Definition of the limit of a sequence

But I don't understand how choosing ε = ε'/2 proves the theorem.In summary, the theorem states that the limit of the sum of two sequences is equal to the sum of their individual limits. The proof involves using the definition of a limit and choosing a suitable value for ε to show that the sum of the two sequences is within a certain distance of the sum of their individual limits. This value of ε can be chosen as ε'/2, where ε' is any positive number, to prove the theorem.
  • #1
member 587159
The definition of a limit of a sequence,
if the limit is finite, is:

lim n >infinity un (un is a sequence) = l


∀ε> 0, ∃N: n > N => |un - l| < ε

This just means that un for n > N has to be a number for which: l -ε < un < l + ε

Now, I'm wondering, can't we just say:

n > N => |un -l| < kε with k a real number larger than zero?

Thanks in advance
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  • #2
What for? There is no mathematical difference between ##ε## and ##kε## for a constant ##k##. Why do you want to complicate something without need that often is hard to understand to newbies anyway.
  • #3
fresh_42 said:
What for? There is no mathematical difference between ##ε## and ##kε## for a constant ##k##. Why do you want to complicate something without need that often is hard to understand to newbies anyway.

I disagree that it is without need. You often see in mathematical derivations that something is ##<3\varepsilon## and that that's good enough. Such proofs are even known as ##3\varepsilon##-proofs. I do agree that what's in the OP shouldn't be the standard definition as it already is hard enough. But it should be made much more clearer in analysis books that ##<k\varepsilon## is good enough.
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  • #4
Math_QED said:
The definition of a limit of a sequence,
if the limit is finite, is:

lim n >infinity un (un is a sequence) = l


∀ε> 0, ∃N: n > N => |un - l| < ε

This just means that un for n > N has to be a number for which: l -ε < un < l + ε

Now, I'm wondering, can't we just say:

n > N => |un -l| < kε with k a real number larger than zero?

Thanks in advance

When people are learning limits often a lot of complexity comes about for the case where ##\epsilon## is not small. Also, sometimes it complicates things to get the ##< \epsilon## in the definition and it's simpler to get ##\le \epsilon##. I always thought a better (equivalent) definition would be.

##\exists \epsilon_0 > 0: \forall \epsilon \in (0, \epsilon_0), \exists N: n > N \Rightarrow |u_n - L| \le \epsilon##

In fact, as I don't have to sit exams, this is the one I use!

You could, if you wanted to, add your ##k##:

##\exists k, \ \epsilon_0 > 0: \forall \epsilon \in (0, \epsilon_0), \exists N: n > N \Rightarrow |u_n - L| \le k\epsilon##
  • #5
micromass said:
I disagree that it is without need. You often see in mathematical derivations that something is ##<3\varepsilon## and that that's good enough. Such proofs are even known as ##3\varepsilon##-proofs. I do agree that what's in the OP shouldn't be the standard definition as it already is hard enough. But it should be made much more clearer in analysis books that ##<k\varepsilon## is good enough.
I learned the notation ##\forall \epsilon \exists N(\epsilon)## or ##\forall \epsilon \exists N_\epsilon## so there has never been a doubt that a the find of ##N## depends on the choice of ##\epsilon## and a constant factor can easily be transformed into ##N_\epsilon##.

I find an additional "variable" in the definition would only cause more difficulties, such as to think the small sized ##\epsilon## could be blown up beyond any natural number. Although still correct, it's not helpful. (IMO, but I don't want hell to break lose ...:wink:)
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  • #6
PeroK said:
When people are learning limits often a lot of complexity comes about for the case where ##\epsilon## is not small. Also, sometimes it complicates things to get the ##< \epsilon## in the definition and it's simpler to get ##\le \epsilon##. I always thought a better (equivalent) definition would be.
I agree, however, wouldn't that simply transform the difficulties to later concepts, because it then makes the difference between an open and a closed neighborhood. I always thought this to be the reason for the strict < . Otherwise one has to explain why all of a sudden we change from closed to open.
  • #7
fresh_42 said:
I agree, however, wouldn't that simply transform the difficulties to later concepts, because it then makes the difference between an open and a closed neighborhood. I always thought this to be the reason for the strict < . Otherwise one has to explain why all of a sudden we change from closed to open.

