Decomposition of direct product into symmetric/antisymmetric parts

In summary: SO(3) because the equivalence of the two is just trivial.So, the original question is based in confusion between "conjugate" and "anti-symmetric", isn't it?No, I don't think so. It is based on not knowing the group theory behind the tensor decomposition of \mathbf{3}\otimes\mathbf{3}.Is this confusion a notational or a conceptual one?Neither. It is based on not knowing how the \mathbf{3}\otimes\mathbf{3} decomposes but thinking one knows (the formula from the lecturer). So it is not a notational confusion. And
  • #1
Can anyone explain to me why

the 3-rep of SU(3) gives

[itex]3\otimes 3 = \overline{3}\oplus 6[/itex]

whereas for the 5 of SU(5)

[itex]5\otimes 5 = 10\oplus 15[/itex]?

I thought the general pattern was

[itex]N \otimes N = \overline{\frac{1}{2}N(N-1)}\oplus \frac{1}{2}N(N+1)[/itex]

but this second example seems to contradict that.

Edit: I wrote 15* instead of 15.
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Physics news on
  • #2
Slansly report is available in the net, scanned by KEK,79,1

SU(3) is here
and SU(5) here

Someone has different conventions somewhere.

A related thing that intrigues me, btw. The authors of this,B188,58
are doing, classically, [itex]5\otimes 5 [/itex] or [itex]5\otimes \bar 5 [/itex] or [itex](5 \oplus \bar 5) \otimes (5 \oplus \bar 5) [/itex] but the point is that they get SO(32). How is it? Does SO(32) and SU(5)^2 share representations, or dimensionality of representations?
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  • #3
I don't think it's a difference in convention.

Slansky gets [itex]5\otimes 5 = 10 \oplus 15[/itex] for SU(5) and [itex]\overline{3}\otimes \overline{3} = \overline{6}\oplus 3[/itex] for SU(3) which is equivalent to [itex]3\otimes 3 = 6\oplus\overline{3}[/itex].

I understand how to derive 3 x 3 = 6 + 3* by contracting with the permutation symbol.

Do you know how to derive 5 x 5 = 10 + 15?
  • #4
Probably the easiest way is to do a Young Tableux calculation. Its not a very long calculation (about 4 - 5 lines) but completely impossible to show in this sort of forum

You can check yourself with the other possibility
5 * 5bar = 1 + 24
  • #5
but note the subscript _s in Slansky to mark the symmetric. It differs from the bar.
  • #6
Here's my proposed proof. Work under the assumption that a tensor is irreducible if it a tensor of lower rank can not be formed by contraction with the isotropic tensors.

Consider an arbitrary element of the tensor product space [itex]T \in 5\otimes 5[/itex].

Contracting with the lower index permutation symbol gives

[itex]U_{klm} = \varepsilon_{ijklm}T^{ij}[/itex].

Contracting again with the upper index permutation symbol gives

[itex]V^{no} = \varepsilon^{klmno}U_{klm}[/itex].

V is irreducible, has two upper anti-symmetric indices. Therefore [itex]V\in 10[/itex].
  • #7
jdstokes said:
I thought the general pattern was

[itex]N \otimes N = \overline{\frac{1}{2}N(N-1)}\oplus \frac{1}{2}N(N+1)[/itex]

Why did you think that?
The general rule is

[tex]n \otimes n = \frac{1}{2} n (n + 1) \oplus\frac{1}{2} n (n-1)[/tex]

This is nothing but the tensor identity

[tex]x_{a} \otimes y_{b} \equiv T_{ab} = T_{(ab)} + T_{[ab]}[/tex]

For n = 3, a pair of antisymmetrized lower indices [ab] is equivalent to an upper index "vector", i.e., to the conjugate representation;

[tex]T_{[ab]} \equiv \epsilon_{abc} Z^{c} \in [\overline{3}][/tex]

For n = 4, the lower pair [ab] is equivalent to an upper (conjugate) pair;

[tex]T_{[ab]} \equiv \epsilon_{abcd} A^{[cd]}[/tex]

So for SU(4), [itex][6] \equiv [\overline{6}][/itex] and [itex]4 \otimes 4 = 10 \oplus 6[/itex].

