Derivatives in an Atwood Machine

In summary, The conversation involves a student seeking clarification on a solution for a given equation. The solution provided contains \dot{x}\ddot{x} instead of just \ddot{x}, and the student questions if this is due to the chain rule. The conversation then shifts to discussing the derivative of U(t), with the final conclusion that \frac{dU^n}{dt} = nU^{n-1}\frac{dU}{dt}.
  • #1

Homework Statement

I have the professor's solutions for a homework we handed in. There is a part that is confusing me. We have the following equation:

$$E = \frac{1}{2}(m_1 + m_2)\dot{x}^2-(m_1-m_2)gx$$

Homework Equations

We want to find: $$dE/dt = 0$$

The Attempt at a Solution

The solution says the correct answer is:

$$dE/dt = 0 = (m_1 + m_2)\dot{x}_1\ddot{x}_1 - g(m_1-m_2)\dot{x}_1$$

Why does it contain [itex]\dot{x}\ddot{x}[/itex] instead of just [itex]\ddot{x}[/itex]?

Is it because of the chain rule?

Physics news on
  • #2
For any function U(t), what is [itex]\frac{dU^2}{dt}[/itex]?

[itex]\dot{x}[/itex] is a function of t.
  • #3
So then it's just

$$ \frac{dU^2}{dU}\frac{dU}{dt} = 2U\dot{U}$$ ?
  • #4
henryd said:
So then it's just

$$ \frac{dU^2}{dU}\frac{dU}{dt} = 2U\dot{U}$$ ?

That doesn't quite work, because [itex]\dot{U} \equiv \frac{dU}{dt}[/itex]

Try [itex]\frac{dU^n}{dt} = nU^{n-1}\frac{dU}{dt}[/itex]
  • #5

Yes, the use of $\dot{x}\ddot{x}$ instead of just $\ddot{x}$ is due to the chain rule. In this case, the energy equation contains a term with both $\dot{x}$ and $x$, so when taking the derivative with respect to time, we must use the chain rule to account for the change in both variables. This results in the use of $\dot{x}\ddot{x}$ in the final expression.

FAQ: Derivatives in an Atwood Machine

1. What is an Atwood Machine?

An Atwood Machine is a simple physics apparatus consisting of two masses connected by a string or rope that passes over a pulley. It is used to demonstrate the principles of Newton's laws of motion and conservation of energy.

2. How do derivatives relate to an Atwood Machine?

Derivatives are mathematical tools used to calculate the rate of change of a variable. In an Atwood Machine, derivatives are used to determine the acceleration of the masses, which is directly related to the forces acting on them.

3. What is the role of gravity in an Atwood Machine?

Gravity plays a crucial role in the functioning of an Atwood Machine. It is the force that pulls the masses towards the ground, creating a tension in the string and causing the masses to accelerate.

4. How do you calculate the acceleration of an Atwood Machine?

The acceleration of an Atwood Machine can be calculated using the formula a = (m2 - m1)g/(m1 + m2), where m1 and m2 are the masses and g is the acceleration due to gravity. This formula takes into account the forces acting on the masses and their respective masses.

5. Can derivatives be used to improve the efficiency of an Atwood Machine?

Yes, derivatives can be used to optimize the design and performance of an Atwood Machine. By analyzing the derivative of the acceleration with respect to the masses, one can determine the optimal mass ratio for the machine to achieve maximum efficiency.
