'Density' of 2.73K Cosmic Microwave Background

In summary, the cosmic background radiation is energy that is present at all times and in all places in the universe. It has a temperature of 2.73K and is composed of 400 photons per cubic centimeter. The total energy in the observable universe is around 400 billion trillion trillion (that's with a "t") photons. The mass equivalent of that is around 400 quadrillion (that's with a "q") kilograms.
  • #1
Never seen this addressed anywhere, and maybe it doesn't matter;

but, regarding the cosmic background radiation, in any given instant, how many 2.73K (on average) photons are in a given volume ?

See, we would measure the same background temperature with our instruments over a range of 'densities', but the actual energy content could vary.

(or does the temperature finding of 2.73K take that into account ?)

And then a follow up, what would the total energy content in the entire observable universe be for the CMB? And then what is the mass equivalent of that ? (solve for M instead of E in E=MC\

I know this hasn't been overlooked in the field of cosmology, it just hasn't filtered down to my level. :cool:
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  • #2
To answer your first question, it is around 400 CMB photons per 1 cm^3. This can be found as an exercise in Pathria and Beale's Statistical Mechanics [Problem 7.24].
  • #3
The CMB temperature of 2.73K is the temperature at t = 13.7 billion years. It increases with redshift by a factor of 1+z, meaning the CMB temperature at z=1 is twice that of our local [z=0] universe. This has been observationally confirmed - e.g., http://arxiv.org/abs/astro-ph/0012222
  • #4
tasp77 said:
Never seen this addressed anywhere, and maybe it doesn't matter;

but, regarding the cosmic background radiation, in any given instant, how many 2.73K (on average) photons are in a given volume ?

See, we would measure the same background temperature with our instruments over a range of 'densities', but the actual energy content could vary.

(or does the temperature finding of 2.73K take that into account ?)

And then a follow up, what would the total energy content in the entire observable universe be for the CMB? And then what is the mass equivalent of that ? (solve for M instead of E in E=MC\
2)I know this hasn't been overlooked in the field of cosmology, it just hasn't filtered down to my level. :cool:

This is a pretty interesting bunch of questions, which HAVE in fact been addressed by cosmologists. It would be nice to respond at more length. Yenchin's answer of about 400 photons per cubic centimeter is almost surely right, but one could say more.

The CMB is "black body" radiation or "cavity" radiation and that kind of radiation follows a beautifully simply laws that were worked out over 100 years ago by people like Ludwig Boltzmann and Max Planck. It is the generic radiation that fills a box and depends only on the temperature of the walls of the box. The temperature tells everything: the energy density, the number of photons per unit volume, the average energy of an individual photon, and even the statistical distribution curve of how many photons in each energy bracket, or if you plot the curve on a wavelength scale, the number of of them in each wavelength bracket. So the temperature tells everything.

These are all old results, from before or around 1900, but some of the finest in all of physics. Worth looking up in Wikipedia and learning about.

You ask other questions. You ask about the observable universe. Probably the best approach there is to get your answers PER UNIT VOLUME first, and then multiply by the volume of the currently observed region. Of course the volume of the observable universe is constantly growing as more light comes in from more and more distant matter. And we only know what it is at the present era in an APPROXIMATE way.

It is approximately a spherical volume with a radius between 45 and 46 billion LY, centered at the Milkyway galaxy. That is how far away, now, the farthest matter is that we can see the glow of, or that we could detected the neutrinos coming from, if we had a good enough neutrino instrument.

But that volume is a bit fuzzy. You can find out the DENSITIES (amount per unit volume) of different species of energy much more precisely. So that is probably the way to go.

An astronomer named PEEBLES published an ENERGY INVENTORY a few years back that has all these energy densities. You might be curious and want to take a look. I'll see if I can find it. It has the energy density of the CMB listed in there along with the rest.

Yeah. I just googled "peebles energy inventory" and got this:
and the archived preprint:

There's more to be said about all this. I imagine that if you keep asking questions you will be told more stuff. Incidentally Chronos link is to a very beautiful paper about the temperature of a certain distant gas cloud measured by observing a molecular transition happening in the cloud, as if one could read a remote thermometer using special imaginary eyeglasses. It's related to this discussion too, but rather advanced for starters.
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  • #5

I can provide insight into the concept of density in relation to the 2.73K Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB). First, it is important to understand that the CMB is a remnant of the Big Bang, which is the event that is believed to have started the expansion of the universe. This radiation has been traveling through space for over 13 billion years, and its temperature has cooled to 2.73K due to the expansion of the universe.

In terms of density, the CMB is considered to be extremely low density. The average density of the CMB is about 410 photons per cubic centimeter, which is significantly lower than the density of air at sea level, which is about 2.5 x 10^19 molecules per cubic centimeter. This means that in a given volume, there are only a handful of CMB photons.

The temperature of 2.73K is a measure of the average energy of the CMB photons. This temperature takes into account the varying energy content of the photons within the CMB. So, while the density may vary, the temperature remains constant.

To answer the follow-up question about the total energy content of the CMB in the observable universe, we can use the formula E=mc^2. The total energy of the CMB is estimated to be about 4 x 10^69 joules. To convert this to mass, we can rearrange the formula to solve for mass (m=E/c^2). This gives us a mass equivalent of about 4.4 x 10^52 kilograms for the CMB in the observable universe.

In conclusion, while the density of the CMB may vary, the temperature remains constant and takes into account the varying energy content of the photons. The total energy of the CMB in the observable universe is estimated to be about 4 x 10^69 joules, which is equivalent to a mass of 4.4 x 10^52 kilograms. This is a significant amount of energy and mass, but it is spread out over the vast expanse of the universe.

FAQ: 'Density' of 2.73K Cosmic Microwave Background

1. What is the cosmic microwave background (CMB)?

The cosmic microwave background (CMB) is the remnant radiation from the Big Bang that permeates the entire universe. It is the oldest light in the universe, dating back to about 380,000 years after the Big Bang.

2. What is the density of the 2.73K CMB?

The density of the 2.73K CMB is approximately 411 photons per cubic centimeter. This means that for every cubic centimeter of space, there are about 411 photons from the CMB.

3. How was the density of the 2.73K CMB measured?

The density of the 2.73K CMB was measured using a satellite called the Cosmic Background Explorer (COBE) in 1990. The satellite detected the CMB radiation and measured its temperature to be 2.73 Kelvin, which is equivalent to -270.427 degrees Celsius.

4. What does the density of the 2.73K CMB tell us about the early universe?

The density of the 2.73K CMB tells us that the early universe was extremely hot and dense. As the universe expanded and cooled, the photons from the CMB were able to travel freely, creating the uniform distribution of photons we see today.

5. How does the density of the 2.73K CMB support the Big Bang theory?

The density of the 2.73K CMB is a key piece of evidence for the Big Bang theory. The uniform distribution of photons from the CMB is predicted by the theory and has been confirmed by observations. Additionally, the temperature of the CMB aligns with the predicted temperature of the early universe, providing further support for the Big Bang theory.
