Debunking the Moon Landing Hoax Theory

In summary, the conversation revolved around the topic of the moon landing being a hoax. While some participants believed that there was evidence to support this theory, others argued that it was not a well-founded argument and that the moon landing did indeed happen. The conversation also briefly touched on the topic of UFOs, with some participants stating that there is no concrete evidence to support the existence of alien spacecraft. Overall, the consensus among the participants was that the moon landing was not a hoax and that there is no solid evidence to support the conspiracy theories surrounding it.
  • #1
I personally think it was after reading sites such as these:
[ woo-woo links deleted ]
Just wondering what everyone's thoughts are on this topic... (I hope I don't get banned :frown: )
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  • #3
Banned for asking a question? The mentors are not head hunters looking for their next trophy ban. :-p

I would not waste my time with those sites. They are not to be taken seriously. There is also the fox special and a few other "moon hoax" videos floating about, the arguments are never sound and usually rely on emotional arguments and faulty or misrepresented evidence.
  • #4
Davorak said:
I would not waste my time with those sites. They are not to be taken seriously. There is also the fox special and a few other "moon hoax" videos floating about, the arguments are never sound and usually rely on emotional arguments and faulty or misrepresented evidence.

And of course the "fact" that the US government lies anytime, anyplace, about anything related to anyone. If it involves the US government, its a lie. The government told me that it was sunday which means most definitely, that it was actually friday :smile: :smile:
  • #5
Check out Jay does an excellent job of explaining various aspects of the Apollo moon landings and his answers are not fluff.
  • #6
There is a moon hoax: the hoax is the idea that the moon landings were a hoax. I am convinced Hoagland (the squeaky wheel these days) doesn't even believe his own BS. He pushes his hoax for the sole purpose of personal profit.
  • #7
Don't you all think that if the moonl landing was a hoax then all the moon landigs sice then would have had to be a hoax, bcause i fnot the images or so would be very different?
  • #8
Not too long ago i remember reading that an ESA craft had photographed materials left behind on the moon by Russian and American moonmissions. Of course, the European Space Agency could also be involved in the moon-hoax ;)
  • #9
If it was a hoax, then hundreds of people, from model makers to janitors and make-up artists, would half to be able to keep a giant secret. By now, someone one would of come forward. I mean even the National Enquirer would pay them millions for one slip of real evidence. You just can't keep that many people quite.
  • #10
Pengwuino said:
And of course the "fact" that the US government lies anytime, anyplace, about anything related to anyone. If it involves the US government, its a lie. The government told me that it was sunday which means most definitely, that it was actually friday :smile: :smile:

That is the emtional agurment that is used the most Pengwuino. You distrust the governement on other things so distrust the governemnt on this too! If anything this is not a reason to believe the moon landing was hoaxed, rather it may be a reason to invesigate all claims the government makes. It has been investigated and has more attention then it ever needed.

I thinkg Ivan has the debunk well in hand.
  • #11
Hmmm, maybe I am a bit too gullible... :frown: Just out of curiosity, is it the consensus, here at PF, that UFOs are a huge hoax as well?
  • #12
I can't speak for the consensus on UFOs, but I can give you my opinion.

UFOs are real. A UFO is, literally, an "unidentified flying object". Lots of people see UFOs - things in the sky which they can't immediately explain. A lot of the time, it turns out that those things do have a mundane explanation. Perhaps the person is seeing a strange cloud, or the planet Venus, or even a high-altitude man-made aircraft. Sometimes, there just isn't enough evidence, or the evidence isn't of high enough quality, to be able to sort out exactly what was seen.

The bottom line is, though, that there is no good, convincing evidence that any UFO has ever been an alien spaceship - despite the thousands of internet sites which will tell you otherwise. Photographs of alien spaceships, for example, are invariably fuzzy, or else they are faked.

Not everybody who claims to have seen an alien spaceship is making up a story, or is untrustworthy. Some people are just plain mistaken about what they saw. However, there are also many people out to make some money, or to gain some fame for themselves, who make up all kinds of stories.
  • #13
Please start another thread if you wish to discuss UFOs.
  • #14
russ_watters said:
There is a moon hoax: the hoax is the idea that the moon landings were a hoax. I am convinced Hoagland (the squeaky wheel these days) doesn't even believe his own BS. He pushes his hoax for the sole purpose of personal profit.

Well how else would he be able to yammer on about the alien machines and such on Mars that are massively being covered up. And the residents and their structures on the moon too. They just convieniently all appear on the far side of the moon so you can't see them, but he knows.
  • #15
doesnt the fact that people are picking on the little details and such almost prove that it wasnt a hoax? i mean if it was totally faked, from start to finish, I am guessing whoever did it would screw up royally about 100 times. and not just little things like shadows and whatnot. so the fact that people are saying that "oh this shadow and that" is slightly off, kind of indicates that eithor whoever did a fake was amazingly smart and planned it out, something rare in government undertakings, or that its not a fake. just my two cents :)
  • #16
I saw an episode of "Da Ali G Show" that featured an interview with Buzz Lightyear wherein he stated that the Moon does infact exist. :smile:
  • #17
Well, I'm glad we've got that settled!
  • #18
Isn't the most plausible evidence those laser reflector arrays that were set up on the moon?

I would have to say that even if this were to be 'countered', we didn't have nearly as much advanced robotics in order to specially place the array at that exact location...
  • #19

FAQ: Debunking the Moon Landing Hoax Theory

1. Was the moon landing faked?

There is overwhelming evidence that the moon landing was not faked. The Apollo 11 mission was witnessed by millions of people around the world and there are thousands of photos, videos, and documents that prove the authenticity of the landing.

2. Why do some people believe the moon landing was a hoax?

There are several reasons why some people believe the moon landing was a hoax. Some of the most common arguments include the perceived lack of technology at the time, the waving flag in the footage, and the shadows and lighting in the photos. However, all of these claims have been debunked by scientific evidence.

3. How did NASA fake the moon landing?

There is no evidence to suggest that NASA faked the moon landing. The technology used during the Apollo missions was advanced for its time but was not impossible to achieve. The waving flag in the footage was caused by the astronauts moving it to secure it in the ground, and the shadows and lighting in the photos are consistent with the positioning of the sun and the lunar landscape.

4. What about the missing telemetry data from the mission?

Some people claim that the missing telemetry data from the Apollo 11 mission is evidence of a hoax. However, the data was lost due to magnetic tape being reused, a common practice at the time. The data from the mission is still available from other sources and has been analyzed by experts, confirming the authenticity of the moon landing.

5. Has anyone ever found evidence of a moon landing hoax?

No. Despite countless investigations and conspiracy theories, no credible evidence has ever been found to support the claim that the moon landing was faked. All of the supposed evidence has been debunked by experts and scientists, and the overwhelming amount of evidence supports the fact that the moon landing was a real and historic event.
