Decay through gravitional interaction

In summary: The Higgs boson was predicted in the 1960s, so it's not that surprising that some predictions about it would be made back then.
  • #1
Gold Member
I know that the gravitational force is the weakest of all forces (it is 10^-38 times weaker than the strong force), so it isn't possible a particle to decay through gravitational interaction. As far as I know, the strength of fundamental forces can change during different ages of the universe, because of the overall temperature of the universe etc. Let's say sometime the gravitational force (was/will be) strong enough that a particle can decay through gravitational interaction when given the right conditions, how would the decay equations look like?
When decaying through weak interaction, we see quark favours change themselves, during electromagnetical decay, photons can be emitted etc. Which attribute of a particle/an atom would change during gravitational decay? Would gravitons be emitted?

And are virtual gravitons predicted to be mediating force (for doing something) inside a nucleus?
Thank you
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  • #2
The weakness is not the fundamental reason. There is also no known gravitational coupling that would change the particle type. Black holes are an exception, but calling that a "particle decay" can be questionable.

Virtual gravitons can mediate a tiny attractive force in a nucleus that has no relevance because it is so tiny.

Garlic said:
As far as I know, the strength of fundamental forces can change during different ages of the universe
There is no indication that the strength would have changed in any way. The strength depends on the energy scale, but high-energetic processes were not limited to the past, they happen today as well.
  • #3
In principle, an atom or molecule can decay from an excited state to a lower-energy state by graviton emission, just like it can decay by photon emission. The rates are so small as to be completely negligible, but they are not zero in general. There are angular momentum selection rules that follow from the graviton having spin 2, just like there are angular momentum selection rules for photon emission that follow from the photon having spin 1.
  • #4
As Avodyne points out, there are decays (eta -> pi0 + G would be one) that can proceed gravitationally. The rates are so small that in the entire history of the universe there has probably never been such a decay. On the issue of the strength of the gravitational interaction changing over time, there's no evidence of that, but in any event, it can't be tested by a process that, even though technically non-zero, as a practical matter doesn't occur.
  • #5
Vanadium 50 said:
As Avodyne points out, there are decays (eta -> pi0 + G would be one) that can proceed gravitationally. The rates are so small that in the entire history of the universe there has probably never been such a decay.
I have seen the estimate of a branching ratio between positronium decay to photons and to gravitons as 1040. But that estimate was 50 years old. For comparison, the branching ratio between positronium decay to photons and to neutrinos was in the region of 1020.
Any more modern estimates?
  • #6
The 10^40 should be about right. Roughly, the fine structure constant ##\alpha## gets replaced by ##Gm^2##, where ##G## is Newton's constant and ##m## is the electron mass, and I am using natural units with ##\hbar=c=1##. Roughly, ##Gm^2/\alpha \sim 10^{-20}##. The positronium decay rate to photons is proportional to ##\alpha^2##, so decay to gravitons should be smaller by ##10^{-40}##. But there are ##2\pi##'s to get right, and differing numerical factors from the different spins of the photon and graviton, etc.
  • #7
How can graviton emission be predicted, even though gravitons are theoretical particles?
  • #8
If gravity can be quantized we know some of its properties - it has to reproduce classical gravitational fields. We know the interaction strength, the spin of possible gravitons (2) and so on. Factors of 2 pi are up to the specific unknown theory but they won't change the result by many orders of magnitude.
  • #9
How could Higgs boson production be predicted back when it was a theoretical particle?
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Related to Decay through gravitional interaction

1. What is "decay through gravitational interaction"?

"Decay through gravitational interaction" refers to the process by which a large object, such as a planet or star, gradually loses energy and breaks apart due to gravitational forces acting upon it.

2. How does decay through gravitational interaction occur?

Decay through gravitational interaction occurs when the gravitational forces acting upon a large object become greater than the forces holding it together. This can be due to external forces, such as the gravitational pull of another object, or internal processes, such as fusion reactions within a star.

3. What objects can experience decay through gravitational interaction?

Any large object with sufficient mass and gravitational forces acting upon it can experience decay through gravitational interaction. This includes planets, stars, and even galaxies.

4. How long does it take for decay through gravitational interaction to occur?

The timescale for decay through gravitational interaction varies depending on the size and mass of the object, as well as the strength of the gravitational forces acting upon it. Some objects, such as stars, can take billions of years to decay, while others may decay much more quickly.

5. Can decay through gravitational interaction be prevented or stopped?

No, decay through gravitational interaction is a natural process that cannot be prevented or stopped. It is a fundamental aspect of the laws of physics and is necessary for the formation and evolution of the universe.

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