Dedicated random number generators

In summary, the site has a few options for getting random numbers. The cheapest option is $250, but true randomness can be had for $25 with a Raspberry Pi.
  • #1
Science Advisor
I was looking out for dedicated true random number generators and was surprised that there seem to be only very few around on the market. Anyone has experience here?
Computer science news on
  • #2
There is a site and the site describes the method to get the numbers by using interference patterns on antennae (electromagnetic signals) to get the data which is obtained by downloading the various data types (text, binary, etc).

I would suggest that you download some of the documents on that site or if you are really keen, do a similar kind of thing and build a device that captures some sort of physical phenomena and use the random-ness apparent at small scales to capture 1's and 0's and save them to a data file.
  • #3
The cheapest number generator is $250, but true randomness from atmospheric noise + Raspberry Pi will get you a pretty decent random number generator for $25.



(I.e. a ‘development’ of chiro’s first suggestion ;)
  • #4
I had expected there to be a chip worth some cents which uses some noise source to generate random numbers. I wonder why they are so scarce and expensive?
  • #5
DrDu said:
I had expected there to be a chip worth some cents which uses some noise source to generate random numbers. I wonder why they are so scarce and expensive?

Development in progress, if you have Intel 3rd Generation Core Processor and Ivy Bridge you will have access to a new on-chip random number generator codenamed Bull Mountain that uses an on-processor entropy source (let’s hope it’s not Bull! :smile:).
  • #6
  • #7
Hardware random number generator

I've always wanted to see someone make a cheap easy hardware random number generator project from the decay in a smoke detector, without compromising the detector to the point where people run away scared.
  • #8
159 Euros for a noise amplifier!
  • #9
DrDu said:
159 Euros for a noise amplifier!

You can make a cheap and cheerful analog white noise generator much cheaper than that. All you need is a reverse biased semiconductor junction operating like a Zener diode, plus an amplifier. E.g.

But if you want "true randomness", the hard part is making the circuit immune from any external influences - e.g. periodic fluctuations on the power supply rails etc. That's what costs real money.

Apart from cryptographic security they are non necessarily very useful either. For software simulations, not being able to repeat a run exactly (for debugging, code performance optimization, verifying porting to different computer hardware, etc) can be a big DISadvantage!
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  • #10
AlephZero said:
All you need is a reverse biased semiconductor junction operating like a Zener diode, plus an amplifier

Plus the analog to digital conversion circuitry to convert to a digital stream.

AlephZero said:
Apart from cryptographic security they are non necessarily very useful either

You could just save the digital stream to a file and replay it if you need that.

And on that 159 Euro price, if the device was like a cell phone which costs far more to manufacture, but has 6 billion customers willing to pay $40 or $80/month forever to be allowed to use it, then I imagine they would be paying you to to take their random number generator hardware in exchange for your putting your name on the two year service contract.
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  • #11
AlephZero said:
But if you want "true randomness", the hard part is making the circuit immune from any external influences - e.g. periodic fluctuations on the power supply rails etc. That's what costs real money.

I don't doubt that it is not entirely trivial. But the electronics in even the smallest microcontrollers isn't either, yet they cost at best a handfull of euros.
The question is probably why there is so small a market for this kind of technology.
  • #12
DrDu said:
The question is probably why there is so small a market for this kind of technology.

That’s obvious, isn’t it? X billion people who love to fiddle around with their xPad + FB vs. the very few who know anything about true randomness (and QM) = tiny market = low sale = higher charge.

What exactly do you want to do? And why is free not good enough?
  • #13
If you're actually interested in true random numbers I suggest you check out the quantum random number generators (e.g. ), which are based on letting single photons pass through beamsplitters. I'm not sure about the price, but they are dedicated, with both PCI and USB versions, and are obviously one of the few real true RNG's.
  • #14

1305 Euros, 990 Euros, 1135 Euros and 2230 Euros, depending on which model! That is expensive even for my tastes.

I'm still hoping for a hobby project modified smoke detector (without compromising the package to keep from freaking people out about safety sillyness) true random number generator that would cost about 20 U.S. All that is needed is to detect each spike in current from the alpha particle decay.

FAQ: Dedicated random number generators

1. What is a dedicated random number generator?

A dedicated random number generator is a device or software program specifically designed to produce random numbers. It uses various algorithms and mathematical formulas to generate sequences of numbers that appear to be random.

2. How does a dedicated random number generator work?

Dedicated random number generators work by using a seed value, which is an initial input, to generate a sequence of numbers. This seed value is then used as the starting point for the algorithm to generate a series of seemingly random numbers.

3. What makes dedicated random number generators different from regular random number generators?

Dedicated random number generators are specifically designed for generating random numbers, whereas regular random number generators are often included as a feature in other software programs. Dedicated generators also undergo extensive testing and certification to ensure their randomness and security.

4. How are dedicated random number generators used in science?

Dedicated random number generators are used in many scientific fields, such as statistics, cryptography, and simulations. They provide a source of unbiased and unpredictable numbers, which are essential for conducting experiments and analyzing data.

5. Are dedicated random number generators truly random?

While dedicated random number generators produce numbers that appear to be random, they are actually generated using algorithms and mathematical formulas. These algorithms are designed to produce sequences of numbers that closely mimic randomness, but they are not truly random in the strict sense of the word.
