Def. of (mod2) reduction of w in H_2(M,Z)

  • Thread starter Bacle
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In summary, the "mod2 reduction of a homology class" refers to the process of starting with a Z-chain and then evaluating each coefficient term mod 2. This can be seen as a chain morphism and results in a morphism of homology groups. It is called the "mod N reduction of the homology" and is used to define a characteristic element in H<sub>2</sub>(M<sup>4</sup>,Z) that is Poincare-dual to the Stiefel-Whitney class w<sub>2</sub> in H<sup>2</sup>(M<sup>4</sup>,Z). This duality holds mod 2 and can be applied
  • #1
Hi, All:

Just curious as to the definition of the "mod2 reduction of a homology class".

The context is that an element w in H<sub>2</sub>(M<sup>4</sup>,Z) is called

characteristic if "its mod reduction [w]<sub>2</sub> is Poincare-dual to the

Stiefel-Whitney class w<sub>2</sub> in H<sup>2</sup>(M<sup>4</sup>,Z),

where M<sup>4</sup> is a 4-manifold. Does the reduction just mean that we

start with a Z-chain , and then each coefficient term in the chain is evaluated


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  • #2
Yes. If M is an R-module and N a submodule, then it is easy to see that for any topological space X, the morphism of graded R-modules

[tex]C_*(X;M)\rightarrow C_*(X;M/N): xc\mapsto [x]c[/tex]

is a chain morphism. So it passes to homology and the resulting morphism

[tex]H_*(X;M)\rightarrow H_*(X;M/N): x[z]\mapsto [x][z][/tex]

is called "mod N reduction of the homology".
  • #3
Bacle said:
Hi, All:

Just curious as to the definition of the "mod2 reduction of a homology class".

The context is that an element w in H<sub>2</sub>(M<sup>4</sup>,Z) is called

characteristic if "its mod reduction [w]<sub>2</sub> is Poincare-dual to the

Stiefel-Whitney class w<sub>2</sub> in H<sup>2</sup>(M<sup>4</sup>,Z),

where M<sup>4</sup> is a 4-manifold. Does the reduction just mean that we

start with a Z-chain , and then each coefficient term in the chain is evaluated



A Z chain becomes a Z/2 chain by coefficient projection , Z -> Z/2.

The exact sequence of coefficients 0 -> Z -> Z -> Z/2 -> 0 gives a long exact sequence of homology groups. I think the connecting homomorphism is called the Bockstein homomorphism.
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  • #4
Thanks, both.

I guess then that a characteristic surface would then be Poincare-

dual to the Stiefel-Whitney 2-class, right, i.e., a cocycle w^

with : w^\/ c = c\/c , where \/ is cupping? (duality of course, when

the ambient manifold is an orientable, etc. 4-manifold)
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  • #5
A quick followup, please:

It would seem that if there was no torsion, then, by the Universal Coefficient
Theorem of Homology, every Z/2 chain is the reduction of a Z-chain. Is this
a necessary and sufficient condition for an isomorphism between the chain groups?

Also: it seems like there is a relationship between simple-connectedness and 1-torsion
that also follows from the Universal Coefficient Theorem. Is this a fact?

  • #6
Bacle said:
A quick followup, please:

It would seem that if there was no torsion, then, by the Universal Coefficient
Theorem of Homology, every Z/2 chain is the reduction of a Z-chain. Is this
a necessary and sufficient condition for an isomorphism between the chain groups?

Also: it seems like there is a relationship between simple-connectedness and 1-torsion
that also follows from the Universal Coefficient Theorem. Is this a fact?


If there is no torsion then then Bockstein sequence looks like

0 -> H_i(M:Z) -> H_i(M:Z) -> H_i(M:Z/2Z) -> 0
  • #7
Bacle said:
Thanks, both.

I guess then that a characteristic surface would then be Poincare-

dual to the Stiefel-Whitney 2-class, right, i.e., a cocycle w^

with : w^\/ c = c\/c , where \/ is cupping? (duality of course, when

the ambient manifold is an orientable, etc. 4-manifold)

Your statement confuses me but ... I think it is true that Poincare duality works mod2 whether or not the manifold is orientable. This probably is because the tangent bundle of any manifold is orientable mod 2. So the 2'nd Stiefel-Whitney class is dual to a 2 chain - mod 2. If one triangulates the manifold then takes the first barycentric subdivision of the triangulation then this dual chain is just the mod 2 sum of all of the 2 simplices in the subdivision.

The duality map is - evaluating a mod 2 cocycle on the dual 2 chain is the same as cupping the cocycle with the 2'nd Stiefel-Whitney class and evaluating on the mod2 fundamental 4 cycle.

FAQ: Def. of (mod2) reduction of w in H_2(M,Z)

1. What is the definition of (mod2) reduction of w in H2(M,Z)?

The (mod2) reduction of w in H2(M,Z) is a mathematical process that involves reducing a two-dimensional cohomology class, denoted by w, on a manifold M with integer coefficients, to a class with coefficients in the finite field Z2 = {0,1}.

2. Why is (mod2) reduction of w in H2(M,Z) important?

(mod2) reduction is important because it allows for simpler and more efficient computations in cohomology. It also has applications in topology, algebraic geometry, and physics.

3. How is (mod2) reduction of w in H2(M,Z) calculated?

To calculate the (mod2) reduction of w, one uses the universal coefficients theorem to show that the cohomology group H2(M,Z) is isomorphic to H2(M,Z2). This allows for the reduction of coefficients from integers to Z2 and simplifies the calculation.

4. What is the significance of working with coefficients in Z2 in (mod2) reduction?

Z2 is a finite field, meaning that computations with coefficients in this field are simpler and more manageable. It also allows for the identification of specific properties and characteristics of cohomology classes.

5. Are there any limitations to (mod2) reduction of w in H2(M,Z)?

(mod2) reduction is not applicable to all cohomology classes, as some may not have a reduction in Z2. Additionally, it is only valid for computations with coefficients in Z2, and not with other fields such as the real numbers.
