Death in Elderly: The Chainlike Phenomenon?

  • Thread starter Fervent Freyja
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In summary, the conversation discusses a phenomenon where elderly people living together begin dying in close succession, potentially due to a broken heart or other physiological changes. Some believe that strong emotional bonds and stress can contribute to this phenomenon. The surviving sister may be at risk due to major life changes and potential changes in routine and self-care. The exact physiological mechanisms behind this phenomenon are not fully understood.
  • #1
Fervent Freyja
Gold Member
Has anyone heard of a particular phenomenon where elderly living together begin dying in a chainlike reaction close together?

4 months ago I lost a constant in my life. I found her dead in her bed. It was one of the most gruesome and shocking events in my life. One of my daughter's biggest supporters, my grandmother-in-law. I am still grieving and although I have witnessed someone die in front of me before and helped others pass comfortably, this is much harder, as she was a true constant in my life. I loved her.

She cared for 2 elder sisters in the home. I did not expect for her other sister to pass a few days ago. I did not find her, but I saw that she was in the fetal position and had fell in her bedroom. This was also unexpected for me, as I have still been checking up on the sister's since I separated from my husband, and she had been doing well last Friday when I dropped my daughter off for time with them! I saw no signs of her death being near.

Is there a term for this phenomenon? Everyone keeps telling me that it's common for elderly to start dying around the same time if they are close, is this true?

I am worried about the last sister in the home, although she is going to live with the youngest sister, I am afraid she is not far behind. She had been by the other sister's side for close to 80 years, neither married, and they always lived together.

I am afraid she will die soon from heartbreak. Is this an established, real phenomenon, for elderly that are intimate or live together to die so close together? Does anyone have any links to research on these matters?
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  • #2

I've found this article suggesting that "broken heart syndrome" comes into play. It seems there is some basis behind elderly intimate couples dying together, often through having a broken heart (massive amounts of stress).

However, I wouldn't expect that it would occur in any elderly people living together, but specifically those with strong emotional bonds (usually intimate relationships lasting for decades).

Edit: I feel that two sisters living with each other for a long times might see immense stress seeing another pass away regardless of them living together. However, I'm sure everything will pan out fine, the science behind this isn't very solid.
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  • #3
Stress on the heart? Immune system?

I am trying to set some preventative measures in place. I have instructed the new caregiver sister to ensure she does not stop eating and drinking. She will be following up with her doctor. But I am wondering if there is anything else we can do to prevent her from dying in the near future? I am trying to find a medical cause for this heartbreak phenomenon.
  • #4
What is called the broken heart syndrome appears to be a specific cardiomyopathy and I don't think its likely to be the main problem when this happens. As we get older our homeostatic mechanisms get progressively less effective and any major life change can present a significant challenge and lead to a number of changes which can increase the risk of death. In the elderly, falls are very strongly associated with increased risk, this may be because falls are symptomatic of other issues, the person is more likely to be injured because of bones being weaker and the failure of defensive reflexes, then their is not having the strength to effectively make yourself safe.
These things will all be potential issues for the surviving sister, dealing with a loss like this will inevitably involve the need for major changes, its not just the loss of the person, this is the loss of a whole way of living and the loss of hope for the future. One of the most obvious issues would be the depression of bereavement and the lack of self care, your obviously aware of eating and drinking being issues, but people often become much more sedentary which can be difficult to monitor. A sudden change in the level of activity also increases the risk of some cardiovascular problems, its also thought that depression increases the risk of cardiac arrhythmia's. Again age is associated with alterations in immune competence, it can be quite difficult to link adverse health effects to difficult life events, despite what is popularized in magazines, but there are good theoretical reasons to assume that immunity may be suppressed and this is much more likely to be significant in the elderly.
The problem is that the stress associated with major life events can cause so many physiological changes its difficult to try to control for them all, even trying to control depression with drugs in the elderly is far more difficult and introduces other risks. Its sad and difficult to know how best to help.
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  • #5
Thanks @Laroxe. Something just struck me. I keep looking back for signs that the sister had become more sedentary the last few months.

Her patterns in routine did actually change. Now, I note, she had been in her housecoat more frequently when I visited and she changed her seating. Clues to her basic self-care routine being disrupted?

I recall observing her energy levels, they seem to have increased, and she was speaking more and seemed to be in a better mood- I mistook that, I think. I did not look very closely for signs her immunity was being disrupted. Again, I assumed.

Honestly, I am still perplexed about the physiological mechanisms behind which a fall can cause death so easily?
  • #6
Fervent Freyja said:
Has anyone heard of a particular phenomenon where elderly living together begin dying in a chainlike reaction close together?
My great grandmother died and then my grandfather a few days after. When you reach very old ages, "will to survive" can be pretty powerful. So when that "will" is gone, it doesn't take long.
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  • #7
Greg Bernhardt said:
My great grandmother died and then my grandfather a few days after. When you reach very old ages, "will to survive" can be pretty powerful. So when that "will" is gone, it doesn't take long.

It's sad. The last of the trio and my daughter have a deep bond. I think I am hoping that she will live longer and don't want to accept she will lose her soon, too. I keep thinking if everyone worked together to keep her healthy, then she could potentially live many more years. But, I do not know what she wants to do. I know that she and the last sister never left each other's side for near a century. I think she may lose the will to live as you mentioned. Sad for everyone.

Related to Death in Elderly: The Chainlike Phenomenon?

What is "Death in Elderly: The Chainlike Phenomenon"?

"Death in Elderly: The Chainlike Phenomenon" is a term used to describe the pattern of multiple deaths occurring within a short period of time among elderly individuals in a particular community or setting. This phenomenon is often observed in nursing homes or assisted living facilities, where residents may have similar health conditions and vulnerabilities.

What causes "Death in Elderly: The Chainlike Phenomenon"?

The exact cause of "Death in Elderly: The Chainlike Phenomenon" is not fully understood. However, it is believed to be influenced by a combination of factors such as the spread of contagious illnesses, environmental factors, and psychological factors such as grief and stress. Some studies have also suggested that a lack of resources and inadequate care may contribute to this phenomenon.

Is "Death in Elderly: The Chainlike Phenomenon" preventable?

While it may not be possible to completely prevent "Death in Elderly: The Chainlike Phenomenon", there are steps that can be taken to reduce its occurrence. This includes implementing strict infection control measures, providing adequate resources and support for elderly individuals, and addressing any underlying psychological factors that may contribute to this phenomenon.

Are there any warning signs for "Death in Elderly: The Chainlike Phenomenon"?

There are no specific warning signs for "Death in Elderly: The Chainlike Phenomenon", as it often occurs unexpectedly. However, if there are multiple deaths occurring within a short period of time in a particular community or setting, it may be an indication of this phenomenon. It is important to monitor the health and well-being of elderly individuals closely in these situations.

How can "Death in Elderly: The Chainlike Phenomenon" be managed or addressed?

Managing or addressing "Death in Elderly: The Chainlike Phenomenon" involves a multi-faceted approach. This may include providing appropriate medical care, addressing any underlying psychological factors, and implementing measures to prevent the spread of contagious illnesses. It is also important to provide support and resources to the families and caregivers of elderly individuals who may be affected by this phenomenon.

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