Derive KE of rotating ring and disk

In summary, the ring's kinetic energy is integral of 0.5v2dm. Distance X is rΘ, and Θ is defined as distance traveled/radius, so X is r*distance traveled / r. Velocity V is X divided by time, so V is r*distance traveled / rt, and I define omega w as distance traveled / rt. Plugging into integral of 0.5v2dm, I get 0.5(r*distance traveled / rt)2dm, and I get 0.5mr2(distance traveled2/r2t2), which is equal to 0.5mr2w2. I find that my KE of the ring is 0.5
  • #1
<Mentor's note: Moved from a technical forum and thus no template.>

A ring's kinetic energy is integral of 0.5v2 dm. Distance X is rΘ, and Θ is defined as distance traveled/radius, so X is r*distance traveled / r. Velocity V is X divided by time, so V is r*distance traveled / rt, and I define omega w as distance traveled / rt.

Plugging into integral of 0.5v2dm, I get 0.5(r*distance traveled / rt)2dm, and I get 0.5mr2(distance traveled2/r2t2), which is equal to 0.5mr2w2.

I find that my KE of the ring is 0.5mr2w2.

For the approach to a disk, I can add the kinetic energy of concentric rings.

So KE of ring is 0.5mr2w2, and w is distance traveled / rt, so I get 0.5mr2(distance traveled2/r2t2). Canceling the r2 gives me 0.5m(distance traveled2/t2). Integrating this from radius of 0 to r gives me 0.5mr(distance traveled2/t2).

If I multiply by r2/r2, I get 0.5mr*r2(distance traveled2/t2r2), and (distance traveled2/t2r2) is w2, so my KE of the disk is 0.5mr3w2.

Is this correct?
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  • #2
You are close, but not quite right. I believe the answer should be (pi)(w^2)(area-density)(r^3)/(4). By the way, someone should check that, I often make algebra mistakes. So you're first step is right on. The KE = 1/2mv^2, or the integral of 1/2v^2*dm. Velocity, for a rotating bit of mass, equals omega (w) times the radius r, so we can replace v^2 with w^2*r^2. Now, what is dm? Well, it's an infinitesimal bit of mass. I think the easiest way to think of this is to say that it's the mass of a infinitely skinny ring a radius r away from the center of rotation. That ring has a thickness of dr, and a length )if you laid it out straight) of 2*pi*r*dr. So the mass of that ring is the density per unit area, which I'll call k, times the little tiny area, 2pi*r*dr.

So our integral is now 2*pi*r*k*w^2*r^2*.5*dr, or simplifying things, pi*k*w^2*r^3 dr. Integrate that from 0 to R, and we get (pi*w^2*k*R^4)/(4)
  • #3
Oh, I see. I need to add up areas, not lines, to get the final area.
  • #4
exactly. The main skill in doing integrals like that is to accurately find your infinitesimal quantity. It might be a tiny force or a tiny mass or a tiny length, but it can't be zero. It just has to approach zero. That's why it's so helpful to think of integrals first as Riemann sums, where we approximate a value by adding up lots of small subdivisions.
  • #5
Yeah, what threw me off was that I'm too used to doing integrals of y(x) functions that I forget dx is the little width of each piece and eventually it just became embedded in my mind that I was adding up little lines to get area, when actually I was adding up little areas to get area under the curve.
  • #6
The way that calculus generalizes to other things is incredibly cool. When you get a chance, make sure you learn multi-variable calculus and stuff like that. Triple integrals and unit conversions are so fun.
  • #7
Yeah, I've gone through all of that, but it's been awhile since I've done it so I forgot some stuff.


FAQ: Derive KE of rotating ring and disk

1. How do you calculate the kinetic energy of a rotating ring and disk?

To calculate the kinetic energy of a rotating ring and disk, you can use the formula KE = 1/2 * I * w^2, where KE is the kinetic energy, I is the moment of inertia, and w is the angular velocity.

2. What is the difference between the moment of inertia of a ring and a disk?

The moment of inertia of a ring and a disk is different because they have different distributions of mass. A disk has a higher moment of inertia compared to a ring because it has more mass concentrated at a greater distance from the axis of rotation.

3. How does the kinetic energy of a rotating ring and disk change with angular velocity?

The kinetic energy of a rotating ring and disk is directly proportional to the square of the angular velocity. This means that as the angular velocity increases, the kinetic energy also increases at a faster rate.

4. Can you derive the formula for kinetic energy of a rotating ring and disk?

Yes, the formula for the kinetic energy of a rotating ring and disk can be derived using the basic principles of rotational motion and the definition of kinetic energy. The derivation involves integrating the kinetic energy of infinitesimal elements of the ring and disk.

5. How is the rotational kinetic energy of a ring and disk related to its linear kinetic energy?

The rotational kinetic energy of a ring and disk is different from its linear kinetic energy because it takes into account the distribution of mass around the axis of rotation. However, the total kinetic energy of a rotating ring and disk is equal to the sum of its rotational and linear kinetic energies.

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