Density of a patch of an accretion disk

In summary, the potential ##\phi## at the point labelled in the diagram is ##-GM(R^2 + z^2)^{-1/2}##, where ##R## is the cylindrical radial coordinate. Expanding to first order gives \begin{align*}\phi = -\frac{GM}{R} + \frac{GM z^2}{2R^3} \implies \frac{\partial \phi}{\partial z} = -\frac{GMz}{R^3}\end{align*}The circular speed of the disk ##v_C(R) = \sqrt{GM/R} = \Omega R##
  • #1
Homework Statement
A small patch of a thin accretion disk (around a point mass) at a radius where the angular velocity is ##\Omega## can be assumed to have an isothermal static atmosphere. Show that the density varies with ##z## (distance from the mid-plane) as\begin{align*}
\rho = \rho_0 \mathrm{exp}[-\gamma \Omega^2 z^2/(2c_s^2)]
\end{align*}(##\gamma## is adiabatic index)
Relevant Equations
Fluid equations
In the frame of the patch ##-(1/\rho) \nabla p = - \nabla \phi##, and putting ##\nabla p = (\partial p/\partial \rho) \nabla \rho = c_s^2 \nabla \rho## and taking the ##z## component gives\begin{align*}
-\frac{c_s^2}{\rho} \frac{\partial \rho}{\partial z} = -c_s^2 \frac{\partial(\log{\rho})}{\partial z} = \frac{\partial \phi}{\partial z}
\rho = \rho_0 \mathrm{exp}[-\phi/c_s^2]
\end{align*}What is the form of the potential ##\phi##? I thought ##\phi = \phi_{\mathrm{rot}} + \phi_{\mathrm{grav}} = -\frac{1}{2} \Omega^2 r^2 + \phi_{\mathrm{grav}}##, but the centrifugal potential has no ##z## dependence and I don't see why the gravitational potential ##\phi_{\mathrm{grav}}## should depend on ##\Omega##.
Physics news on
  • #2
Isn't the gravitation ##\Omega## dependent by the assumption of a "static atmosphere"?
  • #3
use basic principles of hydrostatic equilibrium and consider the ideal gas law.
  • #4
For an element ##m## of the accretion disk located on the central plane (z = 0), the gravitational attraction ##F_G## toward the central mass ##M## is balanced by the centrifugal force ##F_C## in the frame of ##m##. However, for ##z \neq 0##, the two forces no longer balance because of the tilt of ##F_G##. For small ##z##, the two forces produce a net downward force on ##m##. Thus, equilibrium in the z-direction requires an additional upward force (caused by pressure variation in the z-direction).

  • #5
Cheers! The gravitational potential at the point labelled in the diagram is ##\phi = -GM(R^2 + z^2)^{-1/2}##, where ##R## is the cylindrical radial coordinate. Expanding to first order gives \begin{align*}
\phi = -\frac{GM}{R} + \frac{GM z^2}{2R^3} \implies \frac{\partial \phi}{\partial z} = -\frac{GMz}{R^3}
\end{align*}The circular speed of the disk ##v_C(R) = \sqrt{GM/R} = \Omega R## implies ##\Omega^2 = GM/R^3##, so equivalently ##\partial \phi / \partial z = -\Omega^2 z##. The momentum equation in the ##z## direction gives\begin{align*}
-c_s^2 \frac{\partial \log{\rho}}{\partial z} = \Omega^2 z \implies \rho = \rho_0 \mathrm{exp}[-\Omega^2 z^2 /(2c_s^2)]
\end{align*}Looks like I'm missing the adiabatic index ##\gamma##?
  • #6
ergospherical said:
Looks like I'm missing the adiabatic index ##\gamma##?
Show that the ideal gas law can be written as ##P = \large \frac{c_s^2}{\gamma} \rho##.
  • #7
For an adiabatic gas I have ##c_s^2 = (\partial p/\partial \rho) |_S##, and given the equation of state in the form ##p = K\rho^{\gamma}## that means ##c_s^2 = \gamma p / \rho##. But starting from the hydrostatic equation\begin{align*}
\frac{1}{\rho} \frac{\partial p}{\partial z} = \frac{\partial \phi}{\partial z}
\end{align*}it looks like I can exchange\begin{align*}
\frac{\partial p}{\partial z} = \frac{\partial p}{\partial \rho} \frac{\partial \rho}{\partial z} = c_s^2 \frac{\partial \rho}{\partial z}
  • #8
ergospherical said:
For an adiabatic gas I have ##c_s^2 = (\partial p/\partial \rho) |_S##, and given the equation of state in the form ##p = K\rho^{\gamma}## that means ##c_s^2 = \gamma p / \rho##.
Ok. Sound vibrations are assume to be adiabatic. Thus, we use ##(\partial p / \partial \rho) |_S## when calculating ##c_s^2##.

ergospherical said:
it looks like I can exchange\begin{align*}
\frac{\partial p}{\partial z} = \frac{\partial p}{\partial \rho} \frac{\partial \rho}{\partial z} = c_s^2 \frac{\partial \rho}{\partial z}
The problem statement says to assume an isothermal static atmosphere. So, when considering how ##P## and ##\rho## vary with ##z##, we would assume ##T## remains constant. So, $$\frac{\partial p}{\partial z} = \left(\frac{\partial p}{\partial \rho}\right)_T \frac{\partial \rho}{\partial z} $$
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Likes ergospherical
  • #9
I've just noticed, the problem statement says that the adiabatic sound speed is ##c_s^2##, i.e. ##c_s^2 = \gamma p / \rho##, but the atmosphere is assumed isothermal - so ##c_s^2|_{\mathrm{iso}} = p / \rho = c_s^2 / \gamma##, which clears it up. Thanks!
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Likes hutchphd and TSny

FAQ: Density of a patch of an accretion disk

What is the density of a patch of an accretion disk?

The density of a patch of an accretion disk can vary significantly depending on the distance from the central object, the mass of the central object, and the specific properties of the accreting material. Typically, densities can range from about 10^−10 to 10^−6 grams per cubic centimeter in the outer regions to much higher densities closer to the central object.

How is the density of a patch of an accretion disk measured?

The density of a patch of an accretion disk is often inferred through a combination of observational data and theoretical models. Observations in various wavelengths (such as X-ray, ultraviolet, and optical) provide information about the disk's temperature, composition, and emission characteristics. These observations are then compared to models of disk structure and behavior to estimate density.

What factors influence the density of a patch of an accretion disk?

Several factors influence the density of a patch of an accretion disk, including the mass and type of the central object (such as a black hole, neutron star, or young star), the rate of accretion, the distance from the central object, the viscosity of the disk material, and the presence of magnetic fields. Additionally, the temperature and chemical composition of the disk material also play a role.

Why is understanding the density of a patch of an accretion disk important?

Understanding the density of a patch of an accretion disk is crucial for several reasons. It helps in understanding the overall structure and dynamics of the disk, the processes of angular momentum transfer, and the mechanisms of energy dissipation. This knowledge is also essential for understanding the growth and evolution of the central object, the formation of jets and outflows, and the emission of radiation across different wavelengths.

Can the density of a patch of an accretion disk change over time?

Yes, the density of a patch of an accretion disk can change over time. Variations in the accretion rate, instabilities within the disk, interactions with magnetic fields, and changes in the disk's temperature and viscosity can all lead to temporal changes in density. These changes can occur on timescales ranging from seconds to millions of years, depending on the specific conditions and processes at play.
