Decoding Binary Number 1100011: What Base 10 Number Does it Represent?

In summary, the largest 2 digit palindrome in base ten is represented by the binary number 1100011, which equals 99 in base ten. The confusion about the problem may have been caused by not understanding the concept of base 10 and how it applies to binary numbers.
  • #1

Homework Statement

In the binary number system 1100011 is the name for the largest 2 digit palindrome in base ten. What base 10 number does this binary number represent?

Homework Equations


The Attempt at a Solution

My question about this problem is the 2 digit part is ambiguous. Is the two digit imlplying only 2 different numbers OR is it implying two digits long? I know that 1100011=c=100 in roman numerals but 100 is not a palindrome.

I would also like to point out that this was a question given to a 6th grade math class. My friend and I are taking calculus and were confused by the problem. Any insight?
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  • #2
1100011 is odd, how could be equal to 100?
  • #3
1100011 in binary code represents the letter c, therefore in roman numerals c=100. But how could there be a palindrome in base 10? It would have to end in 0 wouldn't it?
  • #4
Ok we found it from last year. Apparently the answer to the question is 99, although when divided by 10 the result isn't a whole number.
  • #5
As a binary (base 2) number 1100011 = 1*26+1*25 +0*24 +0*23+0*22+1*21+1*20 = 64+32+2+1 = 99.

You should be looking at the binary number system, not ascii characters.

although when divided by 10 the result isn't a whole number.

This statement makes me doubt your understanding of the question. What do you think "base 10" means?
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FAQ: Decoding Binary Number 1100011: What Base 10 Number Does it Represent?

1. What is binary code and how does it work?

Binary code is a type of code that uses only two digits, 0 and 1, to represent data. It works by assigning a unique combination of 0s and 1s to each character, number, or symbol. These digits are then interpreted by a computer to perform various operations.

2. What is the significance of the number 1100011 in binary code?

The number 1100011 represents a specific sequence of 0s and 1s in binary code. Each digit in the sequence has a specific value, and when combined, they represent a larger number or character.

3. How do you convert binary code to base 10?

To convert binary code to base 10, you can use the positional notation method. Each digit in the binary sequence represents a power of 2, starting from the rightmost digit with a power of 0. You can then add up the values of each digit to get the base 10 representation.

4. What base 10 number does 1100011 represent?

Using the conversion method mentioned above, 1100011 in binary code represents the base 10 number 99.

5. Why is binary code used in computers?

Binary code is used in computers because it is the most efficient way to represent and process data. By using only two digits, it reduces the complexity of data storage and manipulation, making it easier for computers to process large amounts of information quickly.
