De facto standard file format for electronic circuits

In summary: And there is a format called .sch that is used to store Spice models. Having said that, there are some common formats. GDS is the common format for storing layout information. SPICE net lists are just text files, usually stored with a .cir extension. And there is a format called .sch that is used to store Spice models.
  • #1
What's the most common way to store electronic circuits in digital form ?

What is the ".pdf document" equivalent for the electronic world ?
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  • #2
Welcome to PF;
Probably a PSPICE file ... though you can also use LaTeX markup with an electronics package.
I don't think there is a proprietory circuit modelling program that is so commonly used that it's internal file format could be considered a defacto standard. However - large companies may have their internal ideas.

(Aside: Portable Document Format [pdf] is ISO 32000-1:2008 i.e. actual not defacto.)
  • #3
Simon Bridge said:
Welcome to PF;
Probably a PSPICE file ... though you can also use LaTeX markup with an electronics package.
I don't think there is a proprietory circuit modelling program that is so commonly used that it's internal file format could be considered a defacto standard. However - large companies may have their internal ideas.

(Aside: Portable Document Format [pdf] is ISO 32000-1:2008 i.e. actual not defacto.)
thank you for your answer; I'm not really marking a difference between proprietary and open standards, I just like to know if there is any kind of file format that can be considered a good proxy for sharing informations about the design of your circuits .

It's weird that the EE community is basically one of the very few without any tangible standard when it comes to storing and representing informations that is vital for what they do .
  • #4
zunf said:
It's weird that the EE community is basically one of the very few without any tangible standard when it comes to storing and representing informations that is vital for what they do .

It's a competitive industry. Companies don't want to make it easy for others to use their designs.

Having said that, there are some common formats. GDS is the common format for storing layout information. SPICE net lists are just text files, usually stored with a .cir extension.

FAQ: De facto standard file format for electronic circuits

1. What is a de facto standard file format for electronic circuits?

A de facto standard file format for electronic circuits is a file format that has been widely adopted and used in the electronics industry, even though it may not have been officially recognized or endorsed by a standards organization. It is a de facto standard because it has become the most commonly used format, often due to its compatibility with various software and hardware platforms.

2. Why is having a de facto standard file format important in the electronics industry?

Having a de facto standard file format for electronic circuits is important because it allows for compatibility and interoperability between different software and hardware platforms. This means that circuit designs can be easily shared and used by different engineers and organizations, reducing the need for specialized software and improving efficiency and collaboration in the industry.

3. How is a de facto standard file format determined?

A de facto standard file format is determined by its widespread use and adoption in the industry. It may start as a proprietary format created by a particular company, but as it becomes more widely used and accepted, it becomes a de facto standard. Its popularity and compatibility with different platforms are key factors in its determination as a de facto standard file format.

4. What are some common de facto standard file formats for electronic circuits?

Some common de facto standard file formats for electronic circuits include Gerber (used for PCB manufacturing), Eagle (used for PCB design), and SPICE (used for circuit simulation). Other popular formats include Altium Designer, KiCad, and AutoCAD's DXF format.

5. Are de facto standard file formats permanent or subject to change?

De facto standard file formats for electronic circuits are not permanent and are subject to change. As technology and industry needs evolve, new formats may emerge as more popular and widely used, replacing older formats. However, de facto standard file formats tend to have a long lifespan and may continue to be used for many years even as new formats emerge.

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