistic quantum theory is most appropriately formulated as a quantum field theory, where such creation and annihilation processes are very natural.
  • #4
bhobba said:
Jump to a frame where the particle is at rest. What's the wavelength there? What's the group velocity?

If we give credence to zitterbewegung the particle will be at rest in that frame for an exceedingly short period of time. But then the wavelength would be infinite, group velocity zero while the phase velocity infinite.

I know you've expressed consternation at an infinite wavelength, but since there is no energy moving anyway in that case, one can interpret an infinite wavelength as an instance of non-oscillation.
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  • #5
vanhees71 said:
In addition the naive interpretation of "wave functions" in the sense of a single-particle description is flawed for relativistic wave equations. The reason is simply that for relativistic energies it is always possible that in reactions particles get created and destroyed. That's why relativistic quantum theory is most appropriately formulated as a quantum field theory, where such creation and annihilation processes are very natural.

I suppose an alternative to QFT where those processes are modeled more in concert with DB theory would incorporate particle creation and destruction in a Hamiltonian/Jacobi framework...
  • #6
PhilDSP said:
If we give credence to zitterbewegung the particle will be at rest in that frame for an exceedingly short period of time. But then the wavelength would be infinite, group velocity zero while the phase velocity infinite.

The problem here is the intermixing of classical and quantum ideas. That's the cause of the issue and why its just an intermediate step to fully developed QM that was realized in the transformation theory of Dirac. Once that came out there was simply no need for it.

  • #7
bhobba said:
The problem here is the intermixing of classical and quantum ideas. That's the cause of the issue and why its just an intermediate step to fully developed QM that was realized in the transformation theory of Dirac. Once that came out there was simply no need for it.

Fair enough. There are cases where QM concepts have found uses and new physics in the classical realm (Berry phase for example). But going the other direction and providing QM with new insights would require a truly exceptional further refinement and development of de Broglie's ideas.

Berry phase effects on electronic properties
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  • #8
PhilDSP said:
I suppose an alternative to QFT where those processes are modeled more in concert with DB theory would incorporate particle creation and destruction in a Hamiltonian/Jacobi framework...

If by DB you mean de Broglie-Bohm (pilote wave) mechanics, one must say that there seems to be no satisfying formulation of this concept for relativistic quantum theory.

I also never understood what might be attractive with the Bohm interpretation since it introduces trajectories that are not observable anyway and does not make any other predictions about Nature than (minimally interpreted) quantum theory. So what's the point to introduce complicated concepts that don't buy anything in our understanding of Nature?
  • #9
I can't offer any insight into Bohm's interpretation. I've read his "Quantum Theory" textbook (which I'd rate quite favorably). But he didn't delve into Pilot Wave theory there. Ballentine has a nice, short summary on p. 399.

Starting on p. 394 Ballentine derives the Quantum Potential starting from the Schrödinger equation. He arrives at a different value than de Broglie.

Ballentine: [itex] \ \ \ W_Q = -\frac{h^2}{2M} \frac{\nabla^2 A}{A} \ \ \ \ \ \ [/itex] de Broglie: [itex] \ \ \ F_1(x, y, z, t) = -\frac{h^2}{8 \pi^2 m} \frac{\nabla^2 a}{a}[/itex]

Since de Broglie's is a covering theory which derives the Schrödinger equation as the non-relativistic limit (along with some other stipulations), I'll assume de Broglie's derivation of the Quantum Potential (ending on p. 112) is the correct one.

However, Ballentine makes a very important observation on p. 398 in further analysis where he states

"The failure of this method to yield the expected classical limit in this case is clearly due to the formation of a standing wave, which is a manifestation of the quantum-mechanical phenomenon of interference between the leftward- and rightward-reflected waves that make up ##\Psi##".
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  • #10
I suspect the factor of 4 * pi is due to the use of different units; thus it is not fundamental.

Related to De Broglie theory and relativity

1. What is the De Broglie theory?

The De Broglie theory, also known as the De Broglie hypothesis, is a concept proposed by French physicist Louis de Broglie in 1924. It states that all matter, including particles like electrons and protons, have both wave-like and particle-like properties. This theory helped to bridge the gap between classical and quantum mechanics.

2. How does the De Broglie theory relate to relativity?

The De Broglie theory is closely related to Einstein's theory of relativity. According to relativity, the speed of light is the maximum speed at which anything can travel. De Broglie's theory suggests that matter particles can also behave like waves, and their wavelengths are inversely proportional to their momentum. This means that as particles approach the speed of light, their wavelengths become smaller and their behavior becomes more wave-like.

3. Can the De Broglie theory be applied to macroscopic objects?

Yes, the De Broglie theory can be applied to macroscopic objects, but the effects are only noticeable at extremely small scales. This is because the wavelength of a macroscopic object, such as a baseball, would be incredibly small and therefore difficult to detect. However, the theory has been successfully applied to larger objects, such as molecules and even small viruses.

4. How does the De Broglie theory explain the wave-particle duality of light?

The De Broglie theory suggests that particles, like electrons, have both wave-like and particle-like properties. This is similar to the wave-particle duality of light, where light can behave as both a wave and a particle. The theory helps to explain the interference patterns observed in the famous double-slit experiment, where particles behave like waves and create an interference pattern on a screen.

5. Are there any practical applications of the De Broglie theory?

Yes, the De Broglie theory has several practical applications. It has been used to develop electron microscopes, which use the wave-like properties of electrons to produce high-resolution images of tiny objects. It has also been applied in the field of quantum computing, where the wave-like behavior of particles is utilized to store and manipulate information. Additionally, the theory has been used in the development of laser technology and in medical imaging techniques such as MRI.

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