De Broglie Wavelength - How does this hold for slow objects?

In summary, de Broglie's waves were calculated to exist for particles that are faster than light, but they have been superseded by the QM wave function. There is no difference between de Broglie's waves and the wave function, and the energy corresponding to the rest mass comes into play.
  • #1
OK so you get to the matter wave equation 'lambda = h / p' using E=cp - which describes the energy for massless particles. I can understand this holding for when cp>>mc^2 , but not for when the mc^2 is comparible. Any help?
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  • #2
Well the relations between energy/momentum and frequency/wavelength hold generally:
[tex]E=h\nu[/tex], [tex]p=h/\lambda[/tex]. It's the relation between E and p which is relevant in going from non-relativistic to relativistic to ultra-relativistic limits (as determined by the ratio [tex]pc/mc^{2}[/tex]). You could always use [tex]E^{2}=(pc)^{2}+(mc^{2})^{2}[/tex]. We ignore the second term in the ultra-relativistic limit, while in the non-relativistic limit, it simplifies to [tex]E=p^{2}/2m[/tex]. Otherwise, use the full expression.
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  • #3
javierR said:
Well the relations between energy/momentum and frequency/wavelength hold generally:
[tex]E=h\nu[/tex], [tex]p=h/\lambda[/tex]. It's the relation between E and p which is relevant in going from non-relativistic to relativistic to ultra-relativistic limits (as determined by the ratio [tex]pc/mc^{2}[/tex]). You could always use [tex]E^{2}=(pc)^{2}+(mc^{2})^{2}[/tex]. We ignore the second term in the ultra-relativistic limit, while in the non-relativistic limit, it simplifies to [tex]E=p^{2}/2m[/tex]. Otherwise, use the full expression.

Could you elaborate a little more about the ultra-relativistic case?
  • #4
sam_p_r said:
OK so you get to the matter wave equation 'lambda = h / p' using E=cp - which describes the energy for massless particles. I can understand this holding for when cp>>mc^2 , but not for when the mc^2 is comparible. Any help?

What specific problem do you see?.
  • #5
alexepascual said:
What specific problem do you see?.

That E does not equal cp, it equals the square root of (cp)^2 + (mc^2)^2. So for de broglie equation, you have to neglect mc^2, which I can see as reasonable if it is very small in comparison to cp, but there are many occasions where it won't be.

de broglie combines E=hc/lambda and E=cp,

So if you don't have E=cp you can't get the de broglie relation as it is.
  • #6
javierR said:
Well the relations between energy/momentum and frequency/wavelength hold generally:
[tex]E=h\nu[/tex], [tex]p=h/\lambda[/tex]. It's the relation between E and p which is relevant in going from non-relativistic to relativistic to ultra-relativistic limits (as determined by the ratio [tex]pc/mc^{2}[/tex]). You could always use [tex]E^{2}=(pc)^{2}+(mc^{2})^{2}[/tex]. We ignore the second term in the ultra-relativistic limit, while in the non-relativistic limit, it simplifies to [tex]E=p^{2}/2m[/tex]. Otherwise, use the full expression.

So what you're saying is that it only applies (in the exact lambda=h/p) for relativistic particles? (as its the only time where you can neglect mc^2).

Because in many examples in textbooks it applies the formula to non-relativistic conditions.
  • #7
sam_p_r said:
So what you're saying is that it only applies (in the exact lambda=h/p) for relativistic particles? (as its the only time where you can neglect mc^2).

Because in many examples in textbooks it applies the formula to non-relativistic conditions.

I think it applies to both relativistic and non-relativistic conditions. The m that you list is actually m0, the rest mass. P should be the relativistic momentum and E is the relativistic energy. These both have a correction due to speed of the particle (or refference frame).
In the limit where v=c this correction disappears.
I don't think the rest mass energy can be neglected in either the relativisti or non-relativistic case. But I may be wrong.
I think the de Broglie waves have been superceeded by the QM wave funtion, but I haven't looked at the difference. I know that the Schrodinger equation is not Lorentz-invariant and that the Dirac equation is. I would assume that there is no problem with the wave function itself. It would be nice to compare the de Broglie wave with the wave function. This must be done in many books but I can't find it in the ones I have. Maybe I can find something on the Web.
  • #8
It appears that there is no difference between de Broglie's waves and the wave function. I looks like de Broglie calculated things like phase velocity and wave length but he didn't come up with an expression for the wave and that Scrodinger did that. So, it would appear that de Broglie's waves and the wave function refer to the same waves.
Now, reading again about de Broglie's waves, these are faster than light. I don't remember any mention in QM about the wave funtion of a free particle being faster than light. Maybe I just didn't pay attention to that.
Maybe that's where the energy corresponding to the rest mass comes into play!

If anybody can make this clear for us I'll appreciate it.

FAQ: De Broglie Wavelength - How does this hold for slow objects?

1. What is the De Broglie Wavelength?

The De Broglie Wavelength is a concept in quantum mechanics that relates the wave-like properties of matter to its momentum and mass. It is named after physicist Louis de Broglie who proposed the idea in 1924.

2. How is the De Broglie Wavelength calculated?

The De Broglie Wavelength can be calculated using the equation λ = h/mv, where λ is the wavelength, h is Planck's constant, m is the mass of the object, and v is the velocity of the object. This equation shows that the wavelength is inversely proportional to the momentum of the object.

3. What is the significance of the De Broglie Wavelength for slow objects?

The De Broglie Wavelength is significant for slow objects because it shows that even objects with small momentum and relatively low energy have wave-like properties. This helps to explain phenomena such as diffraction and interference in particles.

4. How does the De Broglie Wavelength hold for slow objects?

The De Broglie Wavelength holds for slow objects because the wavelength is inversely proportional to the momentum, not the speed, of the object. This means that even slow-moving objects can have a relatively large De Broglie Wavelength if they have a small mass.

5. What are some examples of slow objects with significant De Broglie Wavelength?

Some examples of slow objects with significant De Broglie Wavelength include electrons, which have a very small mass and thus a large De Broglie Wavelength, and atoms, which have a larger mass but can still exhibit wave-like behavior at low velocities.

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