Decomposing Coupled Oscillators: A Superposition Approach

In summary, the conversation is about decomposing an oscillation into symmetric and antisymmetric mode oscillations and finding the values of A and B in terms of C. The general solution is given, as well as the particular solution matching the initial conditions. The coupling spring affects the frequency of the antisymmetric mode, but not the symmetric one. The final solution is A = B = C/2.
  • #1

Homework Statement


The question then goes on to say:
Decompose the resulting oscillation as a superposition of symmetric and antisymmetric mode oscillations. Hence give A and B in terms of C

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

Well as of yet I'm not sure I fully understand the question. I think all its asking me to do is to combine the two waves to give one equation that describes the resultant wave.

As I understand the theory behind it, [tex]\omega_A[/tex] is 180 degrees out of phase with [tex]\omega_S[/tex]. Does this mean that the superposition of the waves cancels each other out? Or does the oscillation of the coupling spring contribute to this?

As far as I can gleam as well, A = C and B = -C. Is this right?
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  • #2
In the general case, the phases of the two waves are completely independent. The general solution is

x1s = Acos(ws t + ps) = x2s
x1a = Bcos (wa t + pa) = -x2a

where ps and pa are two independent phase angles. In the question, they have given you the particular solution that matches the initial conditions they specified, and that has ps = pa = 0.

Your "A = C and B = -C" is not quite right. At time t = 0 you have

x1 = x1s + x1a = A + B = C and
x2 = x2s + x2a = A - B = 0.

The waves don't cancel out because they have different frequencies. The formulas given in the question show that the coupling spring affects the frequency of the antisymmetric mode, but not the symmetric one. That makes sense - in the symmetric mode the coupling spring does not change length so its stiffness is irrelevant, but in the antisymmetric mode it does change length and its stiffness affects the frequency of the mode.
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  • #3

I'm not meant to write it as one function like Asinx + Bcosx = Xcos(x+w)?

I'm still not 100% sure what's going on with this question and what its asking me.

Is the x1 = x1s + x1a = A + B (and simililar for x2) part the first part of the question? Then that is used to give A and B in terms of C?
  • #4
As far as I can see, all they want you to do is write the motion as

x1 = A cos w1 t + B cos w2 t
x2 = A cos w1 t - B cos w2 t

and use the conditions at t = 0 to find A and B in terms of C.

I agree it seems a strange question. They seem to have done all the hard stuff for you.
  • #5
So I've done that and gotten that A=B=C/2.

Does that sound about right?
  • #6
Brewer said:
So I've done that and gotten that A=B=C/2.

Does that sound about right?

Yep :approve:

FAQ: Decomposing Coupled Oscillators: A Superposition Approach

1. What is the concept of LHO - coupled oscillators?

The concept of LHO - coupled oscillators refers to a system of two or more oscillators that are connected or coupled together, causing them to influence each other's motion.

2. What are the properties of LHO - coupled oscillators?

The properties of LHO - coupled oscillators include synchronization, where the oscillators move in unison, and frequency entrainment, where the oscillators adjust their frequencies to match each other.

3. How are LHO - coupled oscillators used in science and engineering?

LHO - coupled oscillators are used to model and study various phenomena, such as the synchronization of fireflies or the behavior of coupled pendulums. They are also used in engineering for applications such as clock synchronization and communication systems.

4. What are some real-world examples of LHO - coupled oscillators?

Some real-world examples of LHO - coupled oscillators include the synchronized flashing of fireflies, the coordinated movements of schools of fish, and the synchronization of circadian rhythms in biological systems.

5. What are the benefits of studying LHO - coupled oscillators?

Studying LHO - coupled oscillators can help us understand and predict complex behaviors in a wide range of systems. This knowledge can be applied to improve technologies and solve real-world problems, such as improving energy efficiency or designing better communication networks.
