Deciphering this problem statement: Air resistance on projectiles

In summary: Homework Statement:: See attached imageHomework Equations:: basic augmented matriciesWhen the problem says "what happens if you try to use a polynomial of degree less than 5" do they mean have an equation like:p(t)=a0+a1t+a2t^2+a3t^3 ?Yes, that is correct. A polynomial of degree less than 5 would have a maximum of 4 terms, such as p(t)=a0+a1t+a2t^2+a3t^3.In summary, the problem involves finding a polynomial function to represent a given set of data points. The polynomial must be of degree 5 or less, with a maximum of 4 terms.
  • #1
Homework Statement
See attached image
Relevant Equations
basic augmented matricies
problem statement.png

I am struggling with our equation and where to plug in my velocities and forces? After looking at my book I don't understand why p(t) would be where I plug in force, and why variable "t" is where we plug our velocity in?

When the problem says "what happens if you try to use a polynomial of degree less than 5" do they mean have an equation like:
p(t)=a0+a1t+a2t^2+a3t^3 ?

Any help would be appreciated.
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  • #2
cookiemnstr510510 said:
Homework Statement:: See attached image
Homework Equations:: basic augmented matricies

I don't understand why p(t) would be where I plug in force, and why variable "t" is where we plug our velocity in?
p is a function, not a variable. ##p(t)=a0+a1t+a2t^2+a3t^3## says that if you supply the input value t to the function p it will return the value ##a0+a1t+a2t^2+a3t^3##. t just stands for any arbitrary input you might wish to make.
You want to express a force, F, as a polynomial function of wind speed, w. That means you are looking for a polynomial p such that ##F=p(w)##. So in p(t) the input p is to take the values you have for w, and the polynomial is to return something close to the observed values of F: ##F_i\approx p(w_i)##
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  • #3
cookiemnstr510510 said:
Homework Statement:: See attached image
Homework Equations:: basic augmented matricies

When the problem says "what happens if you try to use a polynomial of degree less than 5" do they mean have an equation like:
p(t)=a0+a1t+a2t^2+a3t^3 ?
By now, I think you have figured that you must find those constants in that polynomial. How do you think you can do that? Look at what you have been given.
  • #4
There is a crank-and-grind approach to constructing an interpolating polynomial through a given set of data points. The Wiki page gives it, introduced by the words: "Alternatively, we may write down the polynomial immediately in terms of Lagrange polynomials:"

The idea behind that construction is that one can easily write down a polynomial which is zero at all but one of the given data points. For instance, a polynomial which is zero at every given data point other than t=4 is:$$(t-0)(t-2)(t-6)(t-8)(t-10)$$ You want to scale that polynomial up or down so that its result, when evaluated at t=4 is equal to the given data value for t=4. i.e. it needs to evaluate to 14.8. You determine the required scaling factor by taking the given data value (14.8) and dividing it by the result of evaluating the polynomial at t=4.

i.e. you evaluate:$$\frac{(t-0)(t-2)(t-6)(t-8)(t-10)}{(4-0)(4-2)(4-6)(4-8)(4-10)}14.8$$ as a polynomial. That is, it should come out as$$\text{something }t^5 + \text{something }t^4 + \text{something }t^3 + \text{something }t^2 + \text{something }t + \text{something}$$ You then repeat for each of the other data points and add all six polynomials together. Because of the way they were constructed, each individual formula is a fifth degree polynomial, is zero at all but one point and takes on the correct value at that data point. The sum of all of them must therefore be a fifth (or fewer) degree polynomial that takes the correct value at all the data points.

It is a fair bit of mind-numbing work.

Edit: Switched to use "t" as the dummy variable in the polynomial as the question suggests.
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  • #5
The manual process suggested by jbriggs444 will certainly work.

For something less painful, you might consider using a spreadsheet such as MS Excel, and looking up the "generalized least square" method.
  • #6
A word of caution regarding the use of Excel: you can ask it for a 5th degree polynomial trendline and "display equation on Chart" but the default will display only 2 decimal places for the coefficients. For a 5th degree polynomial that is just not enough to use it to get good values. If you go the trendline route, you need to format the trendline equation to show 5 or 6 figures.
  • #7
gmax137 said:
A word of caution regarding the use of Excel: you can ask it for a 5th degree polynomial trendline and "display equation on Chart" but the default will display only 2 decimal places for the coefficients. For a 5th degree polynomial that is just not enough to use it to get good values. If you go the trendline route, you need to format the trendline equation to show 5 or 6 figures.

I was not talking about using the trend line function. Though, of course, that's possible. The digits displayed can be formatted to show the desired number of digits.

I was talking about using the spreadsheet to do the generalized least square fit to a polynomial of your choice. You make a column with all 1's, a column with x, a column with x-squared, a column with x-cubed, etc. Then you build your polynomial out of A times the first column, B times the second, etc. Then you minimize the sum of the squares of the differences with your data by adjusting the parameters. You get the same notion as a least-square fit to a straight line, but to a polynomial. There's a keen little matrix equation that you need to solve to get the minimum. And such matrix equations, up to a few 100 data points and up to a dozen columns, is easily within Excel's ability.

Excel also has a built-in polynomial fitting function. This will work directly on the spreadsheet, no graph required.
  • #8
DEvens said:
I was not talking about using the trend line function.
I know you weren't :smile:.

But I have seen the trendline feature used a lot for this, and I have had to show numerous co-workers that it needs to be done with caution. Many people are fooled by the "R-squared = 0.9999" and just copy, or cut and paste, the displayed coefficients. The pitfall is, many of the polynomials have a negative coefficient in the leading or second term, so they depend on subtracting large numbers that don't differ by much. To get an accurate subtraction you need to carry a lot of digits.

I suppose this caution applies to the manually-constructed polynomial as well? Don't round the coefficients as you go.

FAQ: Deciphering this problem statement: Air resistance on projectiles

1. How does air resistance affect the trajectory of a projectile?

Air resistance, also known as drag, is a force that acts in the opposite direction of an object's motion through the air. This force increases as the speed of the object increases. Therefore, air resistance affects the trajectory of a projectile by causing it to slow down and deviate from its intended path.

2. How can air resistance be calculated for a projectile?

Air resistance can be calculated using the drag equation, which takes into account the density of the air, the velocity of the object, the object's cross-sectional area, and a drag coefficient. These values can be determined experimentally or through mathematical modeling.

3. How does air resistance vary for different types of projectiles?

The amount of air resistance experienced by a projectile depends on its shape, size, and velocity. Objects with a larger surface area will experience more air resistance, while objects with a streamlined shape will experience less. Additionally, faster projectiles will experience more air resistance than slower ones.

4. How does air resistance affect the range of a projectile?

As air resistance slows down a projectile and causes it to deviate from its intended path, it also decreases the projectile's range. This is because the force of air resistance acts against the forward motion of the projectile, reducing its overall distance traveled.

5. How can air resistance be reduced for a projectile?

There are several ways to reduce the effects of air resistance on a projectile. One method is to increase the object's velocity, as this will cause it to experience a smaller percentage of its total velocity as air resistance. Another method is to decrease the object's surface area, either by changing its shape or by adding a streamlined design. Additionally, a larger mass can also help to decrease the impact of air resistance on a projectile.

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