Derivation of the velocity of bloch electrons

In summary, the conversation discusses the equation for the velocity of electrons in a periodic potential, which is commonly used in solid state physics. One person asks for a simpler proof of the equation, while another person explains that the given proof is the only one. The conversation then delves into the details of the derivation, including the use of Taylor series and perturbation theory. Finally, a suggestion is made to stick with a simpler derivation to understand the equation.
  • #1
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Derivation of the velocity of bloch electrons
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Hi guys
I saw that equation of the velocity of electrons In a periodic potential $$ v = (1/h) grad E(k) $$ in my textbook we use in our solid state physics course without any proof or any thing and when I searched for it I found that its derived in Ashcroft book appendix E :

Is there is any other relatively simpler proof, I mean how did he even expand the first term it's doesn't look like the Taylor series that I know!, and it uses perturbation theory, can I drive it using less heavier quantum mechanics?
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  • #3
Dr Transport said:
Nope, that is the proof.
ok. perhaps someone could help me with this points in the derivation :
  • (1) - how did he expand the $$ ε(k+q) $$ term i suppose its just Taylor series , but why the summation tho !?
  • (2) - how the effect of the perturbed Hamiltonian led me to the eigenvalues on E.4 , its not very clear to me ?
  • (3) - is there a derivation that involves Dirac notation ?
  • #4
patric44 said:
suppose its just Taylor series , but why the summation tho !?
It's just a Taylor series, but ##\epsilon## is a function of the vector ##\mathbf k## so the expansions involves all the coefficients ##k_i##. If you like a compact form try ##f( \mathbf x) = f(\mathbf 0) + grad( f) \cdot \mathbf x + ...## (The second term is not very intuitive to write with the grad operator as the first one is, that is why most of the time the index notation is adopted). You can see here

2) That's just perturbation theory. Otherwise try to find a copy of Griffith's book "Introduction to QM". There is a very nice and easy chapter on perturbation theory.

3) If you like dirac's notation, remember this:
Suppose you have the expectation value of an operator ##A##, taken on the states ##|n_1>## and ##|n_2>##, that is ##<n_1|A|n_2>##. Now insert the "indentity" ##\int dx |x><x| = 1##. You end up with $$<n_1|A|n_2> = \int dx <n_1|x> A <x|n_2>$$. Now remember that ##<x|n_2>## is by definition the wave function ##\psi_2(x)##, so at the end you have ##\int dx \psi_1^*(x) A \psi_2(x)##. If you revert these steps you can switch back from that notation to dirac's notation.
  • #5
dRic2 said:

It's just a Taylor series, but ##\epsilon## is a function of the vector ##\mathbf k## so the expansions involves all the coefficients ##k_i##. If you like a compact form try ##f( \mathbf x) = f(\mathbf 0) + grad( f) \cdot \mathbf x + ...## (The second term is not very intuitive to write with the grad operator as the first one is, that is why most of the time the index notation is adopted). You can see here

2) That's just perturbation theory. Otherwise try to find a copy of Griffith's book "Introduction to QM". There is a very nice and easy chapter on perturbation theory.

3) If you like dirac's notation, remember this:
Suppose you have the expectation value of an operator ##A##, taken on the states ##|n_1>## and ##|n_2>##, that is ##<n_1|A|n_2>##. Now insert the "indentity" ##\int dx |x><x| = 1##. You end up with $$<n_1|A|n_2> = \int dx <n_1|x> A <x|n_2>$$. Now remember that ##<x|n_2>## is by definition the wave function ##\psi_2(x)##, so at the end you have ##\int dx \psi_1^*(x) A \psi_2(x)##. If you revert these steps you can switch back from that notation to dirac's notation.
thanks for helping , i guess i am trying to skip a head a whole course in QM which we didn't take yet
to understand this derivation .
i think the best way now to stick to this simple crude derivation that i came up with to convince my self that the equation holds :
$$E = \frac{p^2}{2m} $$
$$ ⇒ E = \frac{ħ^2κ^2}{2m} $$
$$ ⇒ \frac{dE(k)}{dk} = \frac{ħ^2κ}{m} $$
$$ ⇒ \frac{dE(k)}{dk} \frac{1}{ħ}= \frac{ħκ}{m} = \frac{p}{m} $$
$$ ⇒ \frac{dE(k)}{dk} \frac{1}{ħ}= \frac{mv}{m} $$
$$ ⇒ v= \frac{dE(k)}{dk} \frac{1}{ħ} ∴ v =\nabla E(k) \frac{1}{ħ} $$
what you think of that derivation :)
  • #6
In my personal, but probably wrong, opinion I don't think you need a full course in QM to tackle Ashcroft's book. But (I think) it's supposed to be a grad-level textbook for a reason! You have to know at least something about QM. Perturbation theory as treated in Griffith's book doesn't require a profound knowledge of QM so if you can't understand it you are not probably enough prepared to read Ashcroft's book as well.

That's just my 2 cents of advise from a guy who's used to "skip" the prerequisites (and regret the decision every time!).

Regarding you attempt. What you did it's just a hint that should convince you that it might work, but why do you say that ##E = \frac{\hbar^2 k^2} {2m}##? That is the dispersion relation for a free electron (that is, a plane wave), but in a crystal the electron is subject to a period potential and thus ##E## is different from ##\frac{\hbar^2 k^2} {2m}##.

Related to Derivation of the velocity of bloch electrons

What is the Bloch electron model?

The Bloch electron model is a theoretical framework used to describe the behavior of electrons in a periodic crystal lattice. It was developed by Swiss physicist Felix Bloch in 1928.

What is the equation for the velocity of Bloch electrons?

The equation for the velocity of Bloch electrons is given by v = (1/hbar) * dE/dk, where v is the velocity, hbar is the reduced Planck's constant, E is the energy, and k is the wavevector.

What is the significance of the Bloch velocity?

The Bloch velocity is an important quantity in the study of electronic properties of materials. It determines the speed at which electrons move through a crystal lattice and plays a crucial role in phenomena such as electrical conductivity and energy transport.

How is the velocity of Bloch electrons derived?

The derivation of the velocity of Bloch electrons involves using the Schrödinger equation to describe the behavior of electrons in a periodic potential. This leads to the formation of energy bands and the concept of effective mass, which is then used to calculate the velocity of Bloch electrons.

What factors can affect the velocity of Bloch electrons?

The velocity of Bloch electrons can be affected by various factors, such as the strength and symmetry of the crystal lattice, the presence of impurities or defects, and external fields such as electric and magnetic fields. Temperature and pressure can also have an impact on the velocity of Bloch electrons.

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