Deep States and the American Coup

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In summary, the conversation discusses the concept of a "deep state" within countries, particularly in Turkey and the US. The deep state refers to a secret, powerful group that operates within the government and influences its actions. The conversation also touches on the role of the deep state in the events of 9/11 and its impact on US politics. Some examples of how the deep state operates in the US are mentioned, such as voter suppression and gerrymandering. The conversation ends with some skepticism towards the idea of a deep state and the need for more evidence to support it.
  • #1
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3 Quarks Daily has" (via Cosma Shalizi) on what the Turks mean by a "deep state" within their country, and how the concept applies to other countries, especially the US. Generally I personally agree with it, but in the case of the US I believe there's a bit more to say.

The US is a Federal Republic; it really truly is, if you don't believe it just ask Al Gore! And it follows that the deep government is not just ensconced in Washington DC, but is deep, deep in the individual states. Nod-and-wink methods have been deployed in elections for the past decade to deny the franchise to poor people, people of color, people of the wrong backgrounds or non suburban lifestyles. The result has been that although Governorships sometimes go to Democrats, Legislatures remain in the hands of socially right wing Republicans.

Look at Ohio in 2004 and Florida in 200; not just at the high profile stuff - chads and crummy voting machines, but at the quiet, slow, deliberate erosion of voting rights at the voting places themselves. Long lines brought about by stalling tactics. Attempts to disfranchise people who move frequently but don't always update their voting records (be sure that if some suburbanite had the problem it would be taken care of promptly with no fuss, but with a poor person the GOP poll watchers know how to drag things out.

You want any more examples, how about the redefinition of Texas districts? Or the Wisconsin legislature putting gay marriage and abortion initiatives on the ballot for this fall to energize a right wing constituency that has very little use for the GOP in Washington. The point I'm making is not just that the GOP is playing politics in the states, but that it has been quietly, deeply organizing for years to put warm bodies just where they're needed to swing an election or block a popular movement.

This is the main reason the dems seem always to be caught off guard. They're like the IDF attacking the long-prepared bunkers of the Hizballah.
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  • #2
From the link:
With September 11, the American deep state took over, and the coup galloped rather than creeped. Bacevich writes about the post-September 11 Congressional resolution

9/11 took the deep state by surprise. Even the internal powers were shocked that a foreign entity could do such a thing to the USA. Their own self pecieved sense of superiority had been cracked open by 9/11.

As I look at the series of events that have happened in recent years. I see that 9/11 was the point where the deep state, most likely unknowingly or unwillingly, revealed itself. Now they are busy trying to re-bury their action under the veil of fear which they perpetuate.

There has always been an under the radar "priveledged few" who have influenced the actions of most administrations, both Democrat and Republican. It operates at both the state and federal level.

The current one is the deepest ever, surfacing only occasionaly to be seen by the most observant, then plunging back down into the depths of total secrecy.
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  • #3
Continuing to look to subterfuge instead of internal flaws in the Democratic party as the reason the Republicans dominate will ensure that the Democratic party remains marginalized.

In any case, that article makes some pretty heavy claims - ones I haven't seen before, and I'm not inclined to take the author's word for it without substantiation, which the author does not provide (not surprising - it is just a blog, afterall).

Clever new wrapper for the venerable old N.W.O. conspiracy theory, though. :rolleyes:
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FAQ: Deep States and the American Coup

1. What is a "Deep State"?

A "Deep State" is a term used to describe a group of influential individuals or organizations within a government that are believed to have their own agenda and wield significant power behind the scenes. This can include members of the intelligence community, military, or other government agencies.

2. Is there evidence of a Deep State in the United States?

There is ongoing debate and speculation about the existence of a Deep State in the United States. Some point to examples of government officials working against the current administration and leaks of classified information as potential evidence of a Deep State. However, others argue that these actions are simply part of the normal checks and balances within a democracy.

3. How does a Deep State differ from a coup?

A Deep State and a coup are often used interchangeably, but they are not necessarily the same thing. A coup is a sudden and often violent overthrow of a government, while a Deep State operates more subtlety and over a longer period of time. A Deep State may also involve more individuals and organizations working together towards a common goal, rather than a single group trying to seize power.

4. Can a Deep State actually overthrow a government?

There is no clear answer to this question as it depends on the specific circumstances and level of power held by the Deep State. In some cases, a Deep State may have enough influence to sway government decisions and undermine a leader's authority, but it may not be able to completely overthrow a government on its own. Additionally, a Deep State may not always have malicious intentions and can sometimes serve to protect democracy and uphold constitutional principles.

5. What can be done to prevent a Deep State from forming?

Preventing a Deep State from forming is a complex issue with no simple solution. However, some experts suggest that promoting transparency and accountability within the government, limiting the power and influence of certain agencies, and promoting a strong system of checks and balances can help prevent the growth of a Deep State. It is also important for citizens to stay informed and hold their government accountable for their actions.

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