For n = 5, the cojugate rep. does not show up because (as you showed)) contracting [itex]T_{[ab]}[/itex] with [itex]\epsilon^{abcde}[/itex] produces a higher rank tensor.


  • #8
So, the original question is based in confusion between "conjugate" and "anti-symmetric", isn't it? Is this confusion a notational or a conceptual one?
  • #9
samalkhaiat said:
Why did you think that?

A lecturer told me.

samalkhaiat said:
The general rule is

[tex]n \otimes n = \frac{1}{2} n (n + 1) \oplus\frac{1}{2} n (n-1)[/tex]

This is nothing but the tensor identity

[tex]x_{a} \otimes y_{b} \equiv T_{ab} = T_{(ab)} + T_{[ab]}[/tex]

Yes, I believe that [itex]T^2(V) = S^2(V)\oplus \Lambda^2(V)[/itex]. I've had trouble reconciling this with physicists' notation for SU(3) where the anti-symmetric part is represented by [itex]\overline{3}[/itex]. For consistency let's use upper indices to denote tensors which transform according to the fundamental rep from now on.

samalkhaiat said:
For n = 3, a pair of antisymmetrized lower indices [ab] is equivalent to an upper index "vector", i.e., to the conjugate representation;

[tex]T_{[ab]} \equiv \epsilon_{abc} Z^{c} \in [\overline{3}][/tex]

I think you're saying that there's an isomorphism between the group actions on [itex]\Lambda^2(\mathbb{C}^3)[/itex] (represented by [itex]T^{ij}=T^{[ij]}[/itex], say) and the representation on the dual space [itex](\mathbb{C}^{3})^\ast[/itex], which is defined (in component notation) by [itex]\mathrm{SU}(3) : v_i \mapsto {U_{i}}^j v_j[/itex] where [itex]{U_{i}}^j \equiv {U^{i}}_j^\ast[/itex] and the action on the fundamental representation is [itex]\mathrm{SU}(3) : v^i \mapsto {U^{i}}_j v^j[/itex].

I suppose the isomorphism is [itex]Z_i \mapsto \varepsilon^{ijk}Z_k[/itex] but I don't see why this is an isomorphism. Ie it's not obvious why they have the same transformation properties.

samalkhaiat said:
For n = 4, the lower pair [ab] is equivalent to an upper (conjugate) pair;

[tex]T_{[ab]} \equiv \epsilon_{abcd} A^{[cd]}[/tex]

So for SU(4), [itex][6] \equiv [\overline{6}][/itex] and [itex]4 \otimes 4 = 10 \oplus 6[/itex].

Once again, it's not obvious to me why for SU(4), [itex]T_{[ij]}[/itex] transforms in the same way as [itex]T^{[ij]}[/itex], and thus why [itex]\mathbf{6} \cong \overline{\mathbf{6}}[/itex].

samalkhaiat said:
For n = 5, the cojugate rep. does not show up because (as you showed)) contracting [itex]T_{[ab]}[/itex] with [itex]\epsilon^{abcde}[/itex] produces a higher rank tensor.



I understand the concept of irreducibility by the non-existence of proper non-trivial subspaces which transform only amongst themselves. What I fail to see is why this is equivalent to the inability for form lower rank tensors by contraction with the isotropic tensors.
  • #10
jdstokes said:
A lecturer told me.

OK, for n = 3, that happened to be the case because, and only because, the invariant tensor [itex]\epsilon[/itex] has three indices in SU(3).

I've had trouble reconciling this with physicists' notation for SU(3) where the anti-symmetric part is represented by [itex]\overline{3}[/itex].

