Decoding material specifications

  • Thread starter ehilge
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In summary: ASTM A403 indicates that this is for wrought fittings. The WP316 indicates that it is Standard [i.e. not LowCarbon (316-L) or High-Temp (316-H)]
  • #1
I've been trying to learn exactly how materials are specified, with particular reference to pipes and fittings, and I've come across some conflicting information and apparent confusion. The callouts I've been coming across have an ASTM #, grade #, amd sometimes a UNS#.

For example: ASTM A403 Grade WP316 (UNS S31600)

I'm fairly certain the ASTM number specifies the actual material composition and the minimum alowable mechanical properties, like tensile strength and yield strength. Does the ASTM number actually mean anything itself? i.e. does the 'A' or the fact its in the 400s indicate anything in particular about the material.

From what I can tell, the grade has more to do with the finish or how it is manufactured. I found that WP indicates wrought in this case. Again, does the number itself mean anything?

I have the most confusion with the UNS number. I can't tell if its just a different was to specify the same thing or if it adds more description to what has already been listed.

Any light you can shed on this subject would be most appreciated, thanks in advance for your help.
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  • #2
UNS number (Unified Numbering System) is a unique alloy identifier which provides the material composition. See here: This is just raw material data, it has no requirements for manufacturing, heat treats, post-work, strength, etc.

I don't have the spec in front of me, but it seems the ASTM specification deals with how to manufacture, test and rate stainless steel pipe fittings using stainless steels such as S31600 (stainless steel 316, which is a high-corrosion resistance steel).

Does that help?
  • #3
The ASTM 403 indicates that this is for wrought fittings.
The Grade WP316 indicates that it is Standard [i.e. not LowCarbon (316-L) or High-Temp (316-H)]
Mech_Engineer told you what UNS was.

The UNS number is simply for reference if that is how a company references materials (say, in a different country). For example, you have your Standard 316 Stainless Steel, which is S31600, and you have Low Carbon 316 Stainless Steel, which is S31603. These can also be referenced as WP316 and WP316-L, respectively.

ASTM stands for the American Society for Testing and Materials.

See HERE for the abstract of the ASTM A403 standard. is a resource for ASTM material specifications data

Also, see page 68/77 of THIS for typical information that comes along with the spec you referenced.
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  • #4
Thanks for the information. Is there anything akin to standard rules for the numbering systems? Or are the numbers purely arbitrary? For example, if an ASTM number is in the 400 range, does that in itself give you any particular information on the item in questions?
  • #5
It's the section in the ASTM standard.

FAQ: Decoding material specifications

1. What is the purpose of decoding material specifications?

The purpose of decoding material specifications is to understand the properties and characteristics of a particular material in order to determine its suitability for a specific application or use. Material specifications provide information on the composition, strength, durability, and other important factors that can affect the performance of a material.

2. How do material specifications differ from material standards?

Material specifications and standards are often used interchangeably, but they have distinct differences. Material specifications are detailed descriptions of the specific requirements for a material to be used in a particular application. Material standards, on the other hand, are generally accepted guidelines for the characteristics and performance of a material, but do not specify the exact requirements for a specific application.

3. Who creates material specifications?

Material specifications are typically created by organizations or industries that have a need for specific materials in their products or processes. These organizations may conduct research, testing, and development to determine the best materials for their needs and create detailed specifications for those materials.

4. How can decoding material specifications benefit manufacturers?

Decoding material specifications can benefit manufacturers by helping them select the most suitable materials for their products or processes. This can lead to improved product quality, reduced costs, and increased efficiency. Understanding material specifications can also help manufacturers make informed decisions about material sourcing and ensure compliance with industry standards and regulations.

5. Are material specifications always accurate?

Material specifications are created based on extensive research, testing, and analysis. However, they may not always be accurate due to factors such as variations in manufacturing processes, changes in raw materials, or human error. It is important for manufacturers to regularly review and update their material specifications to ensure they are using the most current and accurate information.
