Derivative of 10^x using limit definition

In summary: I think it's just a pain in the neck.But maybe the OP has been told of the limit I wrote. If so, then he can see how to solve his problem by himself. If not, I don't see how to help, unfortunately.In summary, the conversation discusses obtaining the first derivative of 10x by the limit definition. The attempt at a solution involves using the limit as h approaches 0 of 10^h and finding the derivative using the definition of e. The concept of Taylor expansion and its use in finding the derivative is also mentioned. However, it is noted that this may not be a familiar concept to a first-year calculus student.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Obtain the first derivative of 10x by the limit definition.

Homework Equations

f'(x)=limh->0 f(x+h)-f(x)/h

The Attempt at a Solution

f'(x)=limh->0 10x+h-10x/h
I also know that h=1 as x approaches 0.

Now, how do I make it so that you aren't dividing by h=0.
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  • #2
10x+h= 10x10h so
[tex]\frac{10^{x+h}- 10^x}{h}= 10^x\frac{10^h- 1}{h}[/tex]
Now the question is, what is
[tex]\lim_{h\rightarrow 0}\frac{10^h- 1}{h}[/tex]?
  • #3
To find
[tex]\lim_{h\rightarrow 0}\frac{10^h- 1}{h}[/tex]
I can't plug h=0 in because I would be dividing by 0. Do I plug in 1 since the limit as h approaches 0 is 1?
  • #4
cmajor47 said:
To find
[tex]\lim_{h\rightarrow 0}\frac{10^h- 1}{h}[/tex]
I can't plug h=0 in because I would be dividing by 0. Do I plug in 1 since the limit as h approaches 0 is 1?

if you plug h = 0 then 10^h = 1. But you want the next order correction which you explect should be proportional to h. So you expect something of the form

[tex] lim_{h\rightarrow 0} ~10^h = 1 + a h + \ldots [/tex]

where a is some numerical value and the dots represent terms of higher powers in h. The problem is to find the value of a.

Here is the trick: use that any number x may be written as [tex] e^{ \ln x} [/tex]. Then use what you know about rules for logs and then Taylor expand the exponential.
  • #5
I don't understand what this means. What is "Taylor expanding" and the "next order correction"?
  • #6
cmajor47 said:
I don't understand what this means. What is "Taylor expanding" and the "next order correction"?

Have you ever seen the relation
[tex] e^\epsilon = 1 + \epsilon + \frac{\epsilon^2}{2} + \ldots [/tex] ?

This is a Taylor expansion.

Have you ever proved using the limit definition that the derivative of e^x is e^x? Then you must have used something similar to the above.

If you haven't proved the e^x case and the expansion I wrote above is not familiar to you then I will let someone else help you because I don't see at first sight any other approach.

EDIT: do you know what the limit as h goes to zero of [tex] \frac{e^h -1}{h} [/tex] gives? maybe you have been told this without proving it. If you know the result of this limit and are allowed to use it, then I can show you how to finish your problem. If not, I don't see how to help, unfortunately.

Best luck!
  • #7
I've never proved e^x. Thank you for trying to help though.
  • #8
cmajor47 said:
I've never proved e^x. Thank you for trying to help though.

Sorry. I can tell you that the limit as h goes to zero of 10^h is
[tex] lim_{h \rightarrow 0} 10^h = lim_{h \rightarrow 0} e^{\ln 10^h} = lim_{h \rightarrow 0} e^{h \ln 10} \approx 1 + h \ln 10 [/tex]
where I used an identity for logs and then I used the expansion of the exponential I mentioned earlier. Form this you can get the final answer of your question.

Hopefully someone else will be able to find a way to show this result in some other way but I can't think of any!

Best luck
  • #9
nrqed said:
... Taylor expand the exponential.

Taylor expansion requires knowledge of what the derivative is. But we don't know the derivative, that is what we are supposed to find.
  • #10
I don't know if this will be useful, but one might try using the definition of e:

e = \lim_{N \rightarrow \infty} (1+\frac{1}{N})^N = \lim_{a \rightarrow 0} (1+a)^{1/a}


e^A = \lim_{N \rightarrow \infty} (1+\frac{1}{N})^{NA} = \lim_{a \rightarrow 0} (1+a)^{A/a}

