De broglie wavelength for ordinary objects.

In summary, the conversation revolves around the de Broglie wavelength of an object with a mass of 1 in arbitrary units and a velocity of zero relative to the observer. The question of whether the object would have a de Broglie wavelength in this scenario is debated, with the analogy of traveling at the speed of light in front of a photon being used. It is concluded that in quantum mechanics, the system determines whether an object exhibits wavelike or particle-like behavior, and if the system doesn't allow for interaction, it is as if the object has no wavelength.
  • #1
Mike Anderson
Hello there,

If an object has a mass of 1 in arbitary units, and it's velocity is zero relative to you, what is the de Broglie wavelength? Shouldn't p be zero in this case? Or am I missing something related to intrinsic energy and momentum?

Thank you very much.
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  • #2
well, I think the question doesn't even make sense.

It's more or less the same question as: you are traveling at the speed of light in front of a photon: what is its wavelength? You can't even see the photon (since you are traveling at its speed!), so you can't talk of it as something that affects you.

another example is : you pull an electron towards an obstacle. this obstacle moves at the same speed of the electron. What is the electron wavelength? Since the electron does not interfere with your system (the obstacle), it's no worth asking what is its de broglie wavelength.

What I'm trying to say is that, since in quantum mechanic it's the system that determines if you will see wavelike or particle-like behaviour, if your system doesn't allow the particle to interact in some way with it, it as if you are dealing with nothing.
  • #3
p = 0 implies an infinite phase velocity and wavelength, relative to you.

FAQ: De broglie wavelength for ordinary objects.

What is the De Broglie wavelength for ordinary objects?

The De Broglie wavelength, also known as the matter wavelength, is a concept in quantum mechanics that describes the wave-like behavior of particles. It is given by the equation λ = h/mv, where h is Planck's constant, m is the mass of the particle, and v is its velocity.

How does the De Broglie wavelength relate to the wave-particle duality?

The De Broglie wavelength is a fundamental aspect of the wave-particle duality, which states that all particles exhibit both wave-like and particle-like characteristics. The De Broglie wavelength is used to describe the wave-like behavior of particles, while their particle-like behavior is described by their mass and velocity.

What is the significance of the De Broglie wavelength for ordinary objects?

The De Broglie wavelength is significant because it demonstrates that all objects, regardless of their size or mass, exhibit wave-like properties. This challenges the classical Newtonian view of particles as strictly solid, tangible objects and highlights the strange and fascinating nature of the quantum world.

Can the De Broglie wavelength be observed in everyday objects?

Yes, the De Broglie wavelength can be observed in everyday objects, although it may be extremely small. For example, the De Broglie wavelength of a baseball traveling at 60 mph is about 10^-34 meters, which is far too small to be detected with current technology. However, the wave-like behavior of electrons, which have much smaller masses, can be observed in experiments such as the double-slit experiment.

How does temperature affect the De Broglie wavelength of ordinary objects?

According to the De Broglie equation, the wavelength of a particle is inversely proportional to its velocity. This means that as temperature increases, the average velocity of particles also increases, leading to a decrease in their De Broglie wavelength. This effect is negligible for macroscopic objects, but becomes significant for particles at the atomic and subatomic level.

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