Derivation of Lorentz Transformation for Acceleration

In summary: In formulae, you have##dx' = A dx + B dt####dt' = C dx + D dt##where ##A, B, C, D## are functions of ##x## and ##t##.In summary, the conversation is discussing how to derive the transformation for the components of acceleration using the Lorentz transformation for position and time. The confusion lies in how to treat the differentiation of ##u'_x## with respect to ##t'##, as the total differentials of ##x'## and ##t'## are given in terms of ##dx## and ##dt##.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Starting with the Lorentz transformation for the components of the velocity, derive the transformation for the components of acceleration.

Homework Equations

Lorentz Transformation for position and time :
##x'={\gamma}(x - vt)##
##t'={\gamma}(t - {\frac{vx}{c^2}})##
Resulting transformation by taking ##{\frac{dx'}{dt'}}##

The Attempt at a Solution

Before I go through the trouble of typing out my attempt in LaTex (I'm on my phone), let me make sure I'm going at this right because I think I'm over thinking this and now its all twisted in my head.
Based on what they did to get the velocity transformation, I should be able to just take ##du'_x## and divide by the same ##dt'## used in the velocity transformation? Because it should be CHANGE of velocity over change in time. So ##{\frac{du'_x}{dt'}}## should give me what I want right?EDIT: I've refined my confusion.

Its about how they are getting dx' and dt'.
They are given as:
##dx'= {\gamma}(dx - vdt)##
##dt'={\gamma}(dt - {\frac{vdx}{c^2}})##

I'm not sure what they are differentiating with respect to so I don't know how to treat ##u'_x## as far as differentiation goes. I'm assuming(hoping) that my confusion is a result of the my notions of classical mechanics not being consistent here and not a result of losing my grip on Cal 1 stuff.
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  • #2
It does seem that you are losing your grip on calculus. ##x'## and ##t'## are functions of ##x## and ##t##, so their total differentials will be linear forms of total differentials ##dx## and ##dt##.

FAQ: Derivation of Lorentz Transformation for Acceleration

1. What is the Lorentz Transformation for Acceleration?

The Lorentz Transformation for Acceleration is a mathematical formula that describes how the measurements of time and space change for an observer in motion relative to another observer, taking into account the effects of special relativity. It is an extension of the original Lorentz Transformation, which only applies to observers in uniform motion.

2. Why is the Lorentz Transformation for Acceleration important?

The Lorentz Transformation for Acceleration is important because it allows us to understand how the laws of physics behave in non-inertial reference frames. This is crucial in fields such as astrophysics and aerospace engineering, where objects are often moving at high speeds and undergoing acceleration.

3. How is the Lorentz Transformation for Acceleration derived?

The Lorentz Transformation for Acceleration is derived using mathematical equations from special relativity, specifically the equations for time dilation and length contraction. It involves manipulating these equations to account for the effects of acceleration, resulting in a new formula that describes the relationship between space and time in a non-inertial reference frame.

4. What are some real-world applications of the Lorentz Transformation for Acceleration?

The Lorentz Transformation for Acceleration is used in many practical applications, such as GPS technology, particle accelerators, and spacecraft navigation. It is also crucial for understanding the behavior of subatomic particles and the effects of gravity on space-time.

5. Are there any limitations to the Lorentz Transformation for Acceleration?

The Lorentz Transformation for Acceleration is a valid mathematical formula in the context of special relativity. However, it does not take into account the effects of gravity or the behavior of objects moving at speeds close to the speed of light. In these cases, more advanced theories, such as general relativity, are needed to accurately describe the behavior of space and time.

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