Derivative of a term within a sum

In summary: So, ##\frac{1}{\rho^2}\frac{\partial^2 S(\rho)}{\partial \rho^2}=4\cdot 2a_4\rho^0+\cdots+(2n-2)(2n-4)a_{2n-2}\rho^{2n-6}+ 2n(2n-2)a_{2n}\rho^{2n-4}+\cdots$$
  • #1

Homework Statement

From the Rodrigues’ formulae, I want to derive nature of the spherical Bessel and Neumann functions at small values of p.

Homework Equations

I'm going to post an image of the Bessel function where we're using a Taylor expansion, which I'm happy with and is as far as I got...

The Attempt at a Solution

I'm recovering some of the terms, but the jump from line 1 to 2 and 2 to 3 have me confused because I'm not recovering a similar answer.

I need to attempt it for the Neumann function at small p also, but I'm sure that a similar issue will arise and I'd rather fix it here and use the Neumann as practice for my newfound knowledge
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  • #2
CricK0es said:
I'm recovering some of the terms, but the jump from line 1 to 2 and 2 to 3 have me confused because I'm not recovering a similar answer.
How about posting your work so far? You may have made a mistake that a pair of fresh eyes might be able to diagnose.
  • #3
CricK0es said:

Homework Statement

From the Rodrigues’ formulae, I want to derive nature of the spherical Bessel and Neumann functions at small values of p.[/B]

Homework Equations

I'm going to post an image of the Bessel function where we're using a Taylor expansion, which I'm happy with and is as far as I got...[/B]

The Attempt at a Solution

I'm recovering some of the terms, but the jump from line 1 to 2 and 2 to 3 have me confused because I'm not recovering a similar answer.

I need to attempt it for the Neumann function at small p also, but I'm sure that a similar issue will arise and I'd rather fix it here and use the Neumann as practice for my newfound knowledge[/B]
I presume that the word "Derivative" in your title should be changed to some form of the word "derive" as in the context of a "derivation".

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(I realize that it is easy to include text in the supplied headings by mistake .​

Please use either the "Image" icon in the banner heading or the upload button found below - right of the Input Box. (See figure below.)

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As for your Algebra question:
Here is your image displayed:


So it seems that you want to know why
## (2n)(2n-2)(2n-4) \dots (2n-2\lambda +2) ##​
is equal to
## \dfrac {2^n (n!)} {(n-\lambda)!} ##​

Actually, it looks to me as if that last expression should be ## \dfrac {2^\lambda (n!)} {(n-\lambda)!} ## .

Try expanding ## \dfrac { (n!)} {(n-\lambda)!} ## and see what you get.

Added in Edit :

How many terms are in ## (2n) ,~ (2n-2),~(2n-4),~ \dots ,~ (2n-2\lambda +2) ~?##

(& fixed a typo)


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  • #4

I can't see where the (2n)(2n-2)... term is coming from, and then from the solutions, I don't see how we go from line 2 to 3.

So, this final question has not gone well... at all ha! So there's some very key thing in my understanding that I'm missing here, as my original attempt above indicates


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  • #5
CricK0es said:
I can't see where the (2n)(2n-2)... term is coming from ...
If series confuse you, I recommend that you write out a few terms and see how things go together.

The series is ##S(\rho)=a_0+a_2\rho^2+a_4\rho^4+\cdots+a_{2n-2}\rho^{2n-2}+ a_{2n}\rho^{2n}+\cdots##
For ##\lambda=1##,$$\frac{1}{\rho}\frac{\partial S(\rho)}{\partial \rho}=\frac{1}{\rho}(2a_2\rho^1+4a_4\rho^3+\cdots+(2n-2)a_{2n-2}\rho^{2n-2-1}+ 2na_{2n}\rho^{2n-1}+\cdots)\\=2a_2\rho^0+4a_4\rho^2+\cdots+(2n-2)a_{2n-2}\rho^{2n-4}+ 2na_{2n}\rho^{2n-2}+\cdots$$For ##\lambda=2##, take the first derivative of the above and divide by another ##\rho## because you have already divided by one when you did ##\lambda=1##. Thus,
$$\frac{1}{\rho^2}\frac{\partial^2 S(\rho)}{\partial \rho^2}=4\cdot 2a_4\rho^0+\cdots+(2n-2)(2n-4)a_{2n-2}\rho^{2n-6}+ 2n(2n-2)a_{2n}\rho^{2n-4}+\cdots$$See how it works? If not, do ##\lambda=3## in the same manner.
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  • #6
I realized I forgot to say thank you! I got it sorted!

FAQ: Derivative of a term within a sum

What is the derivative of a term within a sum?

The derivative of a term within a sum is the rate of change of that term with respect to the variable it is being differentiated with respect to. It is calculated by taking the derivative of each term individually and then adding them together.

How do you take the derivative of a term within a sum?

To take the derivative of a term within a sum, you first need to identify the variable you are differentiating with respect to. Then, you take the derivative of each term individually using the appropriate rules (such as the power rule or chain rule) and add them together.

Can a term within a sum have a constant as its coefficient?

Yes, a term within a sum can have a constant as its coefficient. In fact, a term with a constant coefficient can be treated as a separate term when taking the derivative, and the constant can be carried through the differentiation process.

Does the order of terms within a sum matter when taking the derivative?

Yes, the order of terms within a sum does matter when taking the derivative. This is because the derivative is a linear operator, meaning it follows the rules of addition and subtraction. Therefore, changing the order of terms within a sum will result in a different derivative.

Can the derivative of a term within a sum be simplified?

Yes, the derivative of a term within a sum can be simplified. This is often done by combining like terms and factoring out any common factors. However, it is important to note that the simplified form may not always be equivalent to the original derivative.

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