You're right. But when I first learned analysis at university, one of the very first exercises we did was to show that we could replace all notions of ##<## with ##\leq##. I remember that I found it somewhat difficult to grasp, and I didn't really see its importance. In retrospect, I'm happy that we did this.
  • #8
micromass said:
I disagree that it is without need. You often see in mathematical derivations that something is ##<3\varepsilon## and that that's good enough. Such proofs are even known as ##3\varepsilon##-proofs. I do agree that what's in the OP shouldn't be the standard definition as it already is hard enough. But it should be made much more clearer in analysis books that ##<k\varepsilon## is good enough.

Yes, this is exactly why I made this thread. In the following proof, we encounter something similar:

Theorem: If limn-> ∞un = l1 and limn-> ∞vn = l2

limn-> ∞(un + vn) = l1 + l2

Proof: We can say for all ε>0

∃N: n> N => |un-l1|<ε
∃N': n> N' => |vn-l2|<ε

Now, we observe, that:

|un + vn - (l1 + l2)| = |(un - l1) + (vn - l2)| =< |un - l1| + |vn - l2|

So, for n > max{N, N'}, we find:

|un + vn - (l1 + l2)| = |(un - l1) + (vn - l2)| =< |un - l1| + |vn - l2| < ε + ε

=> |un + vn - (l1 + l2)| < 2ε

Now, the book does something I'm unsure about:

They say, choose ε' > 0, and let ε = ε'/2. Then we have, for all ε' > 0

n > max {N, N'} => |un + vn - (l1 + l2)| < ε' and what we wanted to proof follows.

It makes sense to me that |un + vn - (l1 + l2)| < 2ε would be enough to proof, as Micromass already said (that's why I created this thread), but I do not fully understand why we can say that ε = ε'/2? Is this, because ε>0 => ε'/2 > 0?

Probably this is a dumb question, but I'm self studying this to prepare for university mathematics to have at least a bit experience with some more abstract mathematics. I got this analysis book from my brother who studies physics.
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  • #9
Math_QED said:
Yes, this is exactly why I made this thread. In the following proof, we encounter something similar:

Theorem: If limx-> ∞un = l1 and limx-> ∞vn = l2

limx-> ∞(un + vn) = l1 + l2

It will get better with time. Wait until you will finish your proofs as soon as some ##\epsilon## show up :smile:
and all the work now, like ##\epsilon' = 2 \epsilon##, ##\epsilon' = \frac{1}{3} \epsilon## or ##\epsilon = \min\{\epsilon_1, \epsilon_2\}## will be classified under the label: "boring technical issues". Unfortunately until then, the boring stuff has to be learned, too. (see post #7)
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  • #10
fresh_42 said:
It will get better with time. Wait until you will finish your proofs as soon as some ##\epsilon## show up :smile:
and all the work now, like ##\epsilon' = 2 \epsilon##, ##\epsilon' = \frac{1}{3} \epsilon## or ##\epsilon = \min\{\epsilon_1, \epsilon_2\}## will be classified under the label: "boring technical issues". Unfortunately until then, the boring stuff has to be learned, too. (see post #7)

Well I do not think it's boring at all ;)
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  • #11
Math_QED said:
Well I do not think it's boring at all ;)

The other aspect of this is the powerful logical thinking required. For example, the negation of the limit. This confounds a lot of people when they first meet it. How do you say that a sequence does not have a limit of ##L##? This logical thinking is vital, even if the epsilons and deltas have been replaced by other more abstract concepts.
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  • #12
PeroK said:
The other aspect of this is the powerful logical thinking required. For example, the negation of the limit. This confounds a lot of people when they first meet it. How do you say that a sequence does not have a limit of ##L##? This logical thinking is vital, even if the epsilons and deltas have been replaced by other more abstract concepts.

I'm not quite sure about this one:

Would this be:

∃ε > 0, ∀N: n>N => |un - L | >= ε

or something like..

∀ε > 0, there is no N: n>N => |un - L | < ε

EDIT: could someone give a look at post #8?
  • #13
Math_QED said:
I'm not quite sure about this one:

Would this be:

∃ε > 0, ∀N: n>N => |un - L | >= ε

or something like..

∀ε > 0, there is no N: n>N => |un - L | < ε

Neither, I'm afraid. Have a good think!
  • #14
Math_QED said:
I'm not quite sure about this one:

Would this be:

∃ε > 0, ∀N: n>N => |un - L | >= ε

or something like..