As you might know, the decomposition of n X n

[tex]X^{i}Y^{j} = X^{(i}Y^{j)} + X^{[i}Y^{j]}[/tex]

is invariant under the action of SU(3), i.e., [itex]T^{(ij)} = X^{(i}Y^{j)}[/itex] (or linear combination of it) and [itex]T^{[ij]} = X^{[i}Y^{j]}[/itex] (or linear combination of it) do not mix under the SU(3) transformation. Since [itex]T^{(ij)}[/itex] and [itex]T^{[ij]}[/itex] cannot be decomposed any further, they (or linear combinations of each) thus span irreducible subspaces of dimension n(n+1)/2 and n(n-1)/2 respectively. The story so far is trure for any SU(n). Now, for SU(3), you can easily show that the linear combination


transforms exactly like the [itex]Z_{k}[/itex] of [itex]\overline{3}[/itex]. This shows that the 3-dimensional space spanned by the [itex]T^{[ij]}[/itex] is nothing but the [itex]\overline{3}[/itex].

So when physicists say that upper antisymmetrized pair of indices [ij] is equivalent to a single lower indix k, they mean that in the same sense as the equivalence between the angular momentum tensor

[tex]J_{ij} = \frac{1}{2}(x_{i}p_{j} - x_{j}p_{i})[/tex]

and the angular momentum vector

[tex]J_{k} = (\vec{x} \times \vec{p})_{k} = \epsilon_{ijk}x_{i}p_{j} = \epsilon_{ijk}J_{ij}[/tex]

Mathematically, [itex]J_{ij}[/itex] and [itex]J_{k}[/itex] span one and the same 3-dimensional vector space; the Lie algebra of SO(3). However, in contrast to the case of SU(3), we do not distinguish between upper and lower indices in SO(3) = SU(2). Do you know why?

I understand the concept of irreducibility by the non-existence of proper non-trivial subspaces which transform only amongst themselves. What I fail to see is why this is equivalent to the inability for form lower rank tensors by contraction with the isotropic tensors.

Think of [itex]T^{ab}[/itex] as basis of representation space of dimension D. This means that T has D independent components. If you run out of the tricks that invariantly divide T into "sub-tensors", then the representation space is irreducible and T enters into the Clebsch-Gordan series.
[note that for Lorentz group, [itex]T^{(\mu\nu)}[/itex] and [itex]T^{[\mu\nu]}[/itex] are reducible.Do you know why?]
The task of finding irreducible tensors of an arbitrary rank involves forming a complete set of permutation operations on their indices. And the problem of finding the irreducible representation of the permutation group has a complete solution in terms of the Young tableaux.



FAQ: Decomposition of direct product into symmetric/antisymmetric parts

What is the decomposition of direct product into symmetric/antisymmetric parts?

The decomposition of direct product into symmetric/antisymmetric parts is a mathematical process that involves breaking down a direct product of two mathematical objects, such as vectors or matrices, into two parts: a symmetric part and an antisymmetric part. This decomposition allows for easier analysis and manipulation of the original direct product.

Why is the decomposition of direct product into symmetric/antisymmetric parts important?

The decomposition of direct product into symmetric/antisymmetric parts allows for a more efficient representation of mathematical objects, as the symmetric and antisymmetric parts can often be described using fewer parameters. This can be useful in various applications, such as physics and engineering, where simplifying mathematical models can lead to easier interpretation and computation.

What is the difference between the symmetric and antisymmetric parts in the decomposition of direct product?

The symmetric part of the decomposition represents the part of the direct product that remains unchanged when the order of the components is switched, while the antisymmetric part represents the part that changes sign when the order is switched. In other words, the symmetric part is symmetric with respect to the order of the components, while the antisymmetric part is antisymmetric.

How is the decomposition of direct product into symmetric/antisymmetric parts calculated?

The decomposition of direct product into symmetric/antisymmetric parts can be calculated using various methods, depending on the mathematical objects involved. For example, for matrices, the symmetric and antisymmetric parts can be calculated using the transpose and skew-symmetric matrices, respectively. In general, the symmetric part can be obtained by taking the average of the direct product and its transpose, while the antisymmetric part can be obtained by subtracting the transpose from the direct product.

What are some applications of the decomposition of direct product into symmetric/antisymmetric parts?

The decomposition of direct product into symmetric/antisymmetric parts has various applications in mathematics, physics, and engineering. For example, in quantum mechanics, the decomposition can be used to simplify the analysis of spin states. In fluid dynamics, the decomposition can be used to study the vorticity of a fluid flow. Additionally, the decomposition is also useful in computer graphics for representing and manipulating geometric objects.

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