Degradation of Steel Due to Punctures

In summary, the OP is trying to design fitness equipment that is variable in height and length, and he is interested in understanding how drilling holes into steel bar/or pipe will degrade said piece. He is also interested in whether this degradation in structural integrity and accompanying strength would be offset by filling it snug with a steel bolt of the same quality.
  • #1
Hello everyone obviously smarter than I. There is an answer I seek, to a project that is willing to be done.

I'm considering manufacturing a piece of fitness strengthening equipment that is somewhat unique. There is some sort of equation I'm missing to have an understanding of how to go about the construction, ie which materials to use, and what their capabilities will be.

I'm trying to make equipment that is variable in height and length. Without giving away the design, I can say that my need to know revolves around understanding how drilling holes into steel bar/or pipe will degrade said piece.

I'm also interested if this degradation in structural integrity and accompanying strength would be offset by filling it snug with a steel bolt of the same quality.

An example would be a piece of steel with the strength to handle 1,000 lbs attached to it. Now take a piece of this steel that is circular of 1" OD, and insert a piece that is 17/16 ID. Fit the same holes of 1/4" drilled into each side of each piece, and a 1/4 bolt fitted through all 4 holes. Would it still hold 1,000lbs, IF the bolt was rated for 1,000#'s.

Now to add to the mix a few more holes punched every inch running the length of the pipe in a line, which aren't filled with bolts running along the sides of both pipes. Essentially to make the length and/or height of the equipment variable. Would it then be unable to hold the same 1,000# at this point?

To what degree would their be loss in strength?
Is there a simple equation I can plug in, or would this depend on the overall structure of said equipment? I need to keep it as simple as possible, so let's not envision the whole object (as you have no idea what it is!) and just keep the physics to two pieces of pipe one fitting inside the next snug.

Please let me know if further clarification is needed. Thanks.
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  • #2
You can't design this type of equipment with a single equation. Because it is fitness equipment, and there are potential liability issues involved, I would urge you to seek the advice of a mechanical engineer, if nothing else for your own protection.
  • #3
If that equation would let me know the absolute stength of the pipe, I sure can! This isn't complicated, and I'm not going to get sued if it doesn't snap. Easiest way would be trial and error. Load the equipment with a lot of weight and run it through some tests. If it snaps I know to try something different. I can rig up something to test it somewhat safely.
  • #4
That's just it: there is NO single equation which will allow you to design this equipment to be safe, and certainly not one which can be applied to a design which can only be vaguely described. Any time you punch a hole in something, there will be a loss in strength. The knowledge and skill which allow the safe design of machines are not such that they can be picked up in a couple of posts on a blog somewhere.
  • #5
This isn't complicated, and I'm not going to get sued if it doesn't snap.
I think that is a bit of overconfidence. Japan never expected a crisis with its nuclear plants nor did Mcdonalds ever expect to be sued over a cup of coffee. It is not your design process I am commenting upon, just that one very erroneous statement.
  • #6
Now coffee is something dangerous!

Seriously. Incredible over thinking here.

You know why mcdonalds got sued? They didn't have a disclaimer. My products will have disclaimer. I'm not an idiot. Squat racks have the same damned thing and are often design to hold more weight than what my product will.

Oh, and Fukushima should never have been built. So many design faults, but that's a whole other topic. It's like saying, "nobody could have foreseen the economic downturn". Inevitable to all but the mindless.
  • #7
This is seriously ridiculous. Why do I have to tell you of every component involved? All I need to know is the extent which a single piece will be degraded by punching some holes in it. You want specifics then ask else I don't know what to provide for you. You want safety in a strength conditioning device? Don't bother getting out of bed. You might just slip and break an ankle.

Completely ridiculous. I'll find help from more reasonable people who have a little common sense.
  • #8
Thread closed. The OP has his answer. The fact that he doesn't like it doesn't change the fact that that's the answer.

OP, you might want to look up "Arthur Jell" when you think about safety.

FAQ: Degradation of Steel Due to Punctures

1. What is the main cause of degradation in steel due to punctures?

The main cause of degradation in steel due to punctures is the presence of moisture or oxygen, which leads to corrosion. When a puncture occurs, it creates an entry point for these elements to come into contact with the steel, causing it to corrode and weaken over time.

2. How does the puncture affect the strength of the steel?

Punctures can significantly decrease the strength of steel by creating stress concentrations, which are areas of high stress that can cause cracks to form and spread. This can ultimately lead to failure of the steel structure if left untreated.

3. Can the degradation of steel due to punctures be prevented?

Yes, the degradation of steel due to punctures can be prevented through proper maintenance and the use of protective coatings. Regular inspections and repairs can also help identify and address any punctures or areas of corrosion before they become a larger problem.

4. What are some common signs of degradation in steel due to punctures?

Some common signs of degradation in steel due to punctures include discoloration, rust or corrosion on the surface of the steel, cracks or fissures, and changes in the overall appearance or texture of the steel.

5. How can the effects of degradation in steel due to punctures be reversed?

In some cases, the effects of degradation in steel due to punctures can be reversed through proper repair and maintenance techniques, such as sandblasting, patching, and applying protective coatings. However, if the damage is severe, it may be necessary to replace the affected steel components.

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