Degrees of Freedom: Can I Sum Individual Model DF?

In summary: F, there are three degrees of freedom because x1, x2, and x3 are not the result of a least squares fit. Adding the degrees of freedom for each step would not change the model, it would only change the degrees of freedom that are valid for the statistic being used. Thanks for the clarification.In summary, Emma suggests that if my model consists of two steps, I can estimate the degrees of freedom for the total model by summing the degrees of freedom for the individual models.
  • #1
Hi all

If my model consists of two steps,

e.g, multiple linear regression to get an estimate of an intermediate response variable

followed by a further regression to get the final estimate of response variable

To estimate the degrees of freedom for the total model can I simply sum the degrees of freedom for the individual models?


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  • #2
I always hate it when someone suggests a different approach instead of answering the original question, but I have to suggest this: Why not apply multiple linear regression directly to estimate the response variable? It seems like either way will end up with a linear estimator, but the direct approach will allow you to apply existing tools and obtain all the relevant statistical information directly.
  • #3
Hi Fact checker, the reason I phrased the question as such is because it's slightly more complicated than regression, I'm comparing two "models", one of which requires pre processing of the data so want to know if, during this pre processing step I can simply add the degrees of freedom for each individual step?
  • #4
Emma, I see. My opinion is that you can only add the independent degrees of freedom of the second process from variables that are not the result of the first process. Anything more than that is beyond my abilities.
  • #5

"Degrees of freedom" has no precise meaning until a particular context is specified. (This is the case with many mathematical terms like "dual", "conjugate", "closed", "homogeneous".) I assume you are using a particular statistic or procedure which requires a "degrees of freedom" number. Explain exactly what procedure or formula you intend to use.
  • #6
Hi I using the F test for the comparsion of two models
  • #7
As I understand your first post, it talks about a single linear model that is created in stages. This model is not (in general) the same model that you would obtain by a least-squares linear regression because you did the fit in two stages. Your final model is something like z = A x1 + B y + C where x1 is from the data, and y is not. The "intermediate" variable y is the result of a least squares fit to the data that gave y = D x2 + E x3 + F where x2 and x3 are values from the data.

In least squares regression, to obtain a model z = A x1 + By + C, we assume there are no "errors" in the x1 and y measurements. So you can't say that your procedure produces the same model as you would have obtained if you had done the regression in a single step using the data (x1, x2, x3) because there are "errors" in the y values. (The method of "total least squares" regression is often used when the model assumes errors exist in several of the variables.)

One technicality to investigate, is whether the F-test comparison of two linear models actually applies if one model is not the result of a least squares fit.

If you are comparing two models, then I assume the two models predict the same variable, which is z in my example. If so, my example describes only one of the models. Where does the other model come from?
  • #8
Thanks for the reply stephen, but without drifting off the topic too much, with respect to the degrees of freedom, is it legitimate to add the degrees of freedom for each individual step?


  • #9
The math of "degrees of freedom" allows you to count up the number of variables in an equation that are independent of others and are free to vary. In that context, you can add them as long as you do not count the variables that are a result of your first step. Those variables are not free to vary since they are calculated in the first step.

However, using the degrees of freedom in statistics like F or chi-squared requires additional assumptions about the distribution of the free variables and about the equation of the statistic being calculated. Since your calculation is not one of the usual ones (sample mean, sample variance, linear regression, goodness of fit, etc.), it is not clear what statistics are valid to use, even if your degrees of freedom is correct. To use the standard distributions, you will have to use one of the processes that they apply to.
  • #10
emmasaunders12 said:
is it legitimate to add the degrees of freedom for each individual step?

Attempting some mind reading, the answer is no.

let's say you are dealing with a linear model and "degrees of freedom" in your context means the number of parameters in the model that were determined when you fit the model to data.

Using the previous example, z = A x1 + B y + C can be written as z = A x1 + B( D x2 + E x3 + F) + C = A x1 + BD x2 + BE x3 + BF + C. This amounts to a linear model with 4 parameters P1 = A, P2 = BD, P3 = BE and P4 = (BF + C). So there are 4 degrees of freedom.

There are 3 parameters in z = A x1 + B y + C and 3 parameters in y = D x2 + E x3 + F but there are only 4 parameters in the model that expresses z as a linear function of x1,x2,x3.
  • #11
Thanks stephen

Im a little confused as to why your not counting e.g, BD as two parameters. In MLR where e.g z=AX1, where A will now have many parameters, aren't all elements of A counted in this case?

