Degrees of freedom and RMS-speed of CO2?

In summary, there is a formula for calculating the root mean square speed of gas particles, and it is derived from the kinetic energy of monatomic gases. However, for diatomic gases, the formula for kinetic energy is different, and it includes both translational and rotational motion. The total degrees of freedom do not affect the speed, as it is only determined by translational motion. The formula with 5/2 gives the total kinetic energy, while the formula with 3/2 gives the kinetic energy of translational motion.
  • #1
Are the RMS-speed of gas particles related to degrees of freedom?

I give up! I must consult help no matter how embarrassing it is!
Any help is greeted with a big smile! :smile:

Does the formula for root mean square speed of particles in a gas (below) apply for all particles?


I understand that it's derived from the kinetic energy of monatomic gases:

1) [tex]E_{k}=\frac{3}{2}k_{b}T[/tex]

2) [tex]\frac{1}{2}mv_{rms}^2=\frac{3}{2}k_{b}T[/tex]

3) [tex]v_{rms}=\sqrt{\frac{3k_{b}T}{m}}[/tex]

However, the formula of the kinetic energy of diatomic gases is (from Cappelen's "Rom Stoff Tid: Fysikk 1"):

Thus the RMS speed must be:



Monatomic particles have three translational degrees of freedom, diatomic particles have three translational and two rotational (as they are linear and the rotation around the axis that pierces both particles are "freezed out"), oui?
Is this what is reflected in their formulas for kinetic energy?

The research and lack of sleep resulted in this conclusion:


Where [tex]D_{f}[/tex] stand for degrees of freedom

So the RMS speed for carbon dioxide in 23[tex]\circ[/tex]C must be:
[tex]v_{rms}=\sqrt{\frac{5 \times\ 1.38\ \times\ 10^{-23} \ J \ K^{-1} \times\ 296K}{44 \times\ 1.66 \times\ 10^{-27} \ kg}}[/tex]

5 degrees of freedom comprising three translational, two rotational (linear molecule) and 0 vibrational as they are negliguble at room temperature.


Now, I will be very happy for any feedback (link to a site or anything) on whether my reasoning or calculation is correct or wrong.

~~~~ Thymo :smile:

PS: This is not homework, I'm in first grade physics.
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  • #2
Well, thanks a lot!

I posted the same question in norwegian at a Norwegian site,, and got two replies before this garbagee could produce ONE!


Anyways, I'm here to update about what I know now.

The speed of particles are always given by:
[tex] v_{rms}=\sqrt{\frac{3k_{b}T}{m}} [/tex]

The "3" on the right side reflects the three translational degrees of freedom. It does not reflect the total degrees of freedom because speed is translational movement. The kinetic energy in the form of vibrational and rotational does not result in speed.

I still have a slight puzzle though.
[tex]E_{k}=\frac{5}{2}k_{b}T [/tex]
For CO2 particles.

Doesn't that imply that:
[tex]\frac{1}{2}mv^2=\frac{5}{2}k_{b}T [/tex]

But if we solve for [tex]v[/tex], we get:
[tex]v=\sqrt{\frac{5k_{b}T}{m}} [/tex]

Which is wrong. So, is the [tex]E_{k}[/tex] for CO2 different from the normal formula for [tex]E_{k}[/tex]?

Any help is much appriciated! :smile:
  • #3
Norway must be some country.

Your formula with the 5/2 is giving you the kinetic plus the rotational. I think you know that. The formula with the 3/2 will give you the "center-of-mass" kinetic energy, not counting anything else the molecule is doing.

FAQ: Degrees of freedom and RMS-speed of CO2?

1. What is the concept of degrees of freedom in relation to CO2 molecules?

The concept of degrees of freedom refers to the number of independent ways a molecule can move and store energy. In the case of CO2 molecules, there are three translational, two rotational, and two vibrational degrees of freedom, giving a total of seven degrees of freedom.

2. How do the degrees of freedom affect the RMS-speed of CO2?

The RMS-speed of a molecule is directly proportional to its temperature and mass, but also depends on the number of degrees of freedom. In the case of CO2, the RMS-speed is higher compared to other molecules with similar mass due to its seven degrees of freedom.

3. What is the relationship between temperature and RMS-speed of CO2?

The RMS-speed of CO2 molecules increases with an increase in temperature. This is because higher temperatures result in higher kinetic energy, leading to faster movement of molecules and thus, a higher RMS-speed.

4. How is the RMS-speed of CO2 calculated?

The RMS-speed of CO2 can be calculated using the root mean square formula: √(3RT/M), where R is the gas constant, T is the temperature in Kelvin, and M is the molar mass of CO2.

5. Why is the RMS-speed of CO2 important in understanding gas behavior?

The RMS-speed of CO2 is important because it provides information about the average speed and kinetic energy of molecules in a gas. This can help in understanding the behavior of gases, such as diffusion and effusion, and is also used in various scientific calculations and experiments.
