Deformation Retract: X to Y | Proving Homotopic Equivalence

  • Thread starter Mikemaths
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In summary, the author is trying to show that X is a deformation retract of Y. He is trying to find a continuous deformation h:Yx[0,1]-->Y such that h_0=id_Y and such that as t goes from 0 to 1, the points of the "stick" in the umbrella are slid to the hemisphere, while the points already on the hemisphere don't move.
  • #1
Y = (X ∪ I)/{x0 ~ 0} (disjoint union) xo - base point in X

I am trying to show that X is a deformation retract of Y.

I understand I need to maps f:X -> Y and g:Y -> X and show homotopic equivalence

Where f is the inclusion map, is the identity ok for f?
i.e f:X->Y , x in X -> x in Y

What is appropriate for g? Is the idea to map all of I in Y to x0 in X?
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  • #2
To show that X is a deformation retract of Y is not the same as to show that X and Y are homotopy equivalent.

A deformation retract of Y onto X is an homotopy h:Y x [0,1] --> Y (that we note [itex]h(y,t)=h_t(y)[/itex]) such that
(i) [itex]h_0=id_Y[/itex]
(ii) [itex]h_t|_X=id_X[/itex]
(iii) [itex]h_1(Y)=X[/itex]
Ok, so that h does is that it take Y and over the course of time, shrinks it onto X. And condition (ii) says that h doesn't move the points of X "since they are already where we want them".

Now if a deformation retract of Y to X exists, then it can be said that Y and X are homotopy equivalent. Indeed, for f:Y-->X given by [itex]f(y)=h_1(y)[/itex] and g:X-->Y given by [itex]g=\iota_X[/itex], the inclusion of X in Y, we have that [itex]f \circ g =id_X[/itex] and [itex]g\circ f = h_1\approx h_0=id_Y[/itex]. (where [itex]\approx[/itex] means homotopic)

But to show that X and Y are homotopy equivalent is not the same as finding a deformation retract between the two. Do you see that?
  • #3
So if a deformation retract exists from Y to X this implies homotopic equivalence but not the converse yes?

I can't see how to formulate the function?

so that h(y,0) = y in Y
and h(y,1) = y in X

unless you map it all to x0?
  • #4
A deformation retract is a homotopy between a retraction and the identity map. Your retraction will be taking I and mapping it to xo, and the identity is, well, the identity. So without giving away the actual map...the points in X will remain fixed throughout, while the points in I will all be mapped to xo.
  • #5
I understand that and
therefore that f:X->Y is defined by x->x
But you cannot surely defined g:Y->X by whether is in X or I as member of X U I is still only (x) not (x,i)?
Therefore the homotopy h: Y -> Y is fg?
such that h(x,t) -> (1-t)x0 + x?
  • #6
The set Y is made up of a space X and of the interval I=[0,1], where the points 0 in I and x_0 in X are identified. For instance, if X is the upper hemisphere of the 2-sphere and x_0 is the south pole of that sphere, then Y looks just like an umbrella.

The goal then, is to find a continuous deformation h:Yx[0,1]-->Y such that h_0=id_Y and such that as t goes from 0 to 1, the points of the "stick" in the umbrella are slid to the hemisphere, while the points already on the hemisphere don't move.

The idea expressed by mrbohn1 (and perhaps by you in post 3?) is that the most natural way to do this is to slide all the points in the "stick" I onto 0=x_0.

You just have to find the formula for a map that does this.
  • #7
Quasar 987:

Shouldn't the point to be collapsed be in the space being collapsed?.

The south pole is not contained in the northern hemisphere.

(Sorry, I have not posted in a while; I forgot how to quote from others'

  • #8
Thanks for pointing this out. I tend to confuse north and south the way some people mix up left and right!
  • #9
" Thanks for pointing this out. I tend to confuse north and south the way some people mix up left and right! "

No problem. Just let me know if you decide to drive here in NYC; I will then take

a sick day and stay at home. :)
  • #10
As a matter of fact, I did visit NYC back in november. Amazing city...

Related to Deformation Retract: X to Y | Proving Homotopic Equivalence

1. What is a deformation retract?

A deformation retract is a continuous transformation of a space onto a subspace that keeps the points of the subspace fixed. In other words, it is a way to continuously shrink a space onto a smaller subspace without changing the relative positions of the points in the subspace.

2. What is the significance of proving homotopic equivalence?

Proving homotopic equivalence between two spaces means that they have the same shape, in the sense that they can be continuously deformed into each other. This is an important concept in topology and can help us understand the properties of different spaces and their relationships.

3. How is a deformation retract different from a retraction?

A retraction is a map from a space onto a subspace that keeps the points of the subspace fixed. However, a deformation retract also requires that the retraction is continuous and that the deformation happens in a continuous and controlled manner.

4. What is the process of proving homotopic equivalence between two spaces?

The process of proving homotopic equivalence involves finding a continuous transformation (deformation retract) from one space onto the other. This transformation should be one-to-one, meaning each point in the first space is mapped to a unique point in the second space, and onto, meaning each point in the second space is mapped to by at least one point in the first space. The transformation should also be continuous, meaning that small changes in the first space result in small changes in the second space.

5. What are some real-world applications of deformation retracts and homotopic equivalence?

Deformation retracts and homotopic equivalence have many applications in fields such as physics, engineering, and biology. For example, in physics, they can be used to study the properties of different shapes and their deformations. In engineering, they can help with optimizing structures and finding the most efficient way to deform them. In biology, they can be used to understand the shapes and movements of biological structures, such as cells and tissues.

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