In the example you give above the addition of number of parameters (=6 parameters above) would always result in more parameters when one simply adds them, resulting in even less degrees of freedom.

When comparing the sum of square residuals of two models using the F test, a simple model (S1) with degrees of freedom DF1 and a more complex model (S2) having less degrees (DF2):


estimating less degrees of freedom in the complex model than may perhaps exist would give a smaller F ratio and thus favour the simpler model. Would this assumption be correct?

Thanks for your help

  • #12
emmasaunders12 said:
Thanks stephen

Im a little confused as to why your not counting e.g, BD as two parameters. In MLR where e.g z=AX1, where A will now have many parameters, aren't all elements of A counted in this case?

My undestanding of applying the F test to compare linear models is that we assume the models are nested and that they are each least squares fit to the data (...and a lot of other assumptions). So it's hard to answer your question because you are not fitting a model to data by a method that is guaranteed to produce a least squares fit. (and you have not mentioned a second model to which your first model is being compared.)

But suppose we have a linear model of the form z = P x + Q y + R where P,Q,R are constants. Suppose we fit this to data by some procedure that goes in stages and is guaranteed to produce a least squares fit in the end. We write the model as z = (A)(B)(C) + (D)(E)(F) y + (G)(H)(I) in stage 1, we find A,D,G. In stage 2 we find B,E,H. In stage 3 we find C,F,I. This does not change the fact that the final result of the process is a linear model that is a least squares fit to the data and has the form z = P x + Q y + R, which involves 3 constants.
  • #13
Thanks stephen for your answer.

I was however under the impression that the F test can still be used if the models were not fitted using least squares. Quoting wiki

"It is most often used when comparing statistical models that have been fitted to a data set, in order to identify the model that best fits the population from which the data were sampled. Exact "F-tests" mainly arise when the models have been fitted to the data using least squares. "

I understand your proposition with respect to number of constants. Could you please however clarify my earlier point.

"Im a little confused as to why your not counting e.g, BD as two parameters. In MLR where e.g z=AX1, where A will now have many parameters, aren't all elements of A counted in this case?"


  • #14
emmasaunders12 said:
Quoting wiki

"It is most often used when comparing statistical models that have been fitted to a data set, in order to identify the model that best fits the population from which the data were sampled. Exact "F-tests" mainly arise when the models have been fitted to the data using least squares. "

We'd have to investigate whether "inexact" F-tests are good idea.. I don't know if the wiki is merely stating that they are a customary practice or whether it is stating they are a mathematically justifiable practice.

"Im a little confused as to why your not counting e.g, BD as two parameters. In MLR where e.g z=AX1, where A will now have many parameters, aren't all elements of A counted in this case?"

The counting of parameters in the linear model counts the number of constants in the model, with each numerical coefficient of a variable counted as single constant and the "constant term" of the model counted as a single constant. So for the term 16 x, the numerical value 16 is one constant even though it could be factored as (8)(2) or (2)(2)(2)(2).
  • #15
Hi Stephen thanks for your help:

The models I'm comparin are:

Model1: Y=A(B^-1)X

Model2: Y=A([ Z-CH]D+ C(B^-1)X)

How would you best proceed in this instance?


  • #16
Which of those letters represent independent variables? X and Z ? Z isn't a function of X?
  • #17
X is the independent variable, Z is a linear function of a projection of X, i.e S , in a lower dimensional domain, i.e an autoregressive describing the evolution in time of S.

  • #18
I suggest you give a precise definition of things involved.

I don't know what "an autoregressive" might be. The term "autoregressive" suggests your independent variables might be values indexed with time. Is X a vector of values indexed by a "time" ? Or is the kth component of X the value of something at time k? Are the values of the dependent variable Y also indexed by time?
  • #19
Hi Stephen,

Thanks for your patience with my problem:

Model1: Y=A(B^-1)X

A are the eigenvectors of Y,
B are the eigenvectors of X,
So the above is a total least squares type problem.
There are no time indices in the above method

Model2: Y=A([ Z-CH]D+ C(B^-1)X)

[ Z-CH]D+ C - is a Kalman filter

some preliminaries:
S is an estimate of X in a lower dimensional domain
D is an estimate of Y in a lower dimensional domain

C is the Kalman gain
H is a liner model between S and D
Z is an autoregressive fit of D

From the above A and B are fixed, all other parameters can vary, as the Kalman filter is adaptive, dependent upon Y using an EM algorithm.

