Define & Prove Abrahamic God: Omnipotent, Omniscient, Omnibenevolent

  • Thread starter munky99999
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In summary: I am not here to mislead, I am here to expand and help any and all.Your mind is omnipotent. If you don't understand.. then say you don't understand.. please, don't quote me and make false assumptions on the context of my speach.
  • #36
WAIT WAIT WAIT. SERPO you completely avoided the question.

If you are truly omnipotent over your body. You would have the power to human combust and reform back.
So Serpo you must state clearly that you can/could do this. OR its simply not omnipotence. and i want an answer for this before anymore.

This is NOT an arguement. This is NOT redicule. IT IS a definition or more understanding of your beliefs. Please just answer the question.

and please stop the preaching about how your the way to righteousness and you are love and goodness and that boring crap. Every belief claims this. So cut the **** and answer this question. We can go on from there.
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  • #37
Serpo said:
munky, if it helps you believe anything I say... please don't ridicule me... I've seen others ridiculed for this, and they have lost all their credibility. I have made a UFO appear. There you have it. I'm sure the thread will be locked now. In any case, I've come clean with one of the so called "supernatural" phenomena that you speak of. I just call it natural. Shwew. And there is the "raison d'être"... I'm not sure how many others are competent of this, or if it's just a special gift for me. Who else would tell anyone? I have nothing to hide. Why should you believe me anyway? Telling the truth always gets me in trouble. Peace...

Oh yes. Prophet Yahweh i believe it was. Lemme do a search."
Essentially his proof and what would have allowed him to win the $1million of"
He clearly failed to. He was going to make a UFO appear and hover over Las Vegas. I am very very sure he didnt or else it would be more widely broadcasted news then the pope dieing.

So all in all. SErpo. you have been shown to be the fraud you are.
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  • #38
munky99999 said:
Hey not me. I was outside during the summer talking to my neighbour about life and stuff. Hes a funny guy. Hes been to jail and everything and he speaks about what its like in jail. About all the pranks he's done. Anyway jehovahs show up and they are like "hi. we are to enlighten you about life" well it ended up with me deconverting the old guy. and the woman left crying about half way through. About the point where i showed her about the rules she has to follow to be a good christian. I believe it was Mark 7:9-10 which has jesus saying to kill disobedient children in essence. which in relation is Exodus 21:15-17 and leviticus 20:9

Good for you. They initiated the conversation, not you.

Well I am semi-open-minded. I will listen to any evidence or proof which would stand up in science and rational/logic arguement. Not vague sayings which just claim to be true and be righteous without anything to back them up.

(we're talking religion here). I've had it crammed down my throat since birth, so I'm a little closed-minded since I've heard it all before.

What makes their conversion tactic any different? well first of all. Let me point out. I am not here to convert anything. I am here to deconvert from illogical irrational beliefs.

As long as you admit it. I am just saying it's a little underhanded.

Virtually. the same argument can be used for say ohhhh about everything in science. How is their conversion tactic any different from a psychologist? Well its not if you put it that way. So your saying that we should stop(or give no credence to) all suicide hotlines, 911 phone calls, psychiatrists. They all take an illogical irrational problem and deconvert them from it. to leave a blank slate of logic and rational thought.

What are you talking about? How do you skew what I said, (about your de-conversion tactic) to stopping suicide hotlines, 911 phone calls, and psychiatry? I don't see your logic there.

So your difference is. They want to give you their dogma. I want to give you logic. now logic is true. plenty of evidence for it obviously. while the jehovahs are selling the opposite.

That's why I used Jehova's Witnesses as my example, they are initiating the conversation. Which, imo, is underhanded.

Just so you know, we're on the same team here. People get turned off by pushy salesman. It works both ways. That's all I'm saying. Take it or leave it.

I'll re-set your trap for you:

Hey everyone, post your beliefs about God. Just don't worry about why Monkey999999 want's to know.:wink:

I wish I had an extra pair of hands, so I could give this thread 4 thumbs down.
  • #39
What are you talking about? How do you skew what I said, (about your de-conversion tactic) to stopping suicide hotlines, 911 phone calls, and psychiatry? I don't see your logic there.
lets do suicide hotlines.

PErson X believes in roman catholicism.
Person X talks with the jehovahs.
Person X is deconverted from roman catholicism
Person X is converted to jehovah.

Person Y believes life isn't worth living
Person Y calls&talks with suicide hotline
Person Y is Deconverted from the suicide thing.
Person Y is converted to liking life.

All the jehovahs and the suicide hotlines are doing is taking what they believe to be Incorrect beliefs. deconverting and then converting to what they want them to believe.

So in essence the thing is all the same. As for who initiated what? It doesn't matter. The same thing happens either way. Some suicide people fail and are FORCED to goto fix it up. so essentially its the suicide hotline type thing that is initiating it. Or if the person calls in they are initiating.

same thing goes for the jehovahs. they are simply forcing you. or you can go on your own.

That's why I used Jehovah's Witnesses as my example, they are initiating the conversation. Which, imo, is underhanded.
Same thing can be said for most things that want to change you infact. you can even say Alcohols Anonymous is the same way. A very good portion of the people that are in there. will say "I don't have a drinking problem, but the judge forced me here."
The judge/AA is the one initiating it because they person with the drinking problem won't even admit to it. the problem.

So in essence its not who initiates it. Its the people who don't have a good reason to be that way.
  • #40
Thank you, You have posted the exact words I was thinking in your original post. Very nice definition of your own God, I understand entirely what you mean.

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