Derivation of electromagnetic waves

In summary, the derivation in the video uses vector calculus, but does not take into account Lenz's law. The direction of integration is determined by the direction of the normal to the integration loops.
  • #1
I've seen derivations for c=E/B and c=1/√μ0ε0, but I don't seem to get the directions right. i.e. I end up with a negative sign in one of the equations. The derivations I've seen do not use vector calculus.
One derivation I've seen is in this video. But in this video I don't know how the direction of integration is determined, as that would solve my problem; it seems to contradict Lenz's law. Any help would be grateful!
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  • #2
Can you show some work... so we know which equation has the negative sign?
Do you know what the "curl" is?
  • #3
Here's my poor limited understanding of em waves without using vector calculus (I've heard of "curl" or "divergence", but don't really know what they are). So my question is that two rectangles have different directions of integration. For example, for the top graph, magnetic field is increasing at the instance the rectangle is taken, so according to Faraday's law, shouldn't the direction of integration be reversed, as the net electric field needs to generate a magnetic field that opposes the change? Or maybe this is just an obvious mistake...
  • #4
The integration loops are chosen so that
the normal to the upper loop (for ##E_y##) points along ##\hat x \times \hat y=\hat z##
the normal to the lower loop (for ##B_z##) points along ##\hat z \times \hat x=\hat y##

The circulation of ##\vec E## is positive... with your right-hand, the electric field curls* counter-clockwise (with its normal along ##\hat z##), which follows the sense of the integration loop. By Faraday, with its minus-sign, that is ##-\frac{\partial B_z}{\partial t}##.
*(With your right hand, have your right-hand fingers point along the longer Electric Field vector, then bending to curl around the loop to the shorter Electric Field vector.)

The circulation of ##\vec B## is negative... with your right-hand, the magnetic field curls clockwise (with its normal along ##-\hat y##), which is opposite the sense of the integration loop. By Ampere, that is ##\frac{\partial E_y}{\partial t}##.

So, both Faraday and Ampere say that the fields in that interval ##dx## must decrease in the next instant... which is consistent with the entire waveform advancing along the positive-x axis.
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  • #5
Oh, I see, the curl is what I was missing. Thanks, that helped a lot.

FAQ: Derivation of electromagnetic waves

What is the derivation of electromagnetic waves?

The derivation of electromagnetic waves is the process of mathematically explaining how electric and magnetic fields interact to create electromagnetic waves. This phenomenon was first derived by James Clerk Maxwell in the 19th century.

What is the significance of the derivation of electromagnetic waves?

The derivation of electromagnetic waves is significant because it provides a scientific explanation for the propagation of electromagnetic energy, which is essential for understanding many natural and man-made phenomena. This includes the functioning of electronic devices, the behavior of light, and the production of radio waves.

What are the key equations involved in the derivation of electromagnetic waves?

The key equations involved in the derivation of electromagnetic waves are Maxwell's equations, which describe the relationship between electric and magnetic fields and their sources. These equations include Gauss's law, Ampere's law, Faraday's law, and the equation for the magnetic flux density.

What are the assumptions made in the derivation of electromagnetic waves?

There are several assumptions made in the derivation of electromagnetic waves, including the absence of any external charges or currents, the linearity of the medium through which the waves are propagating, and the homogeneity of that medium. Additionally, it is assumed that the waves are propagating in a vacuum or a medium with constant properties.

How does the derivation of electromagnetic waves relate to other fields of science?

The derivation of electromagnetic waves is a fundamental concept in physics and has significant implications in other fields such as engineering, astronomy, and telecommunications. It also connects to other areas of science, including quantum mechanics, relativity, and optics.