∀ε > 0, there is no N: n>N => |un - L | < ε

EDIT: could someone give a look at post #8?

Both are incorrect.
  • #15
fresh_42 said:
What for? There is no mathematical difference between ##ε## and ##kε## for a constant ##k##. Why do you want to complicate something without need that often is hard to understand to newbies anyway.
Not only newbies. In the University I once had a very old-fashioned professor. When proving a limit, he chose an ε and a δ, and after about half an hour he ended up with ".. less than 2ε". Of course, we were satisfied, but he started the next lecture by choosing a δ half as big as he had done in the previous lecture and did the whole proof over!

On another note, I remember a proof in multidimensional complex analysis which ended up with "... less that 10 000ε, which is small when ε is small."
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  • #16
PeroK said:
Neither, I'm afraid. Have a good think!

∃ε > 0, ∀N: n>N ∧ |un - L | >= ε

or: ∃ε > 0, ∀N: |un - L | >= ε => n=<N

I used neg(a=>b) <=> a Λ neg(b) for the first and contraposition for the second. I had to look up some logic first because this is something we were not taught in high school.

Can someone look at post #8, this is where I am stuck in the proof.
  • #17
Math_QED said:
It makes sense to me that |un + vn - (l1 + l2)| < 2ε would be enough to proof, as Micromass already said (that's why I created this thread), but I do not fully understand why we can say that ε = ε'/2? Is this, because ε>0 => ε'/2 > 0?

Probably this is a dumb question, but I'm self studying this to prepare for university mathematics to have at least a bit experience with some more abstract mathematics. I got this analysis book from my brother who studies physics.

It's not a dumb question. The crux of the matter is that if you choose any ##\epsilon > 0##, then ##\epsilon ' = \epsilon/2 > 0##. And, for this ##\epsilon '## you can find ##N_1, N_2## such that:

##n > N_1 \Rightarrow |u_n - l_1| < \epsilon ' = \epsilon/2##


##n > N_2 \Rightarrow |v_n - l_2| < \epsilon ' = \epsilon/2##

Now, ##n > max\{N_1, N_2 \}## gives you what you want.

Does that make sense?

Personally, I would do this without introducing ##\epsilon '##. I'd just say that because ##\epsilon/2 > 0## we can find an ##N_1## such that:

##n > N_1 \Rightarrow |u_n - l_1| < \epsilon/2## etc.

PS I can see the book did things a bit differently. I definitely don't like using ##N'## for the ##l_2## limit. Using ##N_1, N_2## seems much more logical. Especially as ##N'## has nothing to do with ##\epsilon '##
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  • #18
PeroK said:
It's not a dumb question. The crux of the matter is that if you choose any ##\epsilon > 0##, then ##\epsilon ' = \epsilon/2 > 0##. And, for this ##\epsilon '## you can find ##N_1, N_2## such that:

##n > N_1 \Rightarrow |u_n - l_1| < \epsilon ' = \epsilon/2##


##n > N_2 \Rightarrow |v_n - l_2| < \epsilon ' = \epsilon/2##

Now, ##n > max\{N_1, N_2 \}## gives you what you want.

Does that make sense?

Personally, I would do this without introducing ##\epsilon '##. I'd just say that because ##\epsilon/2 > 0## we can find an ##N_1## such that:

##n > N_1 \Rightarrow |u_n - l_1| < \epsilon/2## etc.

PS I can see the book did things a bit differently. I definitely don't like using ##N'## for the ##l_2## limit. Using ##N_1, N_2## seems much more logical. Especially as ##N'## has nothing to do with ##\epsilon '##

In fact, the book used N1 and N2 but I wrote down the proof without the book. You are right that this is more logical. I believe your explanation helped me further. Thank you for that! I will think about it some more. In the meantime, what do you think about the negation of the limit?
  • #19
Math_QED said:
In fact, the book used N1 and N2 but I wrote down the proof without the book. You are right that this is more logical. I believe your explanation helped me further. Thank you for that! I will think about it some more. In the meantime, what do you think about the negation of the limit?

For the negation, think about the sequence:

##1, 1/2, 1, 1/4, 1, 1/8, \dots##

And why it does not converge to either ##0## or ##1## (or anything else!).
  • #20
PeroK said:
For the negation, think about the sequence:

##1, 1/2, 1, 1/4, 1, 1/8, \dots##

And why it does not converge to either ##0## or ##1## (or anything else!).