Also, the fact that

10^h = e^{h \ln(10)}
  • #11
I suspect this was given as a preliminary to the derivative of ex so the derivative of ex cannot be used. It is easy to see that the derivative of ax, for a any positive number, is a constant times ax. It is much harder to determine what that constant is! It's not too difficult to show that, for some values of a, that constant is less than 1 and, for some values of a, larger than 1. Define e to be the number such that that constant is 1. That is, define "e" by
[tex]\lim_{h\rightarrow 0}\frac{e^h- 1}{h}= 1[/tex]
As Redbelly98 said, 10h= eh ln(10) so
[tex]\frac{10^h- 1}{h}= \frac{e^{h ln(10)}- 1}{h}[/itex]
If we multiply both numerator and denominator of that by ln(10) we get
[tex]ln(10)\left(\frac{e^{h ln(10)}-1}{h ln(10)}\right)[/tex]
Clearly, as h goes to 0 so does h ln(10) so if we let k= h ln(10) we have
[tex]ln(10)\left(\lim_{h\rightarrow 0}\frac{e^{h ln(10)}-1}{h ln(10)}\right)= ln(10)\left(\lim_{k\rightarrow 0}\frac{e^k- 1}{k}\right)[/tex]
so the limit is ln(10) and the derivative of 10x is ln(10)10x.

That is NOT something I would expect a first year calculus student to find for himself!
  • #12
Redbelly98 said:
Taylor expansion requires knowledge of what the derivative is. But we don't know the derivative, that is what we are supposed to find.

Moreover, Taylor series are generally taught in second-semester calculus, while covering infinite sequences and series, while the limit

\lim_{h\rightarrow 0}\frac{e^h- 1}{h}= 1

is often demonstrated or proven (if it is not simply stated without proof) in the first-semester course, shortly after having covered limits and while developing the rules of differentiation. I hardly expected that the OP would have seen Taylor series yet...

I believe the proof given in textbooks usually revolves around the limit definition of e, which Redbelly98 gives in post #10.
  • #13
dynamicsolo said:
Moreover, Taylor series are generally taught in second-semester calculus, while covering infinite sequences and series, while the limit
Agreed. I should not have mentioned Taylor series. They seem so natural to me now that I tend to use them without even thinking about it.
\lim_{h\rightarrow 0}\frac{e^h- 1}{h}= 1

is often demonstrated or proven (if it is not simply stated without proof) in the first-semester course, shortly after having covered limits and while developing the rules of differentiation. I hardly expected that the OP would have seen Taylor series yet...

I believe the proof given in textbooks usually revolves around the limit definition of e, which Redbelly98 gives in post #10.
This is why I then asked the OP if he/she had seen the formula you wrote just above. I hope he/she has. Because if he/she has to go back to the limit definition and prove the above identity in order to solve the original question, this problem seems much more challenging than I would expect as an assignment problem at that level!
  • #14
I suspect that OP's textbook presents the limit

\lim_{h\rightarrow 0}\frac{e^h- 1}{h}= 1

somewhere in the chapter and that a student is just asked to recognize that they could apply it, in something like the manner Halls suggests in post #11...
  • #16
Sorry, the dereivative of 10^x is of course ln10(10^x) but the Math forum derivation of the derivative of e^x is still helpful
  • #17
More thoughts on this problem.


f(x+h)= e^(ln10(x+h))=e^(ln10*x)*e^(ln10*h)

Plugging into definitation of derivative and simplifying gives

f'(x)= limit(h goes to 0) 10^x(10^h-1)/h

tabulating the limit as h goes to 0 of (10^h-1)/h= ln10

Related to Derivative of 10^x using limit definition

What is the limit definition of a derivative?

The limit definition of a derivative is the mathematical concept that describes the instantaneous rate of change of a function at a specific point. It is defined as the limit of the difference quotient as the change in the independent variable approaches zero.

How do you find the derivative of 10^x using the limit definition?

To find the derivative of 10^x using the limit definition, you first need to express 10^x as a function of x. Then, you can apply the limit definition by taking the limit of the difference quotient as the change in x approaches zero.

Why is the limit definition important in finding derivatives?

The limit definition is important in finding derivatives because it provides a precise and rigorous way to calculate the instantaneous rate of change of a function at a specific point. It also serves as the foundation for more advanced techniques in calculus.

Can the limit definition be used to find the derivative of any function?

Yes, the limit definition can be used to find the derivative of any continuous function. However, it may be more complicated or time-consuming to use the limit definition for more complex functions, so other methods such as the power rule or chain rule may be more efficient.

How is the limit definition related to the slope of a tangent line?

The limit definition of a derivative is essentially a mathematical representation of the slope of a tangent line. The limit of the difference quotient represents the slope of the secant line between two points on a function, and as the change in x approaches zero, this secant line becomes closer and closer to the tangent line at that point.

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