Derivation of gauge condition in linearized GR

In summary, the equation for the gravitational perturbation in the Hilbert gauge is invariant under the transformation \bar{\gamma '_{ab}}\rightarrow \bar{\gamma _{ab}}.
  • #1
Science Advisor
Hey there guys! So we know that in linearized GR we work with small perturbations [itex]\gamma _{ab}[/itex] of the background flat minkowski metric. In deriving the linearized field equations the quantity [itex]\bar{\gamma _{ab}} = \gamma _{ab} - \frac{1}{2}\eta _{ab}\gamma [/itex] is usually defined, where [itex]\gamma = \gamma ^{a}_{a}[/itex]. Under the action of an infinitesimal diffeomorphism (generator of flow), [itex]\gamma _{ab}[/itex] transforms as [itex]\gamma' _{ab} = \gamma _{ab} + \partial _{b}\xi _{a} + \partial _{a}\xi _{b}[/itex] (this comes out of the lie derivative of the minkowski metric with respect to the flow generated by this vector field). This implies that [itex]\bar{\gamma' _{ab}} = \bar{\gamma _{ab}} + \partial _{b}\xi _{a} + \partial _{a}\xi _{b} - \eta _{ab}\partial^{c}\xi _{c}[/itex]. Since we have the freedom to then fix the gauge by choosing some [itex]\xi ^{a}[/itex], we can take one satisfying [itex]\partial ^{b}\partial _{b}\xi _{a} = -\partial ^{b}\bar{\gamma _{ab}}[/itex] which, after differentiating the expression for [itex]\bar{\gamma' _{ab}}[/itex], gives [itex]\partial^{b}\bar{\gamma' _{ab}} = 0[/itex]. Apparently we can then conclude from this that [itex]\partial^{b}\bar{\gamma _{ab}} = 0[/itex] but why is that? Is it because in a background flat space - time we can regard [itex]\partial^{b}\bar{\gamma' _{ab}} = 0[/itex] as a covariant equation due to being able to treat [itex]\triangledown _{a}[/itex] as [itex]\partial _{a}[/itex] therefore, since [itex]\bar{\gamma '_{ab}}, \bar{\gamma _{ab}}[/itex] are related by a diffeomorphism, the equation must remain invariant under the transformation [itex]\bar{\gamma '_{ab}}\rightarrow \bar{\gamma _{ab}}[/itex] (in the context of GR)?
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  • #2
I don't see the difference. You use the gauge transformation to put γab into the Hilbert gauge and then just drop the prime.
  • #3
Hi Bill! Thanks for responding. My question is why are we allowed to drop the prime? Thanks again mate.
  • #5
My question is why are we allowed to drop the prime?
It's just notation. Whether you call it γab or γ'ab or something else entirely, it represents the gravitational perturbation in the Hilbert gauge.

By the way, in gravity this gauge condition IS called the Hilbert gauge, not the "Lorentz gauge", which pertains to electromagnetism. And "Lorentz gauge" itself is incorrect. Quoting Wikipedia,
The Lorenz condition is named after Ludvig Lorenz. It is a Lorentz invariant condition, and is frequently called the "Lorentz condition" because of confusion with Hendrik Lorentz, after whom Lorentz covariance is named.
  • #6
Thanks Bill and atyy!

FAQ: Derivation of gauge condition in linearized GR

1. What is the purpose of deriving gauge conditions in linearized GR?

The derivation of gauge conditions in linearized GR is important because it allows us to understand and manipulate the mathematical framework of general relativity. These conditions help us to better understand the behavior of spacetime and the interactions between matter and energy on a large scale.

2. What is the mathematical basis for deriving gauge conditions in linearized GR?

The derivation of gauge conditions is based on the linearization of the Einstein field equations, which is a process of simplifying the equations to make them easier to solve. This involves expanding the equations around a flat spacetime background and neglecting higher-order terms.

3. How do gauge conditions affect the interpretation of the Einstein field equations?

The gauge conditions determine the coordinates and frame of reference in which the equations are interpreted. Different gauge choices can lead to different physical interpretations of the same equations, so it is important to carefully consider the gauge conditions used in any analysis of general relativity.

4. Can gauge conditions be chosen arbitrarily?

No, gauge conditions must satisfy certain mathematical constraints in order to be valid. For example, they must be consistent with the symmetries of the Einstein field equations and must lead to physically meaningful solutions. Additionally, different gauge conditions may be more suitable for different types of problems.

5. How are gauge conditions related to the principle of general covariance?

The principle of general covariance states that the laws of physics should be expressed in a covariant form, meaning that they should be independent of the choice of coordinates. Gauge conditions are closely related to this principle because they determine the specific coordinates and frame of reference in which the equations are interpreted, but they must still satisfy the overall principle of general covariance.

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