Delta Baryon Quartet: Constructing from SU(2) Symmetry

Thus, the tensor form of the Clebsch-Gordan series [2] \otimes [2] \otimes [2] = [2] \oplus [4] \oplus [2] \oplus [2] isq_{i}q_{j}q_{k} = \frac{1}{2} q_{(i}q_{j}q_{k)} + \frac{1}{3} \left( S_{ij}q_{k} + S_{jk}q_{i} + S_{ki}q_{j}\right) + \frac{1}{6} \left( q_{(i} \hat{Q}_{j)}q_{k
  • #1
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TL;DR Summary
I'm looking for a tensor representation for a ##SU(2)## quartet in order to build a ##\Delta## baryon states from quark multiplications. I know that it is possible for ##\pi## triplet and it is shown in the thread.
In ##SU(2)## symmetry, we can define a triplet as ##2\otimes 2^*=3\oplus 1## with a tensor representation like this:
The upper index denotes an anti-doublet and the traceless part in parentheses represents a triplet.
For instance, let ##q=\begin{pmatrix}u\\d\end{pmatrix}## be the doublet and ##\bar{q}=\begin{pmatrix}\bar{u}&\bar{d}\end{pmatrix}## the anti-doublet. If we build the ##\pi## meson triplet ##T## from the tensor defined above,
We obtain ##T=\begin{pmatrix}\frac{\pi^0}{\sqrt{2}}&\pi^+\\ \pi^-&-\frac{\pi^0}{\sqrt{2}}\end{pmatrix}## as usual for ##SU(2)## triplets like the vector bosons in SM.

I'm trying to do the same for the ##\Delta## baryons if possible. The problem is that it is a quartet and i need to express it as a tensor. I did not find any reference in order to define a ##SU(2)## quartet in a tensor representation and I could not do it on my own as in the previous case.
Any help please?

Hint: Recall that the ##\Delta## baryons are constructed from three quarks: ##\Delta^{++}=uuu,\,\Delta^+=uud,\,\Delta^0=udd,\,\Delta^-=ddd##. Besides, the quartet representation comes from ##2\otimes 2\otimes 2=2\oplus 2\oplus 4##.
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  • #2
lalo_u said:
Summary:: I'm looking for a tensor representation for a ##SU(2)## quartet in order to build a ##\Delta## baryon states from quark multiplications. I know that it is possible for ##\pi## triplet and it is shown in the thread.##\Delta^{++}=uuu,\,\Delta^+=uud,\,\Delta^0=udd,\,\Delta^-=ddd##. Besides, the quartet representation comes from ##2\otimes 2\otimes 2=2\oplus 2\oplus 4##.
Notations: [itex]q_{i} \in [2], \ q_{1} = u, \ q_{2} = d[/itex], [itex]S_{ij} \equiv q_{(i}q_{j)} = q_{i}q_{j} + q_{j}q_{i}[/itex], [itex]q_{[i}q_{j]} = q_{i}q_{j} - q_{j}q_{i}[/itex]. Now consider the tensor [itex]q_{i}q_{j} \in [2] \otimes [2][/itex] and decompose it into irreducible parts (i.e., symmetric and anti-symmetric combinations) [tex]q_{i}q_{j} = \frac{1}{2} q_{(i}q_{j)} + \frac{1}{2} q_{[i}q_{j]},[/tex] or [tex]q_{i}q_{j} = \frac{1}{2} S_{ij} + \frac{1}{2} \epsilon_{ij}\left(\epsilon^{kl}q_{k}q_{l} \right) .[/tex] This is nothing but the tensor form of the Clebsch-Gordan series [tex][2] \otimes [2] = [3] \oplus [1] .[/tex] We now make the following observation about the irreducible representations of [itex]SU(2)[/itex]:

1) The 1-dimensional irrep [itex][1][/itex] is carried by the scalar or 0-rank tensor [itex]S = \epsilon^{ij}q_{i}q_{j}[/itex].

2) The 2-dimensional (fundamental or defining) irrep [itex][2][/itex] is carried by the vector or rank-1 tensor [itex]q_{i}[/itex].

3) The 3-dimensional irrep [itex][3][/itex] is carried by the symmetric rank-2 tensor [itex]S_{ij}[/itex].

Thus, it is clear from the above that the 4-dimensional irrep [itex][4][/itex] must be carried by totally symmetric rank-3 tensor, call it [itex]\Delta_{ijk} = \Delta_{(ijk)}[/itex]. Indeed, any irrep [itex][n][/itex] of [itex]SU(2)[/itex] is carried by totally symmetric tensor of rank [itex](n-1)[/itex].