Thanks for any help you may have
  • #20
emmasaunders12 said:
Model1: Y=A(B^-1)X

A are the eigenvectors of Y,
B are the eigenvectors of X,
So the above is a total least squares type problem.

It isn't clear what you are doing, because you haven't described the format of the observed data you are using.

One effort at mind reading says that your data consists of M ordered pairs of vectors (X,Y), so to exhibit one pair of vectors as scalars (X[k],Y[k]) = ( (X[k][1],X[k][2]...X[k][nx]), (Y[k][1],Y[k][2],...Y[k][ny])

Another effort at mind reading says your data consists of M ordered pairs of scalars (x[k],y[k]) and that there is a single vector Y = (y[1],y[2],...y[M]) and a single vector X = (x[1],x[2],...x[M]).

You haven't written an equation which shows any random errors, so it isn't clear why you say that the fit is a total least squares problem. I assume you mean that the model assumes a random additive error in both the X and Y terms.

There are no time indices in the above method

Model2: Y=A([ Z-CH]D+ C(B^-1)X)

[ Z-CH]D+ C - is a Kalman filter

What do X and Y represent in this model? (Are they the same variables in this model as they are in Model1?)

The term Kalman filter suggests that there are time indices involved in this model. Which index represents time?
  • #21
Hi Stephen,

your correct M ordered pairs of vectors (X,Y) represents the data.

The fit is total least squares as the eigen domain is used, i.e orthogonal regression

X and Y are the same in model 1 and model 2. Model 1 however is dynamic as mentioned previously

Yk=A([ Zk-CkHk]Dk+ Ck(B^-1)Xk) - - - with k as a time indicie

similarly model 1 can be written as


if one wishes, just depends on how the model is being used, i,e with a batch of Xk's or just incremental data points?

Any idea how to proceed here?
  • #22
emmasaunders12 said:
Any idea how to proceed here?

Use simulation.

For simulation you need stochastic models, not mere curve fits. Each model, should specify a method for making a deterministic prediction, (such as Y = AX) but it also must specify a model for how the observed data arises in a stochastic manner (such as Y = AX + B* err(k}, where err(k) is an independent random draw at each time k from normal distribution with mean 0 and variance 1.)

I think your x-data is a time series of vectors. You need to generate representative examples of the x-data by simulation or have such examples from actual observations (i.e. one "example" is an entire time series of vectors). So you might need a stochastic model for the x-data.

I am assuming your predictive models give the predicted y-value as a function of the observed x-values , not as a function of the underlying "true" x-values. Of course a model may use the observed x-values to predict the "true" x-values and then make it's prediction based on those estimates.

Once you have the capability to do simulations, you can investigate various statistics by the Monte-Carlo method.

For example:

Let model_X be the stochastic model for generating the x-data.

Create a Mont-Carlo simulation involving two (possibly identical models) model_A and model_B as follows. One replication of the simulation is:

1) Generate the X-data using model_X
2) Generate the Y-data using the stochastic model associated with model_A
3) Generate the predicted Y-data using the deterministic model associated with model_A
4) Compute RSS_A = the sum of the squared residuals between the Y-data of step 2 and the predicted Y-values of step 3.

( I'm assuming that when using the F-test, your intent was to define the "residual" between two vectors as the euclidean distance between them. Whether this is wise depends on details of the real world problem.)

5) Generate the Y_data using the stochastic model associated with model_B
6) Generate the the predicted Y-data using the deterministic model associated with model_B
7) Compute RSS_B = the sum of the squares of the residuals between the Y_data from step 5 and the predictions of step 6.

8) Compute G = (RSS_A - RSS_B) / RSS_B

G is an obvious imitation of the F-statistic. We don't know that G has the same distribution as any F-statistic, so we shouldn't call it one.

We can set model_A = model_B = your model2 and use the Monte-Carlo simulation to estimate the distribution of G. (When the stochastic model associated with model 2 is applied to the same X-data twice, it probably won't produce the same residuals due to the stochastic terms. Hence the value of G will vary on different replications.)

