Decelerating charged particle and energy conservation

In summary, the mistake is in assuming that the energy radiated from the acceleration is the same as the kinetic energy.
  • #1
Jakub Supel
Consider a charged particle moving with velocity v, having the energy 1/2 m v^2. Now we deccelerate the particle very quickly; so quickly that the radiated energy is greater than the kinetic energy (it can be arbitrarily large). Note also that energy obtained from decceleration is positive. Where is the mistake?
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  • #2
Jakub Supel said:
Consider a charged particle moving with velocity v, having the energy 1/2 m v^2. Now we deccelerate the particle very quickly; so quickly that the radiated energy is greater than the kinetic energy (it can be arbitrarily large). Note also that energy obtained from decceleration is positive. Where is the mistake?
"It" refers to the "radiated" energy, or the "kinetic" energy?
  • #3
Jakub Supel said:
Consider a charged particle moving with velocity v, having the energy 1/2 m v^2. Now we deccelerate the particle very quickly; so quickly that the radiated energy is greater than the kinetic energy (it can be arbitrarily large). Note also that energy obtained from decceleration is positive. Where is the mistake?
Can you show us the math you used to calculate this? Also, remember that energy is power * time, so if you make the time arbitrarily short, you end up with high power for a short time, not high energy...
  • #4
Jakub Supel said:
Consider a charged particle moving with velocity v, having the energy 1/2 m v^2. Now we deccelerate the particle very quickly; so quickly that the radiated energy is greater than the kinetic energy (it can be arbitrarily large). Note also that energy obtained from decceleration is positive. Where is the mistake?
Work and energy are frame dependent. In all frames the change in the KE plus the change in the field energy equals the external work done. You can indeed make the energy radiated arbitrarily large, but only by making the work done by the external force correspondingly large.

I also recommend working out the math on this. It is a quantitative question, so a quantitative answer is needed.
  • #5
Ok, let me elaborate on my question. I really don't think the math is necessary as long as one understands all the physics behind the phenomenon, but I appreciate your skepticism.

1. A particle with mass ##m## (we can assume the electromagnetic mass is included here) and charge ##q## is moving with constant velocity ##v \ll c## along the x axis. The kinetic energy is ##\frac{1}{2} m v^2##. Since the EM mass is included in ##m##, the kinetic energy of the field is taken into account.

2. At ##t=0## we switch on a force ##F## acting opposite to the velocity and deccelerate the particle until its speed drops to ##0##. Of course, due to energy loss to radiation, the acceleration ##a \neq \frac{F}{m}##. Instead we have

$$ -F - \frac{q^2}{6 \pi \epsilon_0 c^3} \dot{a} = m a $$

Let ##t_0 = \frac{q^2}{6 \pi \epsilon_0 m c^3}##. The boundary conditions are ##a(0)=0##, ##v(0)=v##, ##v(T)=0## for some ##T## which depends on ##F##. The solution is

$$ a(t) = -\frac{F}{m} \left( 1- e^{-t/t_0} \right),$$
$$ F = \frac{mv}{T + t_0(e^{-T/t_0} -1 )}.$$

We use the Larmor formula to compute radiated energy:

$$ E_{rad} = \int_0^T m t_0 a(t)^2 dt.$$

For convenience, take ##v=m=t_0 = 1## - now ##F = \frac{1}{T -1 + e^{-T}}##. It is easy to see that ##F>0## and ##F \to \infty## as ## T \to 0##, which is intuitive. WolframAlpha says

$$ E_{rad} = \frac{T-\frac{3}{2} + 2e^{-T} - \frac{1}{2} e^{-2T}}{(T-1+e^{-T})^2}.$$

It goes to infinity as ##T \to 0##. In particular, ##\exists T>0 \ s.t. \ E_{rad} > \frac{1}{2} m v^2 ##. Moreover, there is an energy gathered from decceleration (negative work is done on the particle):

$$W = \int \vec{F} \cdot \vec{dx} < 0.$$

This is the maths. A simpler argument is this: radiated power is proportional to ##a^2##. This means, contrary to berkeman's claim, that integral of radiated power over time does depend on total time. This total time of decceleration can be arbitrarily short - although due to Abraham-Lorentz force the acceleration is not constant if we apply constant force. For very large force, acceleration will instead grow linearly, but there is no limit on the speed of this growth. Let ##a = -kt##. Then ##\int a(t)^2 dt = \frac{1}{3} k^2 T^3 = \frac{1}{3} k^2 \left( \frac{2v}{k} \right)^{3/2} \sim \sqrt{k}##.
  • #6
There is a very interesting problem related to this, and it is probably the source of all error:
Note that ##t_0 = \tau## is very tiny in most cases.
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  • #7
Jakub Supel said:
There is a very interesting problem related to this, and it is probably the source of all error:
Note that ##t_0 = \tau## is very tiny in most cases.
Yes, you discovered the key.
  • #8
Can someone explain the spoiler please, preferably the OP.
  • #9
Shortly speaking, the question about energy is directly related to a serious problem with formulation of classical electrodynamics. It's the equation ##F+\frac{q^2}{6πϵ_0 c^3}\dot{a}=ma## which is problematic. For ##F=0##, there is a solution ##a(t)=a_0 e^{t / \tau}##, so if the equation is correct, then particle knows in advance that force will be acting on it and will accelerate accordingly (or it will accelerate after the force dissapears, but then its speed would quickly approach c). I think the energy is conserved when we take this effect into account, but people have been working on a modification of this equation, a modification that would preserve causality.
  • #10
Jakub Supel said:
directly related to a serious problem with formulation of classical electrodynamics.
Good post except for this little bit. The problem is with classical point particles rather than with the formulation of classical electrodynamics. If you were to do this problem with a uniformly charged ball then you would find the radiation reaction force just fine.
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Likes Jakub Supel and vanhees71

FAQ: Decelerating charged particle and energy conservation

What is a decelerating charged particle?

A decelerating charged particle is a particle that is moving with a certain velocity and then undergoes a decrease in velocity. This decrease in velocity is due to the interaction of the particle with an external force, which can be electromagnetic or frictional in nature.

What is the principle of energy conservation?

The principle of energy conservation states that energy cannot be created or destroyed, it can only be transferred from one form to another. This means that the total energy of a system remains constant, even if it undergoes changes or transformations.

How does energy conservation apply to decelerating charged particles?

When a charged particle undergoes deceleration, its kinetic energy decreases. However, this decrease in kinetic energy is compensated by an increase in potential energy as the particle interacts with an external force. Therefore, the total energy of the particle remains constant, in accordance with the principle of energy conservation.

What factors affect the deceleration of a charged particle?

The deceleration of a charged particle is affected by several factors, including the strength of the external force acting on the particle, the charge of the particle, and the velocity of the particle. Other factors such as the medium in which the particle is moving and the presence of other particles can also influence the deceleration of a charged particle.

How is energy dissipated when a charged particle decelerates?

When a charged particle decelerates, some of its kinetic energy is converted into other forms of energy, such as heat or light. This dissipation of energy is due to the interaction of the particle with the medium it is moving through. The amount of energy dissipated depends on the strength of the external force and the properties of the medium.
