Derivative of e^x[(3x+2)/3x^(1/3)]

  • Thread starter LearninDaMath
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In summary: Wait a minute! Now I see...I did that because the x^(1/3) would cancel out, but then I still have a -4 and I have to subtract 1 from the exponent...So when I did the fraction form, I had to bring the 9 from the denominator to the numerator, and then I did the derivative correctly.And now I see that I have to bring the 9 from the denominator to the numerator and then subtract 1 from the exponent.So now I get the correct answer of:e^{x}\left(9x^{2/3}+12x^{-1/3}-2x^{-4/3}\right) which simplifies to:f"(
  • #1

Homework Statement

original equation: f(x) = x[itex]^{2/3}[/itex]e[itex]^{x}[/itex]

first derivative: f'(x) = e^x[(3x+2)/3x^(-1/3)]

second derivative f"(x) = e^x[(9x^2 + 12x - 2)/9x^(4/3)]

Homework Equations

So far, I'm right here in the second derivative:

f"(x) e^x[(9x^2/3+12x^(-1/3)-2x^(-4/3)]

But I don't know how to get it into this final form:

f"(x) = e^x[(9x^2 + 12x - 2)/9x^(4/3)]

I am thinking I need to factor out an x to some power, but I don't know which power.

I know I'm supposed to factor out the smallest exponent, but does that mean the absolute smallest exponent, or the smallest in terms of the number furthest to the left on the number line?

In otherwords, do I factor out x^(-1/3) or x^(-4/3) ? And by factoring out one of these terms, am I heading in the right direction to that final second derivative form?


I should specify that my question is in regard to getting from the first derivative to the second derivative. That's where I'm getting stuck. I can get the derivative, but not into the simplified I posted.
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Physics news on
  • #2
LearninDaMath said:

Homework Statement

original equation: f(x) = x[itex]^{2/3}[/itex]e[itex]^{x}[/itex]

first derivative: f'(x) = e^x[(3x+2)/3x^(-1/3)]
If you mean this:
[tex]f'(x) = e^x \left( \frac{3x+2}{3x^{-1/3}} \right)[/tex]
... then you have a small error. There shouldn't be a negative in the exponent in the denominator.

EDIT: I see that there is no negative in the thread title.
I wouldn't change the 1st derivative into fraction form. I would go from this step (which is the 1st derivative):
[itex]x^{2/3} e^x + \frac{2}{3}x^{-1/3} e^x[/itex]
and use the product rule twice. Then rearrange into fraction form.
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  • #3
Disregard my previous post. I shouldn't be posting when I'm a little tipsy. :smile:

LearninDaMath said:
f"(x) e^x[(9x^2/3+12x^(-1/3)-2x^(-4/3)]
Can you show all steps to get to the above? What I have is a little different. (The coefficients I have are fractions.)
  • #4
Aw dang man, I completely wrote that exponent incorrectly in the message. Should be as written in the title. My bad on that mistake.

These are the steps I used to to get where I got:

[tex]f'(x) = e^x \left( \frac{3x+2}{3x^{1/3}} \right)[/tex]


Then I used Foil Method


Then product rule


Then got


I think its just a matter of a few more steps to get:

[tex]f'(x) = e^x \left( \frac{9x^{2}+12x-2}{9x^{4/3}} \right)[/tex]

I'm trying to figure out if its a matter of factoring out another term, but no terms seem like they would give me a 9 for the denominator, so I must have done something wrong maybe
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  • #5
hold on..I think i know what i did wrong here...

From the very first step, I brought the 3 from the denominator to the numerator when maybe I should have only brought the x^(1/3) to the numerator?

Could I have instead written:



Okay so now that I took the derivative after the correction, I get:



Okay and now I multiplied everything in the parenthesis by 9 to cancel out the denominators and I get:


But since I mutiplied everything inside the parenthesis by nine, I also have to multiply everything outside the parenthesis by nine also, right?

So it should look like this?


Then to factor out an x to some power... "conveniently" back to my original point of confusion lol...isn't math beautiful lol...

Now, I am trying to figure out what exact concept/definition of smallest exponent I need to think about when factoring out negative exponents. Should it be the smallest, as in absolute value smallest, which would be x^(-1/3) or smallest, as in furthest in the negative direction on a number line, which would be x^(-4/3).

Well, since I see the end answer has an x^(4/3) at the bottom, I am going to say B) the furthest to the left on the number line is the exponent to be factored out.

So factoring that out, I end up with

the final form!

If you hadn't told me you had gotten a different form and to rewrite my steps, I never would have noticed my mistake.
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  • #6
LearninDaMath said:
Okay so now that I took the derivative after the correction, I get:



Okay and now I multiplied everything in the parenthesis by 9 to cancel out the denominators and I get:


But since I mutiplied everything inside the parenthesis by nine, I also have to multiply everything outside the parenthesis by nine also, right?

So it should look like this?

No! It's 1/9!

LearninDaMath said:
Now, I am trying to figure out what exact concept/definition of smallest exponent I need to think about when factoring out negative exponents. Should it be the smallest, as in absolute value smallest, which would be x^(-1/3) or smallest, as in furthest in the negative direction on a number line, which would be x^(-4/3).

Well, since I see the end answer has an x^(4/3) at the bottom, I am going to say B) the furthest to the left on the number line is the exponent to be factored out.

So factoring that out, I end up with

the final form!
Not sure how! You would have a 9 in the numerator instead of the denominator.

FAQ: Derivative of e^x[(3x+2)/3x^(1/3)]

What is the derivative of e^x[(3x+2)/3x^(1/3)]?

The derivative of e^x[(3x+2)/3x^(1/3)] is e^x[(6x^(2/3)-2)/9x^(2/3)]. This can be found by using the product rule and chain rule in calculus.

How do you find the derivative of e^x[(3x+2)/3x^(1/3)]?

To find the derivative of e^x[(3x+2)/3x^(1/3)], you will need to apply the product rule and chain rule in calculus. This involves finding the derivative of e^x and the derivative of (3x+2)/3x^(1/3) separately, and then multiplying them together.

What is the purpose of finding the derivative of e^x[(3x+2)/3x^(1/3)]?

The purpose of finding the derivative of e^x[(3x+2)/3x^(1/3)] is to determine the rate of change of this function at any given point. This can be useful in various applications, such as optimization problems or predicting the behavior of a system.

Can the derivative of e^x[(3x+2)/3x^(1/3)] be simplified?

Yes, the derivative of e^x[(3x+2)/3x^(1/3)] can be simplified to e^x[(6x^(2/3)-2)/9x^(2/3)]. However, it is up to the individual to determine whether this is a simpler form or not.

Are there any other ways to express the derivative of e^x[(3x+2)/3x^(1/3)]?

Yes, the derivative of e^x[(3x+2)/3x^(1/3)] can also be written as e^x(1+2x^(2/3))/(3x^(2/3)). This form may be more useful in certain situations, such as when solving integrals.