Is what I wrote in post #16 wrong?
  • #21
Math_QED said:
Is what I wrote in post #16 wrong?

The first one is close, although I'm not quite sure what it means.
  • #22
PeroK said:
The first one is close, although I'm not quite sure what it means.

∃ε > 0, ∀N: n>N ∧ |un - L | >= ε

∧ is the logical symbol for 'and'
>= means 'greater than or equal to epsilon'
  • #23
Math_QED said:
∃ε > 0, ∀N: n>N ∧ |un - L | >= ε

∧ is the logical symbol for 'and'
>= means 'greater than or equal to epsilon'

Read it out to me, then!

"There exists ..."
  • #24
It might help to start with convergence defined by
##\forall \epsilon > 0 \;\; \exists N_\epsilon \in \mathbb{N} \;\; \forall n > N_\epsilon \;\; (|u_n - L| < \epsilon)##
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  • #25
Svein said:
On another note, I remember a proof in multidimensional complex analysis which ended up with "... less that 10 000ε, which is small when ε is small."
A side note: This reminds me on people who write everything constant as ##\mathcal{O}(1)##.
  • #26
PeroK said:
Read it out to me, then!

"There exists ..."

The limit of a sequence is not equal to L
if and only if
there exists an epsilon larger than zero and we can say for all N, that: n is larger than N and |un - L| is larger or equal to epsilon.
  • #27
Math_QED said:
The limit of a sequence is not equal to L
if and only if
there exists an epsilon larger than zero and when we can say for all N, that: n > N and |un - L| is smaller or equal to epsilon.
You are repeating what you already said. There is a quantifier missing. It might help to negate what I've written in #24.
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  • #28
fresh_42 said:
You are repeating what you already said. There is a quantifier missing. It might help to negate what I've written in #24.

∃ε > 0, ∀N, ∃n>N: |un - L | >= ε

I believe this is the negation.
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  • #29
Math_QED said:
The limit of a sequence is not equal to L
if and only if
there exists an epsilon larger than zero and when we can say for all N, that: n > N and |un - L| is smaller or equal to epsilon.

I still don't know what that means. As an antidote to this symbolic stuff:

A sequence does not converge (to L) if there is a finite distance from L such that no matter how far you go along the sequence, at some later point it will be further than this distance from L.

I would try to think about that geometrically as well: L as a line, ##\epsilon## as the width of a tunnel either side of L and the sequence (at least at some points) continually going outside the tunnel.

Whereas, if it converges to L, then no matter how narrow you make the tunnel, the sequence eventually goes into the tunnel and stays there!
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  • #30
Math_QED said:
∃ε > 0, ∀N, ∃n>N: |un - L | >= ε

I believe this is the negation.
You should (in order to practice) apply this to Perok's sequence and show why it does not converge.
  • #31
Definitions written in symbols:

Given a sequence xn, we say that x is a cluster point for xn if [itex] (\forall \epsilon >0)(\forall N)(\exists n>N)(\vert x-x_{n} \vert <\epsilon)[/itex].

Given a sequence xn, we say that xn converges to x if [itex](\forall \epsilon >0)(\exists N)(\forall n>N)(\vert x-x_{n} \vert <\epsilon) [/itex].

FAQ: Definition of the limit of a sequence

What is the definition of the limit of a sequence?

The limit of a sequence is the value that the terms of the sequence approach as the index of the terms approaches infinity. It is denoted by limn→∞ an = L, where L is the limit.

How is the limit of a sequence calculated?

The limit of a sequence can be calculated by finding the value that the terms of the sequence approach as the index approaches infinity. This can be done by evaluating the terms of the sequence for increasingly larger values of the index and observing the trend of the values.

What is the significance of the limit of a sequence?

The limit of a sequence is an important concept in calculus and analysis. It helps us understand the behavior of a sequence as the number of terms increases and can be used to determine convergence or divergence of a sequence.

Can a sequence have more than one limit?

No, a sequence can have at most one limit. If a sequence has more than one limit, it is said to be divergent and does not have a well-defined limit.

What is the difference between the limit of a sequence and the limit of a function?

The limit of a sequence is the value that the terms of the sequence approach as the index approaches infinity. The limit of a function is the value that the function approaches as the input approaches a specific value. While both concepts involve approaching a value, the key difference is that a sequence has discrete values for the index, while a function has a continuous input.

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