Take the "null hypothesis" to be that model1 is the same as model2 (as far as producing residuals goes). Compute the single numerical value G_obs = (RSS_1 - RSS_2)/RSS_2 by applying the two models to the actually observed X-data. Use the distribution of G to compute how likely it is to get a value of G equal or greater than G_obs. Then "accept" or "reject" the null hypothesis based on how this probability compares to whatever "significance level" you have chosen.
  • #23
Hi stephen thanks for your lengthy reply,

wouldn't i still however be in the same predicament, as the testing of the null hypothesis requires the degrees of freedom for each model, which is what I am not sure about?


  • #24
emmasaunders12 said:
wouldn't i still however be in the same predicament, as the testing of the null hypothesis requires the degrees of freedom for each model, which is what I am not sure about?

No, you don't need to know any "degrees of freedom" information. You use the empirical distribution of G to do the test. There is never any need to deal with F statistics.
  • #25
I actually have 10 examples of the ground truth Y, would this be enough to not perform siulation as I am calculating the residuals (RSS_A - RSS_B) / RSS_B using them. Also the technique you mention would be dependent upon what one chooses as err{k}, in Y = AX + B* err(k}.

I'm also a little confused on how you would use the emprical distirbution of G to do the test, if you could clarify that would be great.

Thanks so much for your help

  • #26
emmasaunders12 said:
enough to not perform
I think you are asking if the empirical distribution of G could be estimated from 10 examples. No it can't. Estimating the empirical distribution of G requires data be generated using model2 because the "null hypothesis" in my description is that the data is generated by model2.

If you consider those 10 examples "representative" of the wide world of possible x-data then your model_X could be to pick the x-data from one of those 10 examples at random.

You can use the 10 examples to estimate the parameters of the distribution of the errors in model2.

Also the technique you mention would be dependent upon what one chooses as err{k}, in Y = AX + B* err(k}.

Since my description uses model_A = model_B = model_2, the method depends on what distribution is chosen for the errors in model 2. You can't really avoid assumptions about the nature of the errors. People can apply methods of fitting models to data and never consciously say to themselves "I will assume the errors have the form...", but the methods of fitting have such assumptions embedded in them. Just understand the assumptions made by the methods you are using.

I'm also a little confused on how you would use the emprical distirbution of G to do the test, if you could clarify that would be great.

To do a one sided test with alpha = 0.05, you determine the value g0 such that 0.95 of the empirical values of G are equal or less than g0. You compute G_obs from observed data. If G_obs is greater than g0, you reject the null hypothesis.

If you have 10 sets of observed data, you can compute a G_obs from each set and compute G_bar_obs as the mean of those 10 values. To use G_bar_obs in a hypothesis test, you need the distribution of G_bar_10 = the mean of 10 independent realizations of G. You can estimate this distribution by Monte-Carlo or calculate it in the usual way that one computes the distribution of the mean of independent samples of a random variable from the given distribution of the variable.

Related to Degrees of Freedom: Can I Sum Individual Model DF?

1. What are degrees of freedom and why are they important in scientific research?

Degrees of freedom (DF) refer to the number of independent variables that can vary in a statistical model or experiment. They are important because they help determine the reliability and validity of statistical tests and allow for more accurate conclusions to be drawn from data.

2. Can degrees of freedom be summed for individual models?

No, degrees of freedom cannot be summed for individual models. Each model has its own unique degrees of freedom based on the number of variables and constraints included, and they cannot be combined or added together.

3. How are degrees of freedom calculated?

The calculation of degrees of freedom varies depending on the type of statistical test or model being used. In general, degrees of freedom can be calculated by subtracting the number of constraints from the total number of variables in the model.

4. What happens if I use the wrong degrees of freedom in my statistical analysis?

If the wrong degrees of freedom are used in a statistical analysis, it can lead to inaccurate results and conclusions. Using too few degrees of freedom can result in an inflated Type I error rate, while using too many can decrease the power of the test.

5. How can I ensure that I am using the correct degrees of freedom in my research?

The best way to ensure that you are using the correct degrees of freedom in your research is to carefully review the statistical model or test being used, and to consult with a statistician or experienced researcher if needed. It is also important to double-check calculations and use reliable sources for determining degrees of freedom.

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