Definition for a infinitesimals number

In summary, a number refers to any mathematical value, and can be classified into different types such as real numbers, integers, rational numbers, irrational numbers, transcendental numbers, infinitesimals, and hyper real numbers. A set is a collection of objects satisfying certain axioms, while an element, array, constant, and variable are all terms used to describe different types of mathematical values within a set or equation.
  • #1
I know what all of these are, but I’ve never seen or heard a formal definition for them, could someone please provide one?

1) a number
2) a real number
3) a integer
4) a rational number
5) a irrational number
6) a transcendental number
7) a infinitesimals number
8) a hyper real number
9) a set
10) a element
11) an array
12) a constant
13) a variable
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  • #2
"a number" is not a well-defined term.

But we'll start with the integers. The usual way to define the integers if you need such a formal definition is:

Let 0 be the cardinality of the empty set, 1 the card of the set containing the empty set, now use the axiom of infinity in your set theory to construct the naturals.

the negatives are constructed by adding formal inverses (-n is be definition the number such the n+(-n)=0

what we have now is a ring, in fact a domain, so we may localize with respect to the non-zero divisors, ie all non-zero numbers, and the field of fractions so formed is the rationals.

this field has a metric on it, a distance. it is not complete with respect to that metric. the completion is the real numbers. elements of the reals that are not rational, ie are not equivalent to a cauchy sequence q_i = q for all i, q rational are called irrational.

a transcendental number is a real (or complex) number that does not satisfy a (finite degree) polynomial with integer coefficients (strictly speaking all polynomials must have finite degree).

infinitesimals are an extension of the reals obtained by adjoining elements called things like e (epsilon), which is, formally, less than all positive reals by an extension of the ordering on R. They are not used much in mathematics.

hyperreals similar to infinitesimals, in that they are a nice trick but not much used. plenty of websites will give you an introduction.

a set is an element in a set theory, or at least that is the modern view point. loosely they are collections of objects satisfying certain axioms

element means element in the usual sense of the word

as does array

and constant,

and variable.
  • #3

An infinitesimal number is a quantity that is infinitely small, but still greater than zero. It is a concept used in calculus and mathematical analysis to represent a number that is smaller than any real number, but still has a defined value. Infinitesimals are typically denoted by the symbol "dx" or "dy" and are used in the context of limits and derivatives. They are not considered to be real numbers, but rather a mathematical tool for working with quantities that approach zero. Infinitesimals play a crucial role in the development of calculus and are essential for understanding concepts such as the derivative, integral, and differential equations.

Related to Definition for a infinitesimals number

What is an infinitesimal number?

An infinitesimal number is a number that is smaller than any real number, but still greater than zero. It is often denoted by the symbol "dx" and is used in calculus to represent an infinitely small change or quantity.

How is an infinitesimal number defined?

There are a few different ways to define infinitesimal numbers. In non-standard analysis, they are defined as numbers that are smaller than any standard real number, but still greater than zero. In calculus, they are defined as the limit of a sequence of numbers that approaches zero.

Are infinitesimal numbers the same as zero?

No, infinitesimal numbers are not the same as zero. While they are extremely small, they are still considered to have a non-zero value. In fact, the idea of infinitesimals was developed in order to fill the gap between zero and other real numbers.

How are infinitesimal numbers used in mathematics?

Infinitesimal numbers are primarily used in calculus and other areas of mathematics that deal with limits and infinitesimals. They are also used in physics and engineering to model and solve problems involving infinitely small changes or quantities.

Are infinitesimal numbers accepted by all mathematicians?

No, the concept of infinitesimal numbers is still debated among mathematicians. Some mathematicians reject the idea of infinitesimals and instead use the concept of limits to represent infinitely small quantities. Others, however, find the use of infinitesimals to be a useful and intuitive tool in certain areas of mathematics.

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