Definition of Success problems with projectile motion

In summary: If it is simply a matter of ##V_{0x} = V_{0y}## then you can use the range equation with the appropriate shift of the coordinate origin. However, if the relationship between ##V_{0x}## and ##V_{0y}## is nonlinear, then the range equation may not be a good fit. In that case, you may need to find a different equation that includes the launch angle.
  • #1
So I just got beat up by this question on my midterm. I'm not sure if these problems are always called definition of success but that is how my professor refers to them as.

The question: (paraphrased)

When you walk into your dorm room you like to throw your keys onto the center of your desk. The center of your desk is 8 meters from you and is 1 meter high. You're nearly 2 meters tall thus your throw well start at 2 meters. You throw it at an angle of 30 degrees. Because of all your practice it lands dead center on your desk. What is the initial Velocity, Vo, of your throw, and at what time, t, does it land?

My attempts and thoughts:

I was at a total loss for this problem, I tried reworking the three constant acceleration equations and got no where. Upon leaving the lecture hall, it dawned on me that the range equation may help but I'm not 100% on that either. Thanks for your help I just want to know how to approach this type of problem in the future.
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  • #2
Write two equations, one for height y above the floor and one for horizontal distance x from where you were standing.

The equations will involve ##x,y,t,V_0## as well as sines and cosines of the known angle 30 degrees. At the landing point we have ##x=8,y=1##, which leaves us with two unknown variables and two equations, hence that can be solved.
  • #3
You are looking to find the velocity required to start at [0,0] with initial angle of 30 degrees and end at [8,-1].
Your horizontal component of velocity is ... ?
Your vertical component of velocity is ... ?
Using vertical component of velocity ##v_{vert},## you can determine the time it takes to return back to y = -1.
## r(t) = v_{vert}*t - 9.8 \frac{t^2}{2} = -1##
Take the positive option for t in terms of v_0.
Using the horizontal component ## v_{horiz},## you can set ##r(t) = 8 = v_{horiz}*t##.
This will give you an equation in terms of the components of v.
The form you get should look just like the range equation, except some forms of the range equation assume that you will end at y=0. If that were the case, you simply shift your starting points accordingly.
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  • #4
andrewkirk said:
Write two equations, one for height y above the floor and one for horizontal distance x from where you were standing.

The equations will involve ##x,y,t,V_0## as well as sines and cosines of the known angle 30 degrees. At the landing point we have ##x=8,y=1##, which leaves us with two unknown variables and two equations, hence that can be solved.
Well there's 20 points I lost by writing Vox and Voy oppose to VoCOS(Theta) etc. Thanks for the response lesson learned.
  • #5
You were not wrong to use ##V_{0x}, V_{0y}##, but the solution hinges upon how they are related to each other by the launch angle.

FAQ: Definition of Success problems with projectile motion

1. What is the definition of success in the context of projectile motion?

The definition of success in the context of projectile motion is the ability to accurately predict the trajectory and landing point of a projectile based on its initial velocity, angle of launch, and other relevant factors.

2. What are some common problems encountered when defining success in projectile motion?

Some common problems encountered when defining success in projectile motion include air resistance, variations in initial conditions, and limitations of mathematical models.

3. How do scientists measure success in projectile motion experiments?

Scientists measure success in projectile motion experiments by comparing the predicted trajectory and landing point to the actual results, and calculating the margin of error between the two.

4. What are some potential sources of error in defining success in projectile motion?

Potential sources of error in defining success in projectile motion include human error in measuring initial conditions, variations in environmental factors, and limitations of the equipment used.

5. How can scientists overcome challenges in defining success in projectile motion?

Scientists can overcome challenges in defining success in projectile motion by using sophisticated equipment and technology, conducting multiple trials, and refining their mathematical models to account for potential sources of error.

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