Density of States Derivation: How to Approach the Problem?

R. This is because the momentum space for a cube-shaped system can be mapped onto a sphere, with the distance from the origin representing the momentum magnitude. The volume of a sphere is given by V = (4/3) * ∏ * R^3.8. We can now rewrite L^3.dPx.dPy.dPz = h^3 as (4/3) * ∏ * R^3 * dP^3 = h^3.9. Finally, we can substitute this into the equation for the density of states to get N(P)dp = (2(4∏._p^2.d_p))/h^3
  • #1
Density of States Derivation -urgent

Homework Statement


Homework Equations

λ=h/Px (Px = x momentum)


The Attempt at a Solution

A summarized derivation from the lecturer has proven to be problematic when revising:

as same in xyz direction just cube one direction

L.Px = H.nx [if nx =1


[xyz direction


it then jumps to sphere range of momentum v=4/3.∏.R^3

note _p = bar p ( a p with a line ontop)

_p to _p + d_p

r= _p

N(p)dp = (2(4∏._p^2.d_p))/h^3

Could someone please help.

Thanks. Jack
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  • #2

Dear Jack,

I understand your urgency in trying to understand the derivation of the density of states. It is an important concept in many fields of science, and it is crucial to have a clear understanding of it.

Let's start by defining some terms. The density of states, denoted by N, is a measure of how many quantum states are available per unit energy range at a given energy. It is usually expressed as a function of the energy, denoted by E. The equation for the density of states is:

N(E) = (2V / h^3) * √(E/m)

where V is the volume of the system and m is the mass of the particle.

Now, let's go through the derivation step by step.

1. The first equation you have written, λ = h/Px, is the de Broglie wavelength, which relates the momentum (Px) of a particle to its wavelength (λ). This equation is valid for all three directions (x, y, z).

2. Next, we have the equation L/λ = nx, where L is the length of the system and nx is the number of wavelengths that fit in the system. This equation is also valid for all three directions.

3. The next step is where the lecturer mentions "cube one direction." This means that we are considering a cube-shaped system, where the length (L) is the same in all three directions. So, instead of writing L/λ = nx for all three directions, we can just write L/λ = n for one direction. This is because nx = ny = nz = n.

4. Now, we can combine the two equations we have so far to get L.Px = h.n. This equation is also valid for all three directions.

5. Next, we introduce the concept of "differential momentum," denoted by dPx. This means that we are considering a small range of momentum, from Px to Px + dPx. This is similar to considering a small interval of x values, from x to x + dx. So, we can rewrite the previous equation as L.dPx = h.

6. Now, we need to consider all three directions together. Since we are dealing with a cube-shaped system, we can write L^3.dPx.dPy.dPz = h^3. This is because dPx = dPy = dPz = dP.

7. Next, we

FAQ: Density of States Derivation: How to Approach the Problem?

1. What is the purpose of deriving the density of states?

The density of states is a fundamental concept in solid state physics that describes the number of electronic states per unit volume available to particles in a material. It is important in understanding the electronic properties of materials and can be used to calculate various physical properties such as conductivity and specific heat.

2. What are the assumptions made in the density of states derivation?

The derivation of the density of states is based on the assumption that the energy levels of particles in a material are discrete and that the particles are non-interacting. It also assumes that the material is in thermal equilibrium and that the energy levels in the material follow a Boltzmann distribution.

3. How is the density of states related to the electronic band structure of a material?

The density of states is directly related to the electronic band structure of a material. The band structure describes the allowed energy levels for electrons in a material and the density of states provides the number of available energy states at each energy level. The two are related by the derivative of the band structure with respect to energy.

4. Can the density of states be experimentally measured?

Yes, the density of states can be experimentally measured using various techniques such as scanning tunneling microscopy, photoemission spectroscopy, and tunneling spectroscopy. These methods allow for the direct observation of the energy levels and the number of particles occupying them, which can be used to calculate the density of states.

5. How is the density of states affected by temperature and impurities?

The density of states is dependent on temperature and can change with varying temperatures. As temperature increases, the number of available energy states also increases, resulting in a broader density of states. Impurities in a material can also affect the density of states, as they can introduce additional energy levels that can either increase or decrease the overall density of states depending on their location in the band structure.
