Derivative of A Def. Integral Equals Another Def. Integral?

In summary: So the integral becomes:$$A(x,x)-A(x_0,x)$$Differentiating this wrt ##x## and using the total differential rule gives\begin{align*}\frac d{dx}\left(A(x,x)-A(x_0,x)\right)&=D_1A(x,x)\frac{dx}{dx} + D_2A(x,x)\frac{dx}{dx}-D_1A(x_0,x)\frac{dx_0}{dx}-D_2A(x_0,x)\frac{dx}{dx}\\&=D_
  • #1
I'm going through the book "Elementry Differnetial Equations With Boundary Value Problems" 4th Eddition by William R. Derrick and Stanley I. Grossman.

On Page 138 (below)

The authors take the derivative of a definite integral and end up with a definite integral plus another term. How did they do this?
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  • #2
Use Leibniz integral rule
$$\frac{\mathrm{d}}{\mathrm{d}x}\int_{a(x)}^{b(x)} \! f(x,t) \, \mathrm{d}x=\frac{\mathrm{d}b(x)}{\mathrm{d}x}f(x,b(x))-\frac{\mathrm{d}a(x)}{\mathrm{d}x}f(x,a(x))+\int_{a(x)}^{b(x)} \! \frac{\mathrm{\partial}}{\mathrm{\partial}x} f(x,t) \, \mathrm{d}x$$
  • #3
It is because they differentiate with respect to ##x## and there are at least three occurrences of ##x## in the formula that is being integrated: one as an upper integration limit, and two as function arguments in the integrand. There may be up to two more, being the ##y_1,y_2## in the denominator of the integrand. The excerpt does not make clear whether they also depend on ##x##, so I will assume they do not, although they could, since there is a ##y_1(x)## and ##y_2(x)## in the numerator.

Let the function ##A:\mathbb R^2\to\mathbb R## be an antiderivative (indefinite integral) of the integrand with respect to ##t##, ie ##\frac{\partial }{\partial t}A(t,x)=a(t,x)## where ##a(t,x)## is the integrand.

Then the definite integral is
Differentiating this wrt ##x## and using the total differential rule gives
\frac d{dx}\left(A(x,x)-A(x_0,x)\right)
&=D_1A(x,x)\frac{dx}{dx} + D_2A(x,x)\frac{dx}{dx}
&=D_1A(x,x)\cdot 1 + D_2A(x,x)\cdot 1
-D_1A(x_0,x)\cdot 0-D_2A(x_0,x)\cdot 1\\
&=D_1A(x,x) + D_2A(x,x)-D_2A(x_0,x)
where ##D_kA## indicates the partial derivative of function ##A## wrt its ##k##th argument.
This is equal to
a(x,x) + D_u\bigg(A(x,u)-A(x_0,u)\bigg)\bigg|_{u=x}
a(x,x) + D_u \int_{x_0}^x a(t,u)dt\bigg|_{u=x}
where ##D_u## indicates partial differentiation wrt the variable ##u##
In the second term we can, given certain mild assumptions, move the differentiation operator inside the integral sign to obtain:
a(x,x) + \int_{x_0}^x D_ua(t,u)dt\bigg|_{u=x}
=a(x,x) + \int_{x_0}^x D_xa(t,x)dt

EDIT: Which is a derivation of the Leibniz integration rule referenced in the above post, which appeared on my screen when I posted this.
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  • #4
andrewkirk said:
The excerpt does not make clear whether they also depend on ##x##, so I will assume they do not, although they could, since there is a ##y_1(x)## and ##y_2(x)## in the numerator.
The y's in the denominator of the integral do not depend on x. After differentiating The t's in the denominator turn to x's.
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FAQ: Derivative of A Def. Integral Equals Another Def. Integral?

1. What is the definition of a derivative of a definite integral?

The derivative of a definite integral is a mathematical concept that represents the rate of change of a quantity over a specified interval. It is calculated by taking the derivative of the integrand, which is the function inside the integral, and evaluating it at the upper and lower limits of integration.

2. How is the derivative of a definite integral related to the original function?

The derivative of a definite integral is related to the original function through the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus. This theorem states that the derivative of a definite integral is equal to the original function evaluated at the upper limit of integration minus the original function evaluated at the lower limit of integration.

3. Can the derivative of a definite integral be negative?

Yes, the derivative of a definite integral can be negative. This indicates that the original function is decreasing over the specified interval.

4. What is the relationship between the derivative of a definite integral and the area under the curve?

The derivative of a definite integral represents the instantaneous rate of change of the function at a particular point, while the area under the curve represents the total change of the function over a specified interval. The two are related through the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus, which states that the derivative of a definite integral is equal to the area under the curve between the specified endpoints.

5. How can the derivative of a definite integral be used in real-world applications?

The derivative of a definite integral has many real-world applications, such as calculating instantaneous velocity, acceleration, and displacement in physics, determining rates of change in economics and finance, and finding optimal solutions in engineering and optimization problems.

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