Okay, let us now look at [itex]\Delta_{ijk} \in [4][/itex]. To obtain a 3-index tensor we can multiply our symmetric tensor [itex]S_{ij} \in [3][/itex] by the vector [itex]q_{k}[/itex]. However, the resultant tensor [itex]S_{ij}q_{k} \in [3] \otimes [2][/itex] is reducible because it is not symmetric with respect to all indices [itex](ijk)[/itex]. So, we need to decompose it into irreducible parts (i.e., subtract all invariant subspaces). We do that by the following trick of rewriting the tensor [itex]S_{ij}q_{k}[/itex]:

[tex]\begin{align*}S_{ij}q_{k} &= \frac{1}{3} \left( S_{ij}q_{k} + S_{jk}q_{i} + S_{ki}q_{j}\right) \\ & + \frac{1}{3}\left( S_{ij}q_{k} - S_{jk}q_{i}\right) \\ & + \frac{1}{3} \left( S_{ij}q_{k} - S_{ki}q_{j}\right) . \end{align*}[/tex] The first line is what you are after, i.e., the totally symmetric tensor [itex]\Delta_{(ijk)}[/itex] which carries the irrep [itex][4][/itex], as it has only 4 independent components. The second line is anti-symmetric under [itex]i \leftrightarrow k[/itex] and, therefore, can be written as [itex]\epsilon_{ik}Q_{j}[/itex] where [itex]Q_{j} \equiv S_{jl}q^{l}[/itex]. Similarly, the third line can be written as [itex]\epsilon_{kj}Q_{i}[/itex]. So we find [tex]S_{ij}q_{k} = \Delta_{(ijk)} + \epsilon_{k(i} \hat{Q}_{j)}, \ \ \ \ (1)[/tex] where [itex]\hat{Q}_{i} \equiv - \frac{1}{3} S_{ik}q^{k} \in [2][/itex], and [tex]\Delta_{(ijk)} = \frac{1}{3} \left( S_{ij}q_{k} + S_{jk}q_{i} + S_{ki}q_{j}\right) . \ \ \ \ (2)[/tex] Equation (1) is nothing but the tensor form of the Clebsch-Gordan series [tex][3] \otimes [2] = [4] \oplus [2] ,[/tex] and Eq(2) gives you the four Iso-spin ([itex]\frac{3}{2}[/itex]) states in [itex][4][/itex]: [itex]\Delta^{+2} = \Delta_{(111)}, \ \Delta^{+} = \sqrt{3}\Delta_{(112)}, \ \Delta^{0} = \sqrt{3} \Delta_{(122)}[/itex] and [itex]\Delta^{-} = \Delta_{(222)}[/itex]. You will also see these states appear naturally in the irrep [itex][10][/itex] of [itex]SU(3)[/itex].
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Related to Delta Baryon Quartet: Constructing from SU(2) Symmetry

1. What is the Delta Baryon Quartet and why is it important in science?

The Delta Baryon Quartet refers to a group of four baryons (subatomic particles made up of three quarks) that have a similar composition and characteristics. They are important in science because they provide insight into the strong nuclear force that holds the nucleus of an atom together.

2. How is the Delta Baryon Quartet constructed from SU(2) symmetry?

The Delta Baryon Quartet is constructed from SU(2) symmetry by using the principles of group theory, which is a mathematical framework for studying symmetries. The SU(2) symmetry describes the rotational symmetry of particles in three-dimensional space, and it is used to classify and predict the properties of the Delta Baryon Quartet.

3. What is the significance of SU(2) symmetry in particle physics?

SU(2) symmetry is significant in particle physics because it is one of the fundamental symmetries that govern the behavior of subatomic particles. It is a key component of the Standard Model, which is the current theory that describes the fundamental particles and their interactions. SU(2) symmetry helps us understand the properties and behavior of particles and how they interact with each other.

4. How does the Delta Baryon Quartet fit into the larger picture of particle physics?

The Delta Baryon Quartet is part of the larger picture of particle physics because it is a group of particles that are classified and studied using the principles of SU(2) symmetry. It is also important in understanding the strong nuclear force, which is one of the four fundamental forces of nature. By studying the Delta Baryon Quartet, scientists can gain a better understanding of the building blocks of matter and the fundamental forces that govern the universe.

5. What are some potential applications of studying the Delta Baryon Quartet?

Studying the Delta Baryon Quartet can have various potential applications in science and technology. It can help us understand the structure of matter and the strong nuclear force, which can have implications for nuclear energy and weapons. It can also contribute to the development of new theories and models in particle physics. Additionally, the principles and techniques used to study the Delta Baryon Quartet can be applied to other areas of research, such as condensed matter physics and cosmology.

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