Derivatives Chain Rule question

In summary, the question is asking for the rate of change of the volume of a cylinder with respect to time. The volume of a cylinder is given by V = πr^2h, where r is the radius and h is the height. Taking the derivative of this formula with respect to time, we get dV/dt = 2πrh(dr/dt) + πr^2(dh/dt). From the given values of r and h, we can find the values of dr/dt and dh/dt and plug them into the equation to calculate the rate of change of the volume.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

i have no idea where to begin and my textbook doesn't have any examples that look like this question..
can someone give me hints?
whats the equation that l=10m after some time t, if it reduces by 0.031m/h ?
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  • #2
Why didn't you fill in the dl/dt space? Given you filled in V=l^3 correctly, what's dV/dl? Then use the rest of the formula for dV/dt. The homework is really guiding you through the whole thing.
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  • #3
Dick said:
Why didn't you fill in the dl/dt space? Given you filled in V=l^3 correctly, what's dV/dl? Then use the rest of the formula for dV/dt. The homework is really guiding you through the whole thing.

whats dl ? 0.031m ?
and dt = 1h ?

would dV be 3l^2 ?
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  • #4
Yes, and yes.
  • #5
whats dl ? 0.031m ?
and dt = 1h ?

would dV be 3l^2 ?

if yes..
for the last part i get 9.3...
becasue (3*10^2)/1 + 0.031 = 9.3
  • #6
Slimsta said:
whats dl ? 0.031m ?
and dt = 1h ?

would dV be 3l^2 ?
Not quite. If V = l3, then dV = dV/dl * dl = 3l2 * dl.

There is a whole lot of approximation going on in this problem that seems to be completely glossed over. This is not a complaint about what you are doing, but rather, how the problem is being presented.

You might recall reading that the differentials in dy/dx (or in this case dV/dl) are "infinitesimally small numbers" that are just about indistinguishable from zero.

The equation dV = 3l2*dl is exactly correct. In this problem you don't really have dl; instead you have [itex]\Delta l[/itex], which is not anywhere close to zero. Using [itex]\Delta l[/itex], the goal of this problem is to use derivatives to approximate [itex]\Delta V[/itex].

The real equation is
[itex]\Delta V[/itex] [itex]\approx[/itex] dV = 3l2*dl [itex]\approx[/itex] 3l2*[itex]\Delta l[/itex]. If [itex]\Delta l[/itex] is reasonably small, the approximation will be fairly good. In practice, if [itex]\Delta l[/itex] is a small fraction of l, the approximation will probably be good enough.
Slimsta said:
if yes..
for the last part i get 9.3...
becasue (3*10^2)/1 + 0.031 = 9.3
You probably know what you mean, but you aren't writing what you mean. If you want to divide by 1 + 0.031, you need parentheses around it. Otherwise the expression above would be interpreted as 300/1 + 0.031 = 300.031.

On the other hand, even if you mean to divide by 1.031, how in the world do you get 9.3 out of 300/1.031?
  • #7
I see no approximation at all here- except for references by Slimsta about "dl" when he should be referring to dl/dt. No, dV is NOT "3l2". In terms of "differentials", which I see no need to use here, dV= 3l2dl- and the "dl" is important.

Am I missing something? Mark44 says, "the goal of this problem is to approximate [itex]\Delta V[/itex]" and I see no reference to [itex]Delta V[/itex] in the problem.

Slimsta, do you understand that, the way the derivative is normally defined, "dl/dt" (as well as dV/dl and dV/dt) are NOT fractions? You need to be careful about that. You typically can treat derivatives as if they were fractions but taking that too literally can be dangerous.

Since V= l3, dV/dl= 3l2 and you are told that dl/dt= -3.1. Okay, when l= 10, what is dV/dl? What is dV/dt= (dV/dl)(dl/dt)?

I am also a little uncomfortable with talking about the differentials as "infinitesmally small numbers". That certainly can be done, but just defining "infinitesmally small" requires some very deep math and I think you are better of defining the derivative in terms of the limit as is normally done.
  • #8
I should have said, "the apparent goal of this problem is to approximate [itex]\Delta V[/itex]"
  • #9
HallsofIvy said:
I see no approximation at all here- except for references by Slimsta about "dl" when he should be referring to dl/dt. No, dV is NOT "3l2". In terms of "differentials", which I see no need to use here, dV= 3l2dl- and the "dl" is important.

Am I missing something? Mark44 says, "the goal of this problem is to approximate [itex]\Delta V[/itex]" and I see no reference to [itex]Delta V[/itex] in the problem.

Slimsta, do you understand that, the way the derivative is normally defined, "dl/dt" (as well as dV/dl and dV/dt) are NOT fractions? You need to be careful about that. You typically can treat derivatives as if they were fractions but taking that too literally can be dangerous.

Since V= l3, dV/dl= 3l2 and you are told that dl/dt= -3.1. Okay, when l= 10, what is dV/dl? What is dV/dt= (dV/dl)(dl/dt)?

I am also a little uncomfortable with talking about the differentials as "infinitesmally small numbers". That certainly can be done, but just defining "infinitesmally small" requires some very deep math and I think you are better of defining the derivative in terms of the limit as is normally done.

okay so now i understand the concept of the question.
V= l3
dV/dl= 3l2 --> l=10 --> 3*102 = 300
dl/dt= -3.1 cm/h = -.031 m/h

dV/dt= (dV/dl)(dl/dt) = 300 * (-.031) = -9.3

sick! i get it... woohoo.
thanks guys!
  • #10
i got another question that is similar to this one but a bit more complicated.
i got everything up to the dy/dt
in the last question i had the equation of the cube and from there i took the derivative of it.. here there is no equation.
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FAQ: Derivatives Chain Rule question

1. What is the chain rule for derivatives?

The chain rule for derivatives is a method for finding the derivative of a composite function. It states that the derivative of a composite function is equal to the derivative of the outer function, multiplied by the derivative of the inner function.

2. How do you apply the chain rule to find derivatives?

To apply the chain rule, you need to first identify the inner and outer functions. Then, take the derivative of the outer function and multiply it by the derivative of the inner function. You may need to use the product rule or quotient rule as well, depending on the complexity of the function.

3. Can you give an example of applying the chain rule to find a derivative?

Sure, let's say we have the function f(x) = (x^2 + 3)^3. The inner function is x^2 + 3 and the outer function is ( )^3. Using the chain rule, we would first find the derivative of the outer function, which is 3(x^2 + 3)^2. Then, we multiply it by the derivative of the inner function, which is 2x. So the final derivative is 6x(x^2 + 3)^2.

4. When do you use the chain rule in calculus?

The chain rule is used when finding the derivative of a composite function, where the input of one function is the output of another. It is also used when finding the derivatives of trigonometric, exponential, and logarithmic functions.

5. Are there any common mistakes to avoid when using the chain rule?

Yes, some common mistakes when using the chain rule include forgetting to take the derivative of the outer function, not using the product or quotient rule when necessary, and not properly identifying the inner and outer functions. It is important to carefully follow the steps and double check your work when applying the chain rule.

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