Decoding Gödel Numbers for Sequences: A Constructive Approach

In summary, Wikipedia argues that because a least solution exists for the congruence x ≡ ai mod mi, and because a procedure exists which rem(x,mi) = ai, then there exists an effective Gödel numbering for sequences. However, the argument seems to be slightly circular due to the requirement of the existence of a least solution in the first place.
  • #1
Gold Member
First, this is not the same question as
It concerns a different encoding procedure, hence a different decoding one.

My question concerns the argument inödel_numbering_for_sequences
for the existence of an effective decoding function β corresponding to the effective coding π for the Gödel number for sequences as given in that article : that is, given this procedure for generating the Gödel number from a sequence, and given the Godel number G of an unknown sequence (k1,, to prove the existence of β such that for all for all 0<i<n, β(G,i) =ki.

Wikipedia leaves the " for all 0<i<n " implicit, so I will follow that abuse of notation as well:

If I understand that argument correctly:
First, we assume that we can choose misuch that
[*] mi>ai
[**] all mi are coprime to one another.
(This can even be done constructively.)

Then since we know that (k1, exists, we know that a least solution x to the congruences
x ≡ ai mod mi
exists. Call it X.
We can construct a recursive function rem(a,b) so that rem(a,b)=(a mod b), so since we know X exists, we know that a procedure rem(X,mi) = ai exists.

OK, something rankles. Apparently I am not laying down the outline correctly , because it sounds slightly circular to me. Can anyone tell me what is wrong in my summary?

(It would be nice if there were a constructive proof...)

(Also: the construction of the miso as to fulfill [*] and [**] would seem to require rather huge numbers: if [*] is fulfilled, then one just takes m = lcm(1,..., n-1) and mi= (i+1)*m + 1. But the only way I can see to make sure that [*] is fulfilled is to set m = lcm(1,...n-1, G), where G is the given Gödel number of the sequence; this ends up with rather large mi, so would it still be effective?)
  • #3
I moved this thread from the Computer Science/Programming section to here. I think this forum section is a better fit.
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  • #4
Thanks for the actions, Greg Bernhardt and Mark 44. Let me state the question a bit better, including correcting a couple of mistakes in my original post.
In showing the existence of an effective Gödel numbering for sequences, Wikipedia:
in one direction: it takes a known sequence (a1, and establishes a coding procedure which ends up with the Gödel number a ( no problem so far).

Then, to show that a decoding procedure β exists so that β(a,i) = ai : here's where it gets a bit confusing.
[1] First it finds m such that m is divisible by all the non-zero indices, and then:
[2] constructs a sequence of pairwise coprime numbers mi
[3] using the CRT (Chinese Remainder Theorem] it shows that, using a pairing function π, that π(x0,m) = a, whereby x0 satisfies the system of equations x0 ≡ aimod mi, so that rem(x0,mi) = ai.
By now I am totally lost. Therefore I presume that I have laid out the general argument incorrectly. Could someone either correct this or direct me to a website which lays out the argument a bit more clearly than Wikipedia does? (Yes, I know I can "just" google it, but I didn't come up with anything.)

Related to Decoding Gödel Numbers for Sequences: A Constructive Approach

1. What is Gödel numbering for sequences?

Gödel numbering for sequences is a method of assigning unique numerical codes to sequences of symbols in a formal language. It was developed by mathematician Kurt Gödel as part of his work in mathematical logic.

2. How does Gödel numbering work?

Gödel numbering assigns a unique prime number to each symbol in a formal language. These prime numbers are then multiplied together to form a code for the entire sequence. This method allows for every possible sequence of symbols to have a unique code.

3. What is the purpose of Gödel numbering?

Gödel numbering is used in mathematical logic and computer science to represent logical expressions and algorithms. It allows for these complex concepts to be represented in a simple and systematic way, which is useful for proving theorems and solving problems.

4. Are there any limitations to Gödel numbering?

While Gödel numbering is a powerful tool, it is not without limitations. It can only be applied to formal languages with a finite number of symbols, and it does not work for languages that have an infinite number of sequences.

5. How is Gödel numbering related to Gödel's incompleteness theorems?

Gödel numbering is closely related to Gödel's incompleteness theorems, which state that in any axiomatic system, there will always be true statements that cannot be proven within that system. Gödel numbering provides a way to encode these statements and prove them using mathematical logic.

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